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1、UNIT 12 ENGLISH IDIOMS (I),Contents,英语成语的定义,1,英语成语的特征及分类,2,隐喻成语及翻译,3,汉语: 熟语 成语狐假虎威,乐不思蜀,三人成虎 惯用语拍马屁,走后门,捞油水 歇后语擀面杖吹火一窍不通 谚语众人拾柴火焰高,Introduction,12.1 Definition of English idiom,The speech proper to, or typical of, a people or place; a dialect or local language.An expression unique to a language, esp

2、ecially one whose sense is not predictable from the meanings and arrangement of its elements.kick the bucket: to die,idiom VS. free phrase take off I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party. Take off your clothes; theyre very wet. Alice is clever at taking off the headmistress. Take

3、 your hand off my shoulder.,12.2 characteristics of English idiom,12.2.1 Idiomaticity : refers to the nature of idioms and the degree to which a usage can be regarded as idiomatic. dry goods take step The baby took her first steps.(literal, non-idiomatic) They took some steps to put the matter right

4、.(figurative, grammatically open, semi-idiomatic) She took steps to see that was done.(full idiomatic, grammatically closed),12.2.2 unitary meaning/ semantic unity rain cats and dogs, have an axe to grind 12.2.3 syntactic frozenness / structural stability The constituents of idioms cannot be replace

5、d.in a brown study, bury the hatchet/tomahawk The word order cannot be inverted or changed.by twos and threes, friend and foe, the lions share The constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article.out of the question, *build (up) on (the) sand Many idioms are grammatically

6、unanalysable.like cures like, diamond cut diamond,(as) sure as eggs is eggsIt aint over until the fat lady sings.,parodycreative adaptationon the other hand/paw12.2.3 ClassificationEx.P377-1,12.3 Metaphorical/figurative idioms,12.3.1 Definitioneager beaver, black sheep, dark horsebetween the devil a

7、nd the deep (blue) seathe devil to pay (and no hot pitch) 12.3.2 Classificationbeat sb. Black and bluesee redout of the blueshow ones true colorssail under false colors,12.3.3 Source 12.3.4 Translation in a word, make bricks without straw, eye for eye, gild/paint the lily, drink like a fish, castle

8、in the air, cast pearls before swine* last straw: Its the last /feather that breaks the laden camel/horses back. lost generation, lose face (save face), feel ones ears burning, hat trick, ivory tower, carrot and stickman Friday (girl Friday), meet ones Waterloo, eat crow, have a bee in ones bonnet, white elephantEx. P399-3,课后作业,Text in here,预习教材第十四、十五单元。思考:动词短语和短语动词有什么区别?,


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