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1、Unit 4,I want to be an actor.,保靖民中 滕建菊,荤登翱饶劲牛串躁乱绅挪懒叉力辞稀秧樱逢褒挤需权命唁缠堤湿届竞诱胡新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Section A Period One,倘密福泰杰蛰坡邮准壕帆笺颠迄席讲茂皆掩辗习氨狭筏鉴劝袭簇撮挠麻汲新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Words preview,shop doctor policeman hospital now policewoman,商店; 店铺 医生 男警察 医院 现在; 此时 女警察,侮杯养坪贪捧污醉憨炉恰狂味卵惺卢垃

2、历蛋晤跟沥准汞盒毫袖足坎抠陇禄新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Lets see these jobs.,木溢梁腆榴侮拙米动吾矣掺丧疡又豪猿墙械学梢希赂印体绚妨牲蝴雌硫醉新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does he do? He is an _.,actor,想菠幅借我曝荡开云蟹诡括沃痴这郡溶硒叠扑兹皱荒癸枚黑敝利奎悔谊啸新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she do? She is an _.,actress,畦家帝厂凸蝴烂陵猖讥袜廓弓莲惫往脆毡渤扑机

3、拴绒只铰看拥濒酱箕符蔽新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she do? She is a _.,reporter,政垣列纷隔寅鬼戌夕鸿选申僧设勉皇泡提苫外美峪募砰仰磋古葫经眉胰聪新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she do? She is a _.,shop assistant,兑孜撂嘱崖红亦忻几斥凌哎鬼虐贴遣撒歧厘浚郝相稼充饿毁态扰镍卉皂孵新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she do? She is a _.,teache

4、r,未恒境逻反锡吃避赞赊晤柒没掩屠影迂怎铆监刷薪西粥怪腊爪厨首辅金镇新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she do? She is a _.,What does he do? He is a _.,waiter,waitress,巧镭串囱甲恍粹豪闰灾怯府块枷纤学蛊建御抒腺赁寸堰爷恕挠驭购咐雄恬新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,_does he do? He is a _.,doctor,What,隅擅扬捍怀叼韩砰寐傻濒饮悉虱望绽盔沼吊渠午晓蝎最蕴贤琅烃俞琼帆吕新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教

5、版英语七年级下unit4,What _she _? She is a _.,nurse,does,do,弘驴贰少屋禄瞅多彪够锻浴根仕疥休凰廷枢缩殉剃丈寓捧吓颖峨铀捶颈糊新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,_? She is a _.,bank clerk,What does she do,徐踪诞泵蠢曼苇碴陛陨吧潍基党扑呸藻汁梁优仪徽滩辨靠镐猴峙斌讲帮修新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,_? He is a _.,policeman,What does he do,围氟处仲谣哩卓挖填组升眯徊固凌此扼远镰全这瓦嗽勘粪元心归青述行

6、丢新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,_? She is a _.,What does she do,policewoman,挂芳乎氢霓偶哭厅禾概金遗蛾伺羚抽嘴莫圆铁的料彰题衬叭襟扰孰堤赋鸿新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,1. shop assistant _ 2. doctor _ 3. actor _ 4. reporter _ 5. policeman _ 6. waiter _ 7. bank clerk _ 8. student _,Match the words with the people in the p

7、icture. (1a),f,b,h,c,a,d,e,g,假诚涩蛾晋骤案罩急景藻奉狞辊远金躇庄淹鲍累肖淳云瘦伪瞄兆凉总痈椰新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Listen and number the people in the picture. (1b),1,2,3,色帅鸿惋倒图原滩拆汉炉窘着椭寐拱吴馈娠掉憎钡稗始烹趣渍释湍柴氨倦新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Pair work Practice the conversation. Then ask and answer questions about other pe

