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1、 苍南县初中英语新教材教学设计评比课课 题题Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time !(Section B 2a2e)课课 型型Reading 整体整体设计设计思路思路及及指导指导依据依据说明说明本节课的主要指导思想是英语课程标准课程设计的基本理念。本节课 的设计思路是:读前激活学生的背景知识,通过略读获取文章大意,通过细读 获取文章细节信息,基于课文语境进行语言训练,让学生将课文内容与生活相 关联,遵循了“语境导入-语篇输入-阅读理解-语言内化-口语输出”的过程。 在教学设计过程中,倡导任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导

2、下,通 过感知、体验、实践和参与等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程 中进行情感和策略调整,引导学生正视困难,学会与人沟通,寻求帮助,解决 问题,从而使学生形成积极的学习态度和生活态度,并促进语言实际运用能力 的提高。教教材材分分析析Section B 2a-2e 部分为本单元的阅读板块。2a 的读前活动引导学生讨论 生活中的问题和解决方式;2b 通过女孩 Laura 的故事,探讨了青少年如何解决 生活中的问题,并给出了相关专家的建议;2c 的读后活动让学生通过回答问题 把握语篇细节;2d 让学生用所给短语完成对阅读文章的缩写,该活动一方面加 深学生对课文内容的理解,另一方面让他们在熟

3、悉的课文语境中巩固和使用几 个重点短语;2e 让学生讨论自己生活中的问题,拓展了文章主题,同时也为后 面的写作练习做准备。学学情情分分析析八年级的学生正处于青少年时期,在生活上也会碰到许多问题和烦恼,不 知道向谁寻求帮助和如何解决。而本课时阅读的主题,就是探讨青少年如何解 决生活中的问题,引导学生正视困难,学会与人沟通,寻求帮助,解决问题。 当本节课的教学内容与学生的现实情况和认知结构联系起来的时候,这种学习 便产生了十分积极的意义。知知识识(1)Students are able to learn the pronunciations and meaning of the following

4、 words and phrases: expert, teenager, normal, unless, certainly, wallet, mile, angry, understanding, careless, mistake, himself, careful, advise, solve, step, trust, experience, in half, halfway, keepto oneself (2)Students are able to comprehend the passage. (3) Students are able to talk about their

5、 own problems and give advice to solve them. 教教学学目目标标能能力力(1) Students are able to use a mind map to retell the passage. (2) Students are able to talk about their worries and problems in real life and give advice to solve them. (3) Students are able to read by using different reading skills like pred

6、icting, skimming, scanning, careful reading and guessing words meanings from conversions.苍南县初中英语新教材教学设计评比情情感感Students are encouraged to share their problems and find different kinds of ways to solve them. 教教学学重重难难点点(1)Students can comprehend the message.(2)Students can talk about their worries and f

7、ind ways to solve them.核核心心板板书书Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time ! (Reading )kinds of problems Lauras worry advice from an expert what they can do thisschoolwork/ friends Whats the worry? How did she solve it? What was the result? talk to someoneAt first, In the end, She lostkee

8、p to oneselfget advice from an expert understand- understandingcare-careless get-got教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计教教 学学 环环 节节设设 计计 意意 图图苍南县初中英语新教材教学设计评比Step1: Warming up (3minutes) T:Good morning, class! Lets play a game and try to find who can respond most quickly. Lets start! If I get up tomorrow, S1: If you g

9、et up late tomorrow, you will miss the early bus. S2: If you get up late tomorrow, youll be late for school. S3: If you get up late tomorrow, youll have to go to work by taxi. Step2: Before-reading(4minutes) Show three pictures of schoolwork, friends and losing a wallet and give students three quest

10、ions to answer: What kind of problems do you have? How do you solve them? What is the result of it? S1: Im worried about my math. S2:I like surfing the Internet, but my parents dont allow me to surf the Internet for more that half an hour. T: I think you should solve the problems if you have some. P

11、roblems and worries are normal in our life. Now please look at the statements below and then skim the passage. Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage? Step 3: While-reading(29minutes) Act.1 Skim the first three sentences and predict what the text talks about.Act.2 Skim the whole text

12、 at given time and find out the main idea. .( ) Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage? A. If people have problems, they should get advice from an expert. B. If people have problems, they should talk to other people. C. If people have problems, they should keep them to themselves.Act

13、.3 Match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1_ A. advice from an expert Para2._ B. kinds of problems Para3._ C. Lauras worryWarming up 环节 以 Quick response 的 形式操练重点句型, 活跃课堂气氛。 由三张图片所面 临的问题导入,启发 学生思考生活中还有 哪些常见问题,以及 如何解决这些问题。 对学生的回答,用Ifwill句型对学生的建议简单评价。本 环节利用了图片导入 的直观性原则,激发 学生对本话题的兴趣 和激活学生原有知识, 为下

14、文做语言准备。让学生阅读文章 的前三句话,预测本 文会讲到什么内容。 学生能很容易通过 worries,problems, what can they do 等关键词,在读前建 立对文章大意的预期。 通过限时阅读, 让他们快速阅读全文, 确定文章的主旨大意。 此次阅读让学生修正 并进一步完善前面的 预测。同时引出对 keep to oneself, get advice from an expert 的解释。 通过寻找每个段 落的中心大意,让学 生明白每段的内容都 与主题有着很重要的 联系。让学生弄清本 篇文章的结构特点, 对于把握文章主题、 文章大意非常重要, 同时也为本单元的写 作奠定基础

15、。苍南县初中英语新教材教学设计评比Act.4 Answer the questions Para1. What is the worst thing to do if you have a problem? Para2. (1) Why didnt Laura want to tell her parents about her lost wallet? Did Laura talk to her parents in the end?What was the result?(2) Guessing the meaning of the word “ understanding/got” fr

16、om conversion. In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. Para3. What is the first thing you should do when you want to solve a problem?Why can our parents give us good advice about our problems? Act. 5 Read pa



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