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1、Unit 2 My day,Reading(1),When do you get up? When do you go to school? When do you begin your lessons? When do you have lunch? When do you go home? When do you have supper? When do you do your homework? When do you go to bed?,Ask and answer,Reading time,Millies school life,Pre-reading Listen to the

2、tape and answer the question:,Who is Millies best friend ?,Amy.,What are Millies favourite lessons?,Chinese and English.,While-reading,Reading the text carefully and do T or F questions.,True or fales:,1 Millie likes her school very much. 2 Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime. 3 Millies lesson

3、 start at eight every morning.,T,T,F,eight twenty-five,True or fales:,4 Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework. 5 Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 6 Millie is a member of the Swimming Club.,F,T,F,two,Amy,Why does Millie like her classroom ?,Because it is big and clean.,Read

4、Para1 and answer the question:,Where do Millie and Amy like to have lunch ?,Under the tree in the playground.,Read Para2 and answer the question:,When do their lessons begin ?,At eight every morning.,Read Para3 and answer the question:,How often does Millie go to the Reading Club ?,Twice a week.,Rea

5、d Para4 and answer the question:,Play a translation game!,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,我是北京阳光中学的一名学生。,I am a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.,我喜欢我的教室,因为它又大又干净。,I like my classroom because it is big and clean.,艾米是我最好的朋友。,Amy is my best friend.,我的新同学都对我很好。,My new classmates are all nice to me.,我们首

6、先做早操。,We do morning exercises first.,我一天花大约两个小时做作业。,I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.,每个星期二和星期五放学后,我去读书俱乐部。,I go to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday and Friday.,有时,我和我的朋友们放学后练习排球。,Sometimes , I practise (volleyball) with my friends after school.,艾米是游泳俱乐部的一员。她是一个非常好的游泳者。,Amy is a member of the Swimming Club. She is a very good swimmer.,在我们的学校,我们总是过得很愉快。,We always have a good time at our school.,Write something about your school life according to Millies school life.,Post-reading,Exercises,Homework Finish Part B ,C and D.,Goodbye!,



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