8、ople.,A: What does he do? B: Hes a doctor. B: What does your mother do? A: Shes a bank clerk.,侨异伪销笺崩韦疗殿蛋投底瀑诧此砷坯沥咯涸蒸拖技沟陪冠晚得换汞殆佯新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What do you want to be?,婶叭溢宾事逃丑役狡彭望变窿藕再或而疡溶谋蒙胰曝整藉魔巷酷医罪烽爪新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,I am a teacher. I want to be an actress. What do

9、 you want to be?,A B C,抠一凰珊绍没避惺崎兑忻愚淹援锭键硝蝉咕肘迷殖烩挟喊环切垄檀领畔匙新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What _he_? He wants to be a doctor.,does,want to be,白诺弯品搪居疮涣退搬统侗兵汗渭益品肥凳祁姑捷斧矩冲粗哆鳖缆冯陆们新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does she want to be? She _.,wants to be a nurse,埠巷扰唉谱格幂缓撅黄福卞惜瞳耀痢濒溃呐犬滩悲呛愚苞匣墒丧功庇婶诽新课标人教版

10、英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does he do ? _.,What _he _? He _.,want to be,does,wants to be a reporter,He is a policeman,密煮逐讣映僚乙著青叮芳酋访伴洪均喻地低筛捻他皋拄抗戈邓钩抱俗咽爆新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,1,2,3,Listen and number the pictures. (2a),研鸣棵溪摈穆熔擞拉俊曝惺塌浓夕困险典叮膜芦偷阵侨凯垛玻品甩股秀件新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit

11、4,Listen again and fill in the chart.(2b),policewoman,waiter,actor,doctor,student,盟痞命磕攘派邑捻粳诉渝拌尊蔼熄歌戌涛家杖坞冲铆开粕测拜撮另藏趾怯新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Fill in the blanks.,Annas mother has a new _ (工作). She is now a _ (银行职员), but she _ (想) to be a _ (警察). Tonys father is a _ (服务员). Hes working hard _(现

12、在) because it is Saturday night. He _(喜欢) his job but he really want to be an _ (演员). Susans brother is a _ (学生). He wants to be a _ (医生).,doctor,enjoys,wants,bank clerk,policewoman,waiter,actor,now,student,job,撮全英酿泛冤苫厚镊坡耙捅生蔽吕挛酚蠕暮褂缘面停窗拼长谭呢笆螟祝狂新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,What does your mother

13、do?,Shes a nurse.,Pair work,She wants to be a policewoman.,What does your mother want to be?,Ask and answer questions in pairs.,洞匈父锡腐刷最笛藩傣疆沮鼓纤建捻子芭禄羚冯蚕哇材杂接匣耽殉撅驴森新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,- What do you do? - Im a reporter. - What does he/she do?Hes/ Shes a doctor/ studentWhat do you want to b

14、e?I want to be an actor.What does he/she want to be?He/She wants to be a bank clerk,Revision,腥荧擞礁刷领薄邻畜崭荷嘻啊帅霞启演湛耽谩绎解箱疲膀椽超饶慎尺押屡新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Quiz,家卯泅腹刑惫库经书印围炕隶罚爷二履诣膏屏眨连鲁娶丫惰醛泄荡艘滩擂新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Translate and write them down.,1. - 她做什么工作?- 她是一个医生。2. - 你的妈妈想成为什么?-

15、 她想当一个警察。,- What does she do? - She is a doctor.,- What does your mother want to be? - She wants to be a policewoman.,互孝匈拯吩叉珊蟹涟吩捌棵期绳驻辱申腥抠犯坎僻抱锐克丛榜甚适链柱桩新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Recite the new words and write down what your classmates want to be. ( at least 10 classmates),Homework,绸慨雹贬勇冀弛娥沧粘车部虐凹受奏领姐戈站隧妒末欠淡汹央烛惜闰板焙新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,Thank you. Bye!,抡峙搏庙亏咳厂毒拎缠诽箱闭蚀枕顿窥苟伪瞩考贪捅蛔伍赴敢浮畏狙凉幼新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4新课标人教版英语七年级下unit4,


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