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1、舌头最长的女人:来自加利福尼亚的Chanel Tapper舌头长为9.75厘米,名副其实的“长舌妇”。 The longest tongue women: Chanel Tapper, from California ,whose tongue is 9.75 cm long.She is worthy of the name “yenta“.,指甲最长的人:美国拉斯维加斯的专业歌手克里斯沃尔顿,艺名“公爵夫人”,拥有世界上最长的手指甲。她的左手指甲总长309.8厘米,右手指甲总长292.1厘米。 The longest fingernail: Las Vegas professional s

2、inger Chris Walton,whose stage name is “the duchess“, has the worlds longest fingernails. Her left hand nails presidents 309.8 cm, 292.1 cm nails presidents of the right hand,最大圆蓬式发型:2010年10月4日测量时,美国的Aevin Dugas的发型周长为1.32米。她的发型每年只修剪两三次。The largest Afro : when measuring on October 4, 2010, the circum

3、ference of Aevin Dugass hairstyle is 1.32 meters. Her hair clip only two or three times a year.,耳朵最长的狗:美国科罗拉多州一只名为哈伯的猎犬,根据测量,哈伯的左耳长12.25英寸(约31厘米),右耳长13.5英寸(约34厘米),相加为0.65米。 The longest ear dog: a hound dog named Hubble. According to measurement, Hubbles left ear is 12.25 inch length(about 31 centime

4、ters), the right ear is 13.5 inch length(about 34 cm), totally 0.65 meters.,市场销售的最大披萨:美国洛杉矶一家披萨店销售1.37平方米的巨大披萨,售价199.99美元,需要预约订做。 The biggest market sales pizza: a pizza shop in Los Angeles sales 1.37 square meters large pizza, price $199.99.People need to order.,最多狗同时跳绳:2009年10月27日,日本一电视节目,13只狗同时跳绳

5、。 The most dogs skip rope: on October 27, 2009, in a Japanese TV programs 13 dogs skip rope together.,收藏“请勿打扰”门牌最多的人:从1985年开始,来自瑞士的Franois Vernetti从189个国家的酒店收集到11111个不同的“请勿打扰” 门牌。 Most Collections of the “Do Not Disturb” addresses: since 1985, Franois Vernetti collected 11111 different “Do Not Distu

6、rb” addresses from 189 countries hotel.,收藏奶牛物品最多的人:从1990年开始,来自美国的Denise Tubangui收集到了2429件有关奶牛的各种物品。 Most Collections about cow: since 1990, Denise Tubangui from the United States collected 2429 pieces various items about the cow.,美国女星Lady Gaga在Twitter上的粉丝数突破2500万,继续排名第一。 American singer Lady Gaga ha

7、s the largest number of fans on Twitter ,which has broke 25 millions.,Adele成为了持续坐稳英国唱片第一位置最久的一位单人女歌手,她的唱片在榜首停留了11周之久。她也是第一个同时有两首单曲和两部专辑名列英国榜单前五的女歌手。 Adele becomes the first single singer who ranks the first of British record longest. Her record stays at the top for 11 weeks. She is also the first si

8、nger, whose two singles and two albums among the top five of the UK chart at the same time.,Grammy,收视率最高电视剧集:House M.D(豪斯医生)是当今收视率最高电视剧集,有来自66个国家的8100万观众。,The most-watched television series: House M.D (the House doctor “) is the most-watched television series,there are 81 million spectators from 66 countries watching it.,Thanks for your listening,



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