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1、商务跨文化交际,云南大学 英语系 杨汨,杨汨 15812147016 (message) ,第一章 基础知识,Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet . John F .Kennedy,Text A: The Nature of Culture 文化像什么?,1. Culture is like an iceberg. 冰山2. Culture is our software. 软件3. Culture is like the water for a fish. 鱼和水4. Culture is the gra

2、mmar of our behavior. 语法,1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg,2. Culture Is Our Software,3. Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In,What does a white sari symbolize in India? And in the West?(白色在不同文化有什么差异?),CUSTOMS: WHITE DRESS?,WHAT DO THEY REPRESENT?,SYMBOLS 象征着什么,CONCLUSION: CULTURE IS A MANS SECOND N

3、ATUREA WAY OF OVERCOMING VULNERABILITYACQUIRED THROUGH SOCIALIZATIONTHUS, MAN IS THE PRODUCER OF CULTURE AND THE PRODUCT OF CULTURE,成龙代表中国文化吗?,JACKY CHEN,文化与交际 Culture and Communication,它们的关系像旅行者和地图?,If possible, interview a foreign visitor to your country. 遇见外国人,他们爱看昆明的什么?,a. International communic

4、ation,非常仪式化和正式.,United Nations Conference,b. Interethnic communication,各民族间的,c. Interracial communication,各种族间的 非常敏感,d. Intracultural communication,非常和谐?,跨文化交际障碍出现的原因,1. Anxiety and Uncertainty 焦虑,Activity: Questionnaire for the Assessment of Anxiety and UncertaintyThe purpose of this questionnaire

5、is to help you assess the amount of anxiety and uncertainty you generally experience when you communicate with strangers: (Note. You can determine the amount of anxiety and uncertainty you experience when communicating with the “strangers“ in each of the statements.) Respond to each statement by ind

6、icating the degree to which the adjectives are applicable when you interact with strangers. If you never have the experience, answer 1 in the space provided; if you almost never have the experience, answer 2; if you sometimes have the experience and sometimes do not, answer 3; if you almost always h

7、ave the experience, answer 4; if you always have the experience, answer 5. (1) I am not confident when I communicate with strangers.(2) I can interpret strangers behavior when we communicate.(3) I am indecisive when I communicate with strangers.(4) I can explain strangers behavior when we communicat

8、e.(5) I am notable to understand strangers when we communicate.(6) I know what to do when I communicate with strangers.(7) I am uncertain how to behave when I communicate with strangers.(8) I can comprehend strangers behavior when we communicate.(9) I am not able to predict strangers behavior when w

9、e communicate.(10) I can describe strangers behavior when we communicate.To find your scores, first reverse the responses for the even-numbered items (if you wrote 1, make it 5; if you wrote 2, make it 4; if you wrote 3, leave it as 3; if you wrote 4, make it 2; if you wrote 5, make it 1). Next, add

10、 the numbers next to each of the items. Scores range from 10 to 50. The higher your score, the more anxiety and uncertainty you experience when interacting with others.Source: Adapted from W. B. Gudykunst, Bridging Differences, copyright 1994 by Sage Publications. Reprinted by permission of Sage Pub

11、lications.,2. Assuming Similarity Instead of Difference 想当然,A Danish Woman in New York,What can the following two pictures tell us?,We are more alike than unlike . 猫猫和虎虎相似吗?,Attitudinal Problems as Barriers to Intercultural Communication,你会遇到的问题 已经了吗?,1. Ethnocentrism民族中心主义 2. Stereotyping定势思维 3. Pr

12、ejudice偏见 4. Racism种族主义,Attitudinal Problems Include:,1. 民族中心主义 Ethnocentrism,Most other cultures are backward compared with my culture. My culture should be the role model for other cultures. Other cultures should try to be more like my culture. Most people from other cultures just dont know whats

13、good for them. I have little respect for the values and customs of other cultures. Most people would be happier if they lived like people in my culture. People in my culture have just about the best lifestyles of anywhere. Lifestyles in other cultures are not as valid as those in my culture. I do no

14、t cooperate with people who are different. I do not trust people who are different. I dislike interacting with people from different cultures. Other cultures are smart to look up to my culture. Other people are much the same as my people. Our way of doing things is the only right way.,2.定式思维 Stereot

15、yping,What opposing stereotypes do these two images refer to? 下面的图让你想到?,3.偏见 Prejudice,Activity: Expressing Opinions 女强人?女强盗? What do you think of women in power?,4. 种族主义Racism,Activity: Reflection 你怕黑人吗?,What do you think of the following pictures?,翻译上面的趣事, Pre-reading Task:,motel,lucky dog,landlor

16、d,as wise as an owl,嫦娥奔月,狗仗人势,集体主义,四小龙,Translate the following items:,Group 1: yellow-bellied yellow streak Group 2: break a leg read between the lines hold your horses raining cats and dogs,Group 3: plan a table table a planbook a place place a booklift a thumb thumb a lift,Translate the following items:,Group 4: motel parliament Thanksgiving炕 太极 文化大革命,



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