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1、,医学英语句子理解,语法,1. In controlling malaria we consider it most effective to eliminate mosquitoes. 误译 在控制疟疾中,我们认为它对消灭蚊子极为重要。 正译 我们认为消灭蚊子对控制疟疾极为重要。 说明 上句中的代词it在语法上起形式宾语的作用,它代替作真实宾语的不定式to eliminate it 与形容词most effective(宾语补足语)一起构成复合宾语。形式宾语it一般不需译出,误译中把it译为“它”属指代不明,主要是由于不了解it的语法功能所致。,2,语法,误译 一个带着孩子的妇女到医院就诊。

2、正译 一位孕妇到医院就诊。说明 with child义为“怀着胎儿”,with a child才是“带着孩子”。,3,2. A woman with child came to the hospital to seek medical help.,语法,3. The complaints of the patient did not answer to the proper manifestations of the disease.manifestation:表示,显示 Objective: To study and analyze the MRI manifestation of mili

3、ary栗粒状的 tuberculosis of the brain. 目的:总结和分析粟粒性脑结核病的MRI表现特点误译 病人的主诉没有回答此病的适当表现。正译 病人的主诉不符合此病的应有的表现。说明 answer作“回答”解一般为及物动词,直接宾语,answer to应作“符合”、“适合”解。,4,尊重汉语习惯,1.That the adrenal dri:nl glands肾上腺play some part in the disease process is suggested by the therapeutic benefit in regard to pain and stiffne

4、ss in joints which follows treatment by cortisone可的松,原译 肾上腺参与本病过程被使用可的松治疗后关节疼痛和强直得到改善这一事实所提示。 改译 用可的松治疗后,关节疼痛和强直得到改善,这就提示肾上腺参与本病的过程。 说明 本句语法上为主从复合句,主句结构是 is suggested by ,前为that引导的主语从句,后有which引导的宾语从句(修饰名词benefit)。虽然原译是按这一语法结构所译, 但如前所述不敢突破原文语法结构,一味按英语格式硬译,反而使译文读来拗口,意思不明,改译后的译文根据汉语习惯事理先后,重组句子结构,通顺明了。,

5、5,主语和主谓关系,1. The appetite generally remains good, but fear of the pain may prevent adequate intake with loss of weight.误译 食欲一般尚好,但由于惧怕疼痛,有碍进足量的食物,而造成体重减轻。正译 食欲一般尚好,但由于患者惧怕疼痛,不能摄入足量的食物,以致体重减轻。,6,逻辑和褒贬,1. The article reviews the medical literature and describes two children with aspirin hepatitis. 误译文

6、章回顾了医学文献并报告两例阿司匹林肝炎的儿童。 正译文章回顾了有关医学文献并报告两例儿童阿司匹林肝炎。 说明 “报告两例儿童”逻辑上欠通,应该说“报告两例肝炎”才对。,7,具体化与抽象化,1. Appendicitis pendsats is most common in the second and third decades of life. 原译 阑尾炎最常见于生命的第二和第三个十年。 改译 阑尾炎最常见于11岁至30岁。(具体化),习语和成语,1. A doctors duty is to make every effort to save the dying and the help

7、 the wounded.原译 医生的任务就是尽一切力量挽救垂死者和帮助受伤者。改译 医生的任务就是尽一切力量救死扶伤。,9,习语和成语,2.With mild symptoms oxygen therapy may be more trouble than it is worth. 原译 有轻微症状时,氧疗可能是麻烦多于值得。 改译 症状轻微时,氧疗可能弊多利少(得不偿失)。,10,习语和成语,3. The patient was no more than skin and bone and was partly paralyzed. 原译 那病人只剩皮和骨头了,并部分瘫痪。 改译 患者皮包

8、骨头(或骨瘦如柴),并部分瘫痪。,11,习语和成语,4. Comparatively rare in Britain, tetanus is still a common disease and in some parts of the world it is one of chief, if not chief, killing bacterial disease.原译 破伤风在英国虽然比较罕见,但仍属常见病,在世界某些地区,破伤风的死亡率在致命的细菌性疾病中即使不是首屈一指也是名列前茅。改译 破伤风在英国虽然比较罕见,但仍属常见病,在世界某些地区,破伤风的死亡率之高在致命的细菌性疾病中是数

9、一数二的。,12,Figure out the meaning of these sentences,1. In such circumstances the patient may be agreeably but mistakenly encouraged as to his progress.2. Influenza has been with us a long, long time.3. Medical science, for the time being, has nothing to add by way of improvement on any of these remed

10、ies.4. Essential hypertension is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found.5. The skill of the surgeon leaves nothing to be desired.6. The disease may occur at both extremes of age.,想想下面的句子,1. In such circumstances the patient may be agreeably but mistakenly encourag

11、ed as to his progress. 原译 在这种情况下,病人可能对他的好转感到愉快而误会的鼓舞。 改译 在这种情况下,病人可能会误认为病情有所好转而感到欢欣鼓舞。 说明 原译文令人费解,误译的“愉快而误会的鼓舞”主要是因为译者拘泥于原文agreeably 和 mistakenly两个副词与动词encouraged的搭配关系。所以虽译出了原文的每个单词,但由于未能对某些词的词性作必要的转换,致使译文含义不清,不知所云。,想想下面的句子,2. Influenza has been with us a long, long time. 原译 流感和我们在一起已很久很久了。 改译 人类患流感

12、已有很长历史了。 3. Medical science, for the time being, has nothing to add by way of improvement on any of these remedies. 原译 医学科学目前还没有东西通过改进可加到这些治疗方法上去。 改译 目前,医学科学还未能对这些治疗方法作任何改进。,想想下面的句子,4. Essential hypertension原发性高血压is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found. 原译 原发性高血

13、压是给找不到原因的高血压类型的名称。 改译 原因不明的高血压称为原发性高血压 5. The skill of the surgeon leaves nothing to be desired. 原译 这位外科医生的技术没有留下什么可以被期望的。 改译 这位外科医生的技术高明极了。 说明 leave nothing to be desired义为 be perfect(完美无缺)leave much to be desired义为be very imperfect(极不完善)例如:The water supply of the city leaves much to be desired.(这一城市的供水情况极不完善。,想想下面的句子,6. The disease may occur at both extremes of age.原译 此病可发生于年龄的两极端。改译 此病可发生于老年和幼年。,


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