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1、人教版小学英语(精通)五年级上册Fun Time 2Recycle 1,天津市滨海新区大港实验小学崔靓靓,Team One,Team Three,Team Two,任务卡一:,Please introduce yourself and your family. Let the other team members know you. Rewords: Two Name Cards,Can you introduce the team leaders and their families now?,Li Chen Job:an actor,cinema,Li Chen Job:an actor,

2、Angelababy Job: an actress,Angelababy Job: an actress,Miss Cui Job: a teacher,Miss Cui Job: a teacher,Now, its your turn!轮 到 你 了 !,任务卡二:,Please help the other members of Running Man find their personal things. Rewords: Two Name Cards,fan,cup,fan,dictionary,cup,fan,cup,dictionary,camera,fan,notebook,

3、dictionary,cup,camera,fan,notebook,dictionary,cup,crayons,camera,fan,notebook,dictionary,cup,crayons,umbrella,fan,camera,umbrella,notebook,dictionary,cup,crayons,pens,camera,fan,umbrella,notebook,storybooks,dictionary,cup,crayons,pens,fan,camera,dictionary,cup,crayons,pens,activity book,fan,dictiona

4、ry,cup,crayons,pens,activity book,rulers,fan,Heres a game for you! In the game, you should help the team leaders find their personal things.,dictionary,fan,终极任务:,Christmas Day is coming. The running men are going to dosomething for Christmas. Rewords: Three Name Cards,Merry Christmas,Christmas will come soon. Can you clean your rooms to welcome Christmas? Please make a list of old things.,1. Sum up your own knowledge table(知识网络图). 2. Put away the things in your house with your parents.,Homework,



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