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1、.,定语从句专项练习,高三英语一轮复习导学方案之十一,诊断情况反馈,一.突出问题,二.学习建议,诊断练习讲评,(一)词汇部分 1. 用persuade的适当形式填空。 1.Advertisements often provide information and use _ language and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea. 2.I made him change his mind by _, not by force.,persuasive,per

2、suasion,3. He _ me into lending him all my savings. 4.I _ him that he was mistaken.,诊断练习讲评,persuaded,persuaded,师生共同总结,说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth. = persuade/talk sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人不做某事 persuade /talk sb. out of doing sth. = persuade sb. not to do sth.,联想:trick sb. Into doing sth.,persuasive

3、 adj. 劝导性的,有说服力的 e.g.:A good politician must be a persuasive speaker. 【拓展】 劝说多用 try to persuade to do sth. =advise sb. to do sth. 【回顾】,师生共同总结,attempt / manage用法,诊断练习补偿,1. Alice trusts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea. A. suggest B. attract C. attempt D. persuade 2.There is nothing

4、 more I can try you to stay , so I wish you good luck. A. being persuaded B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade,D,D,2. 用satisfy的适当形式完成下列句子: I _ _ _(非常满意)the advertisements he has made. If you dont _(满足)one of the conditions, you cant become a member of our club. _ _ _ (令我感到满意的是), there are

5、 more and more PSAs to teach us how to live healthy lives on TV.and some websites.,诊断练习讲评,am satisfied with,satisfy,To my satisfaction,4. Our latest publication seems to be _ ( 令人满意的). 5. All of us said _ _ (满意地)the book recommendation is available. 6.For him, what he has done is _ _ _ (很不满意).,诊断练习讲

6、评,satisfactory,with satisfaction,far from satisfactory,师生共同总结,satisfy sb. satisfy ones demands satisfy the conditions satisfy ones curiosity,满足某人,满足某人的需要,满足条件,满足某人的好奇,satisfy vt.,satisfied adj.满足的,满意的被修饰名词本身发出此情感信息 satisfying adj. 令人满足的, 令人满意的,【拓展】情感类的使役性动词,express ones satisfaction with/at sth.with

7、 satisfaction to ones satisfaction =to the satisfaction of sb. far from satisfactory,师生共同总结,对表示满意,满意地,使某人满意的是,远非满意,诊断练习补偿,A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending , but the reader must not be left . unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to being unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied We had

8、 thought what we did _him. We had thought that we did_him. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfied D. satisfy,A,C,D,3. 将下列句子翻译成英文。 这家公司生产各种各样的家具。 那个国家以生产小型汽车而闻名。,诊断练习讲评,The company produces different kinds of furniture,The country is famous for the production of small cars .,诊断练习讲评,The production of

9、 the film cost twenty million US dollars., 这地方因生产乳品而出名。这部影片的摄制耗资二千万美元。,The place is known for its dairy produce.,produce product production,师生共同总结,v.生产 n.专指农产品,产品/生产物,产量;影视作品等,农场里生产的东西,如牛奶、土豆、羊毛,都是农产品。 Things _ on a farm, such as milk, potatoes, and wool, are _.,诊断练习补偿,produced,produce,南非的重要产物是金子和水果

10、。 Important _ of South Africa are fruit and gold. 我们的蛋产量近几个星期上升了。 The of _ eggs has increased in the last few weeks. 4 这本行政改革的书是作者的最新作品。 This book on political history is the writers latest _.,products,production,production,诊断练习补偿,4. 用connect/join/unite的适当形式填空: There was no evidence that she was _ w

11、ith the crime. When you read the ad, you often feel good about their nice comment and remember the words“freshest food”and _ them to the food in the supermarket. The two towns _ by a railway.,诊断练习讲评,connected,connect,are connected/are united, _ the two roads up, we can easily get to the faraway vill

12、age by car. The tape recorder _ to a loudersperker. Our town is _ with the neighboring town.,诊断练习讲评,Joining,is joined/is connected,connected/united,connect vt. 统一vt. 团结,师生共同总结,5. 用recommend适当形式完成下列句子: I should _ (建议) you to be careful. The committee _ _ (建议提高) the age to twenty-one. The publisher re

13、commended that readers _ _ (不要相信) the writers unique way of thinking and imagination,诊断练习讲评,recommend,recommended raising,not believe,Can you _ _ _ _ _ _(推荐给我几本书看)? He made a _(推荐)that the offer of 5% _ _ _ (应予拒绝).,诊断练习讲评,recommend me some books to read,recommendation (should)be rejected,师生共同总结,reco

14、mmend的用法是: recommend sth. to sb. = recommend sb. sth.; recommend sb. as ; recommend doing sth.; recommend sb. to do sth.; recommend + that从句 ,用虚拟语气(should)+ 动词原形 made a recommendation that 同位语从句用虚拟语气(should)+ 动词原形,我推荐他一定能当个极好的会计。 I can recommend him _ an extremely good_. 你给我介绍一本好的小说行吗? Can you _? 我劝你不要孤身一人到那里去。 I wouldnt recommend you _ there alone.,



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