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1、铸就成功的关系 BTEC合作与领导,Cynthia Song July,2011,Building Teams,Outcomes and assessment criteria,2.Understand how to build winning teams(理解如何建设成功团队) identify the mix of knowledge, skills and experiencenecessary for a team to fulfill its functions(识别团队完成任务所必须的知识、技能和经验。) analyze dynamics within teams and stim

2、ulate and promote a team spirit which helps motivate and provides support to its members(分析团队内部的动态环境并刺激和促进团队精神的形成以帮助激发和为团队成员提供支持。) clarify expectations of relationships(明确对各种关系的期待。) encourage team members to develop roles duringteam assignments(在完成团队任务过程中鼓励团队成员进入和完成各自的角色) empower teams to develop th

3、eir own ways of working independently and to rely on their own capabilities within pre-set boundaries(为团队成员授权来发展各自独立工作的方式并且在各自的工作领域内依赖各自的能力完成任务),outcome 2. Understand how to build winning teams(理解如何建设成功团队)Outcome2.1 identify the mix of knowledge, skills and experience necessary for a team to fulfil

4、its functions 识别团队为实现自身功能所必要的综合知识、能力和经验,Groups & Teams,Group - two or more people with common interests or objectives Team - a small number of people with complementary(互补的) skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accounta

5、ble,Work group & Work team,Work group:A Group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions that will help each member perform within his or her area of responsibility绩效是所有群体成员个别贡献的加总Work team: A Group that engages in collective work that requires joint effort and generates a p

6、ositive synergy经由协调努力产生正面综效,Share informationNeutral (may be negative)IndividualRandom and varied,GoalSynergyAccountabilitySkills,Collective performancePositiveIndividual and mutualComplementary,Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams,Group Size,Groups with an odd number tend to perform better Groups o

7、f 5-7 seem to be a “happy medium” Smaller groups faster Larger groups better decisions “social loafing”,Mature Group Characteristics,Purpose and Mission May be assigned or may emerge from the group Group often questions, reexamines, & modifies mission & purpose Mission converted into specific agenda

8、, clear goals, & a set of critical success factors,Examples of Formal Groups,Command groups,These are the basic, traditional work groups determined by formal authority relationships and depicted on the organizational chart. They typically include a manager and those sub- ordinates who report directl

9、y to him or her.,Cross-functional teams,These bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas in order to come up with solutions to operational prob- lems. Cross-functional teams also include groups whose members have been trained to do each others job.,Self-managed te

10、ams,These are essentially independent groups that, in addition to doing their operating jobs, take on traditional management responsibilities such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and performance evaluations.,Task forces,These are temporary groups created to accomplish a specific task. Once the t

11、ask is complete, the group is disbanded.,Table 14-1,Stages of Group Development,Prestage 1,Stage 1 Forming,Stage 2 Storming,Stage III Norming,Stage IV Performing,Stage V Adjourning,Figure 14-1,Why People Join Groups,Group,Security,Status,Power,Goal achievement,Self-esteem,Figure 14-2,Affiliation,Goo

12、d when performing complicated, complex, inter-related and/or more voluminous work than one person can handle Good when knowledge, talent, skills, not power & competition,Why Teams?,Categories of Teams,Product development Problem solving Re-engineering Any other organizational purposes desired,Direct

13、ed Self-managed,Functional Cross-functional,Permanent Temporary,Membership,Duration,Structure,Purpose,Figure 14-6,团队人员的组成差别,Characteristics of Effective Teams,Effective Teams,Unified commitment,Negotiating skills,Clear goals,Mutual trust,Good communication,Figure 14-7,Appropriate leadership,External

14、 support,Internal support,Relevant skills,4. Characteristics of Effective Teams,团队特征,工作群体,团队工作,管理者,执行者,领导者,团队成员,Positive Behaviors,Making “I” statements such as “I feel,” “I think,” “I need.” Actively listening to promote two-way communication. Respecting others needs, feelings, and rights by allowi

15、ng others to disagree. Sharing information and expertise openly.,Negative Behaviors,Unwillingness to set aside personal agendas. Aggressively using “always” or “never” to intimidate others. Displaying a negative attitude. Judging others. Wanting to be a star rather than part of the process.,Stages of Team Development,Forming(形成阶段):有关群体目的结构及领导权高度不确定,成员正在测试团队,以决定何种行为可被接受。Storming(冲击阶段) :群体内的冲突,成员接受团队的存在,却拒绝群体加诸于他们身上的限制-领导权确立Norming(规范阶段):成员间产生凝聚力,且对于工作有共同之预期Performing (执行阶段) :成员间彼此的对任务有所了解,进入分工执行阶段Adjourning (解散阶段) :高水平之任务执行已非首要,其注意力已导向收尾活动(Wrapping-up activities),Stages of Team Development,


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