北美essay写作--Legal globalization

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《北美essay写作--Legal globalization》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北美essay写作--Legal globalization(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务北美 essay 写作-Legal globalizationAlong with the economic globalization, the law appeared the trend of globalization. The globalization of law poses a challenge to the law of the nation state. This paper tries to review the process of legal globalizati

2、on, the main performance of the legal globalization, analysis the main theoretical model of legal globalization, and further puts forward Suggestions on Chinas response to the legal globalization.It is well known that, at least since the late 20th century, despite the diversity of historical, cultur

3、al and social systems, more and more countries have adopted the rule of law. The rule of law means that economic management, political operation and social life all follow the rule of law, and the trend of legalization of social governance worldwide leads to the “global legalization“. At the same ti

4、me, the law began to cross the boundary of sovereign states and “travel“ across national and global boundaries, thus leading to the “legalization of the whole world“. In short, global legalization means that different societies move towards the rule of law, which implies the time target of the evolu

5、tion of the governance model of human society. However, legal globalization means that some regional or industrial laws go to different societies, indicating the space power of legal diffusion, namely, transnational law and global law are expanding day by day. Without the background of global legali

6、zation, the influence of legal globalization would not be so far- reaching. Without the influence of legal globalization, global legalization will only stay at different regional levels. However, is the trend of legal globalization the fate of history, or false inevitability? Is it a sign of a globa

7、l village under the rule of law, or an illusion of a mythical utopia? Is it the future Gospel of equality for all, or the reality nightmare of the jungle? In all this, opinions vary from person to person. Globalisation in its broadest sense dates back to Columbuss discovery of the new world. Since t

8、hen, the “global“ has really entered the human vision, and the western powers have also begun to extend their power to the global scope.From the perspective of time, globalization and modernization go hand in hand. The transition from a traditional society to a modern one originated in the west. Thi

9、s transformation started from the Renaissance, through the religious reform and the enlightenment movement, and was shaped by the establishment of democratic constitutional system. The main sign of the transition from the traditional privileged status system to the modern society is that the unequal

10、 hierarchical power structure is replaced by the equal rights structure of all people in law. The contractual relationship based on personal autonomy replaces the traditional personal attachment relationship. The pursuit of rational value in the form of efficiency orientation has replaced the pursui

11、t of irrational or substantive rationality. Non- humanized bureaucracy management has replaced the individual discretion of traditional social personification. The secular pursuit of external desire to satisfy the sensual desires has replaced the spiritual pursuit of inner faith, which is dependent

12、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务on the peace of mind. In place of a uniform religious ideology, conflicting cultures have replaced one another. The modernization of western countries and its empire and the city state as the main body politic disintegration of the traditional order

13、 of the process, instead since 1648 established the Witt, Bavarian and nation-state system and on this basis, the international order. This national and international order has not eased but intensified conflicts and conflicts between western countries. They have also extended conflict and strife to

14、 non-western regions. Under interference and influence of the western powers, the most of the countries or regions of the non-western world followed were involved in this kind of modernization, and to the west nation-state model replaced the traditional political and social order. Therefore, the mod

15、ernization of the century is also “experiencing the process of globalization“.The modernization of western society is coupled with the emergence and development of capitalism. Marx and Engels in the communist manifesto in 1848 concluded that capital will be infinite expansion, across national border

16、s, because “the needs of the continuously expand the product market, driven by the bourgeois to run the world“, and the world market, “make all state of production and consumption has become a worldwide“, the “national one-sidedness and limitations are increasingly becoming impossible“. Along with the worldwide spread of capitalist modes of production, the previously scattered society and independent nation- s


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