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1、Unit 5,Start Here,Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?,Lets learn 重点单词,New words 新单词,方位词,New words 新单词,Way 路线 可数名词 the way to 去的路线 the way to my school the way to the park,tell 告诉 tell me 告诉我 Tell me the way to the school. 告诉我去学校的路线。 Can you tell me the way to the school? 你能告诉我去学校的路线吗?,two pl

2、aces 两个地点,supermarket:超市 可数名词 Supermarkets a supermarket the supermarket,Childrens Park 儿童公园 特指名词 首字母大写,方位词 3个,beside 在旁边,在我家旁边 beside my home 在它旁边 beside it 学校在我家旁边。 The school is beside my home.,方位词 3个,behind 在后面,在他家后面 behind his home 在我们学校后面 behind our school 在它后面 behind it 公园在它后面The park is behi

3、nd it.,betweenA and B 在A和B之间,方位词 3个,在我家和公园之间 between my home and the park 在学校和公园之间 between the school and the park,方位词 on 在上面,Where is the pen ?,Its on the box.,方位词 under 在下面,Its _ the box.,under,方位词 in 在里面,Its_the box.,in,Wheres the pen?,方位词 near 在附近,Its _ the box.,near,方位词 beside 在旁边,Where is the

4、pen ?,Its beside the box.,方位词 behind 在后面,Its _ the box.,behind,方位词 between 在之间,The pen is between the blue box and the orange one.,MEET THE words,In,under,on,near,beside,behind,between,英汉互译,1. 在里边,2. under,3. 在上边,4. 在附近,5. beside,6. 在后边,7. between,8. 超市,9. 儿童公园,Read and draw,draw 画,Differences 不同点,C

5、ONTACT US,Google Map,In the left picture. 在左边的图片中。 The supermarket is behind the hospital. 超市在医院后面。 The park is beside the cinema. 公园在电影院旁边。 The bus station is on the left of the school. 公交站牌在学校左边。,Excuse me. 打扰一下。 Can I help you? Is there a supermarket near here?is there a there be句型的一般疑问句Yes, ther

6、e is.No, there isnt. 4. near here 在这附近here 这里 5. I want to buy some fruits.want to do想干某事fruit 可数名词 some fruits,6. Can you tell me the way to the supermarket, then? 那你可以告诉我去超市的路线吗? the way to 去的路线 你可以告诉我去儿童公园的路线吗? Can you tell me the way to the Childrens Park? 7. Go along the street and you can see

7、a hospital on the left. 沿着街道走,你可以看到左边有一个医院。go along 沿着走on the left 在左边on the right 在右边,8. The supermarket is behind it. 超市在它的后边。 it 指的是: hospital 9. Youre welcome.不客气,在空格内填上适当的词 Draw a book the desk. Draw a dog the table. Draw a cat the sofa. Draw a bed the window.,选出每组中不同类的一项 ( )A. zoo B. park C. t

8、ake ( )A. bus B. behind C. beside ( )A. buy B. way C. see ( )A. shop B. cinema C. want ( )A. left B. near C. right,A: Excuse me. B: Yes? Can I help you? A: Is there a zoo near here? I want to go to the zoo. B: Yes. A: Can you tell me the way to the zoo, then? B: Go along the street and you can see t

9、he zoo on the right. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.,A: Excuse me. B: Yes? Can I help you? A: Is there a hospital near here? I want to look after my friend.我想看望我的朋友。 B: Yes. A: Can you tell me the way to the hospital, then? B: Go along the street and you can see a supermarket. The hospital is behind

10、 it A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.,in on under behind beside,CONTACT US,连词成句答案,自行更正 supermarket cinema The the beside is .The supermarket is beside the cinema. 2. Park Road Our on house is .Our house in on Park Road. 3. I you What for do can ?What can I do for you? 4. She way zoo to the the knows .

11、She knows the way to the zoo. 5. I school your can How to get ?How can I get to your school?,翻译下列句子: 你能告诉我去儿童公园的路线吗? 我怎么才能到达儿童公园? 我想要买一些水果。(用would like to句型) 你想要买一些水果吗?(用would like to 句型) 我妈妈想买一些水。(用want to句型) 你妈妈想买一些水吗?(用want to句型) 我很疲惫。我想睡15分钟。(用两种句型回答),I dont know the way. 我不认识路,Im very tired. ti

12、red: 疲倦的 我妈妈很疲倦。 My mother is very tired. 我的老师们很疲倦。 My teachers are very tired.,sleep for + 具体时长,睡多久 sleep for a minute: 睡1分钟 sleep for five minutes: 睡5分钟,Id like to sleep for a minute. Id = I would I would like to + 动词原形 = I want to + 动词原形 我想要 我想去超市。 Id like to go to the supermarket. I want to go t

13、o the supermarket. 一般疑问句: Would you like to + 动词原形? Do you want to + 动词原形? 你想要吗? 你想要去超市吗? Would you like to go to the supermarket? Do you want to go to the supermarket?,Can I help you?,Do you want to buy something? 你想要买点儿东西吗? Something:某事某物 do something:做某事 buy something:买某物,Doesnt the man in the ca

14、r know the way? 车里的那个男人难道不知道路线吗? Dont /Doesnt + 动词原形的问句? 难道不是吗? 单三用doesnt Do you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗? Dont you like apples? 难道你不喜欢苹果吗?难道你不知道去超市的路线吗? Dont you know the way to the supermarket? 难道他不知道去医院的路线吗? Doesnt he know the way to the hospital?,在旁边: beside 在后边:behind 在附近:near 在上边:on 在下边:under 在左边:o

15、n the left of 在右边:on the right of 在A和B之间:between A and B 表达位置前边必须有be(am,is,are) 而地点因为是特指某一个,所以必须加上the,GET IN TOUCH,CONTACT US,A: Where is the bus stop? Where + be +? 在哪儿? Where is the supermarket? 你在哪儿? Where are you? 我在哪儿? Where am I? B: 1. Go along the Park Road, the bus stop is on the right.2. The bus stop is on the right of the Park Road.be on the right:在右边be on the right of:在的右边 3. Its beside the supermarket. 在旁边:beside,GET IN TOUCH,CONTACT US,



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