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1、,Cartoon animation and comics are referred to with the abbreviation.It is very popular in Japan and gradually it becomes a cultural fashion.Generally speaking,anime always refers to Japanese animation when it is mentioned. The word anime firstly came up into the people horizon in the 1998 when China

2、s first animation magazine ,ANIME COMIC TIMES,invented. Since then,anime is popularized and gradually accepted by more and more people.The animation is made to deliver those which are lifeless and heartless with emotional impact and human action.Among the whole world,the USA and Japan are the larges

3、t producers of animation.In the history of animation,many people made great contributions to its development,such as,下川凹天,北山清太郎,幸内纯一,宫崎骏,鸟山明,高桥留美子,尾田荣一郎,岸本齐史,井上雄彦,富坚义博,青山刚昌 and so on.Also,there are some excellent chinese caricaturists,such as,胡蓉,夏达,猫小乐and so on.,the origin of animation,But ,as we kn

4、ow,the animation technology of China is far benihd that of Japan animation.Then where does the gap line between chinese animation and Japanese animation ?And what are those blocks against the development of chinese animation? Though chinese animation began quietly early ,our government doesnt pay en

5、ough attention to it ,as a consequence of which ,animation technology either stagnates or shrinks.We are short of innovation.Those mere outsourcing ,imitation or offshore production that are not supported by IPRS and not competitive do not fall in this scope.Our immature market circumstances.The lim

6、ited target.The lack of money and talent.The half-baked animation industry chain.,what is the missing domestic animation?,Emotion Science fiction Blood inspiration Humorous Adventure Loli Campus Action Zeroonline Tanbi War ,anime style,chinese animation,The animation we pursue together those years,热血。,动漫中的大神们,盘点动漫中那些强大的女神,adorable,beauty,Sha,皆川纯子 甲斐田雪 坂本真绫 斋贺弥月 绪方惠美 朴璐美 高山南 竹内顺子 钉宫理惠 小林苗沙 田中真宫,seiyuu,thank you,



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