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1、 h r w j,Revision,think thin thank thought both path month south north mouth breath,this that these those thus then with within,shake shy show official special motion action sure sugar tension mission She sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells sh

2、ells on the seashore, Im sure she sells seashore shells.,measure pleasure usual occasion division garage, h ,house hat hope hurt who whom whose whole hour honest honour exhibit vehicle,r,error carry correct write wrong wrist wrinkle rhythm rhyme rhetoric,w,water woke what which was were we onequite

3、quarter quick quiet,j,yes young yard yellow yesterday York,Affricates: p83 t d tr dr ts dz Nasals: p71 m n Lateral: p58 l ,Nov. 21, 2016,Todays task?,t 音标特征:舌端齿龈破擦清辅音 发音要领:双唇微开, 舌尖舌端抬起, 先用舌尖抵上齿龈, 形成阻碍, 然后张开,使气流外泄而成音。 气流冲破这个阻碍后, 舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。 t是清辅音, 发音时声带不震动。 发音组合:ch 代表单词:cheap child chest ch

4、oke check catch watch 音标对比:t cheap shipchose shoescatch cash,d 音标特征:舌端齿龈破擦浊辅音 发音要领:双唇微开,舌尖舌端抬起,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后张开,使气流外泄而成音。气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。 d是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。 发音组合:j g dg 代表单词:jeep joke jaw juice gin change judge,Practice on affricates,t chair chain choose achieve rich watch fetch wretche

5、d batch butcher question suggestion digestion nature furniture century actual gesture,Practice on affricates,d job juice major enjoy just jam gem gym magic cage imagine judge bridge edge fridge adjective adjunct dkt,tr 音标特征:齿龈后部破擦清辅音 发音要领:舌身采取发 r 的姿势,但舌尖上翘贴在齿龈后部,气流冲破这个阻碍发出短促的 t 后立即发 r 。 声带不震动,属于清辅音。

6、 发音组合:tr 代表单词:tree treat trip train tram,dr 音标特征: 齿龈后部破擦浊辅音 发音要领: 舌身采取发 r 的姿势,但舌尖上翘贴在齿龈后部,气流冲破这个阻碍发出短促的 d 后立即发 r 。 声带震动,属于浊辅音。 发音组合: dr 代表单词: dream drag draw drink children,Practice on affricates,tr try tread trunk troop true tree victory factory history military secretary,Practice on affricates,dr

7、dream dry driver draw drug, ts 音标特征: 舌端齿龈破擦清辅音 发音要领: 舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微位下降,气流随之泄出口腔。声带不震动,属于清辅音。 发音组合:ts 代表单词:sits seats mates peasants parents 音标对比: ts s gets guesslets lesslots lossplants class, dz 音标特征:舌端齿龈破擦浊辅音 发音要领:舌端先贴住齿龈, 堵住气流, 然后略微位下降, 气流随之泄出口腔. 声带震动, 属于浊辅音。 发音组合:ds 代表单词:needs seeds spends 音标

8、对比: ts dz z dz bets beds boys boardsseats seeds gloves groundsnets needs stares stands,m n ,nasals, m 音标特征:双唇鼻辅音 发音要领:双唇闭拢,舌放平,软颚下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。 声带震动发音。 注意:在词末时须略微延长, 且闭嘴,以防止吞音。 发音组合:m 代表单词: some come dime mother map moon, n 音标特征:舌尖齿龈鼻辅音 发音要领:双唇微开,舌尖紧贴上龈,形成阻碍,软颚下垂,使气流从鼻腔中发出。在词末时须略微延长,以防止吞音。 发音组合:n 代表单词:

9、noon nose note not no nothing moon soon son gun thin run dine gain, 音标特征:舌后软颚鼻辅音 发音要领:舌位和 k g 相同,但软颚下垂,堵住口腔通道, 气流从鼻腔泄出。属于浊辅音,发音时声带震动。发音组合:ng n 代表单词:sing song singer king thing ink sink thank tank 音标对比: m n home stone king theme thin thing ment net ink,Practice on nasals,man morning most may fame com

10、e summer committee mummy bomb comb lamb autumn column damn,Practice on nasals,noon now number keen new bent funny sunny connect annoy inn sign design reign campaign foreign know knee knife knight,Practice on nasals,sing thing ring king wing sink bank rank ankle monkey donkey uncle,鼻辅音小结: 英语中一共由三个鼻辅音

11、,即: m n ,发鼻辅音时必须注意: 1) 软颚下垂,口腔通道完全阻塞,气流从鼻腔泄出。 2) 有声带震动,都是浊辅音。 3) 鼻辅音在词末时,发音要略微延长。, l 音标特征:舌端齿龈边辅音 (也叫旁流音) 发音要领:双唇微开,舌端紧抵上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧泄出。属于浊辅音,震动声带。 注意: l 有两个发音,即清晰音 l 和含糊音 l ,发清晰音 l 时:舌前向硬颚抬起,清晰音出现在元音前面。 发含糊音 l 时:舌前下降,舌后上台,舌面形成凹槽,可以和元音一样长,含糊音出现在辅音前面和词的末尾。 发音组合: l 代表单词:清晰音 l let lad late laid leap lap 代表单词:含糊音 l deal tell belt sale table,Practice on lateral,leave let lock late loud like fill tell well pool dull careful people final middle little national capital allow follow fellow balloon illegal talk walk would could should half,


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