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1、Unit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.,Module 4,目标展示(learning aims),Words and expressions: Have a stomachache be ill take ones temperature fast food such as look after do exercise Key sentences: Ive been ill for about three days. I havent done much exercise since I got my comput

2、er last year.,How are you feeling today?,自主与合作学习(self and co-operative learning)Warm-up,have a cold,have a fever,have a headache,have a backache,have a toothache,cold,toothache,backache,cough,Whats the matter with him / her?,He / She has ,fever,headache,Whats wrong with him / her?,He / She has .,sto

3、machache,Match the words in the box with the pictures.,cough fever headache stomachache toothache,c,e,a,b,d,Listen and check whats wrong with Betty and Daming.,Listen again and complete the dialogue.,Daming: Hi, Betty. Betty: Hi, Daming. You dont look very well. Whats the matter with you? Daming: Iv

4、e got a _ and a _. Betty: Have you seen a doctor? Daming: No, I havent. Betty: You should go and see one!,stomachache,headache,Daming: Ok. You dont look very well either, Betty. Whats the matter with you? Have you got a _? Betty: Yes, Ive got a _ and a _. Daming: You should see a doctor too. Betty:

5、You should see a doctor. I saw a doctor this morning. Ah! Daming: Whats the matter? Betty: Ive got a _as well!,fever,temperature,cough,toothache,Read and complete the table about Daming.,headache, stomachache,three days,no breakfast, eat fast food, no exercise,stop eating fast food and have breakfas

6、t every day, get some exercise, take some medicine.,Read again and complete the passage.,Daming has got a _ and a _. He has to go to the _. He has been _ for three days. The doctor takes him _. He doesnt have a _. Fast food and no breakfast. Thats why he has got a _. He hasnt done much exercise sinc

7、e he got his computer. He spends too much time on the computer. It can be very _ to his health.,hospital,stomachache,headache,temperature,fever,ill,stomachache,harmful,The doctor advises him to have _ every day and stop eating _ food. And do some exercise, such as running.,breakfast,fast,探究与提升( Impr

8、oving study) Language points,你的自行车出了什么毛病? Whats the matter with your bike? / Whats wrong with your bike?,Whats the matter with you?相当于Whats wrong with you?两者常用来询问人或事物的异常情况。如:,1. Whats the matter with you?,have got a + (身体某部位的名词 + ache),表示身体某处疼痛。have got a stomachache 胃疼 have got a backache 背疼 have g

9、ot a headache 头疼,2I have got a stomachache我胃疼。,3Have you caught a cold?,catch a cold = have a cold 患感冒have a bad cold患重感冒have a fever 发烧have a cough 咳嗽 但“患流感”是have the flu,用定冠词the。,4Let me take your temperature,take ones temperature 量体温,I need to take your temperature. 我得量一量你的体温。 Can you take my tem

10、perature, please? 能麻烦你帮我量体温吗?,5. three times a day three times a day(一天三次)。time之意是“次数”,是可数名词,用于三次或三次以上。“一次”是once,“二次”是twice。time 意为“时间”时,是不可数名词。 I have no time. 我没时间。,6.现在完成时的持续性用法,. 要表达某一行为或状态从过去某一时间一直持续到现在,我们也可以借助现在完成时。 Eg: Ive been ill for about three days.I havent done much exercise since I got

11、my computer last year. .在表示行为或状态从过去一直持续到现在时,通常要与表示一段时间的状语连用,这类状语通常由for或since 引导。For后接一段时间,如,for a long time , for a month等;而since 后多接时间点,如since last year, since yesterday, since 2oclock等,反馈与检测(Exercise),用for 或since 填空 .Ive not seen her ( ) a long time2.She has lived here ( ) last year. 3. I have bee

12、n in Guangan ( ) I was born. 4. Its five years ( ) we left school. 5. Tom hasnt done much exercise ( )he got his computer.,课堂小结与延伸(Conclusion and extention),We have learned something about seeing doctor please make up more conversations .Useful expressions:病人:I dont feel very well. Im not feeling we

13、ll. Im feeling very ill / terrible / tired. 我感觉不舒服、很困。,询问病情:,1. Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? 你怎么不舒服?2. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何?3. Are you feeling better today? 你今天感觉好些吗?,检查身体,1. Open your mouth and say “Ah“. 张开嘴说“啊”。2. I want to take your temperature. 我想量一下你的体温。3. Have you taken your temperature? 你量体温了吗?,安慰病人,1There is nothing much wrong with you. There is nothing serious.没有什么大问题。2You (He, She) will be all right / better / well soon. 你/他/她不久就会好的。,采取措施,1. Take this medicine times a day. 一天吃 次药。2. Drink enough (plenty of) water and have agood rest. 多喝水,好好休息。,


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