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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,Section A (1a 2d),Warming up,Do you ever be late for school?,What happened?,I overslept.,I forgot to take my schoolbag!,I left my schoolwork in my house! I had to go back and get it !,I thought it was Saturday, but actually it was Friday!,学习目标,1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:un

2、expected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give a lift, 2)掌握By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home. 3) 掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。,She woke up late.,She wanted to use the bathroom but someone was in the bathroom.,Look at the p

3、ictures. What happened to the girl?,1a,She ran to catch the bus.,The bus had just left.,She got to school and realized she had left her bag at home.,1. By the time I got up, my brother _ already _ in the shower. 2.By the time I got outside, the bus _ already _ . 3.When I got to school, I realized I

4、_ _ my backpack at home.,had,gotten,had,left,had,left,Take turns being Mary. Look at the picture above and talk about what happened this morning.,1c,A: What happened? B: I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten inthe shower.,What happened next?,Listen to Mary continue her sto

5、ry.Number the pictures 14 in the correct order.,2a,1,3,4,2,When I _ (get) home, I realized I _ (leave) my keys in the backpack. 2.By the time I _ (get) back toschool, the bell _ (ring). 3.By the time I _ (walk) into class, the teacher _ (start) teaching already.,got,had left,got,had rung,walked,had

6、started,Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.,The teacher looked at Mary and .,2c,Matt: Why were you late for class today, Kevin? Kevin: My alarm clock didnt go off! Ikept sleeping, and when I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.! Matt: Oh, no!,2d,Role-play the conversatio,Kevi

7、n: So I just quickly put on someclothes and rushed out the door. Matt: You didnt eat breakfast? Kevin: No, I didnt even brush myteeth or wash my face! But before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left. Matt: Then how did you get here?,Kevin: Luckily, Carls dad saw me onthe street and gave me

8、 a lift inhis car. Matt: Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class.,短语积累,1.be full of 充满;装满可与be filled with 互换。The box is full of (filled with) old books.这个箱子装满了旧书。,短语积累,2.by the time 在以前by the time意为“在之前;到时候为止”,强调的是从过去某一时间点开始到从句所表示的时间为止的这段时间,主句动作发生在从句动作

9、之 前,因此主句要用过去完成时。,短语积累,By the time he was nine, Jack had taken part in six marathons. 杰克到九岁的时候,就已经参加了六次马拉松了。,短语积累,3.get up 起床 4.in the shower在浴室 5.go off (闹钟)发出响声,短语积累,6.wake up(某人)醒来;唤醒(某人) 7.rush out 冲出 8.give sb.a lift 捎某人一程,luckily为副词,意为“非常幸运”,相当于fortunately,其名词形式为luck,形容词形式为lucky。Luckily, that i

10、s starting to change. 幸好那种情况现在已经开始改变。,1. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. 当我起床的时候,我弟弟已经在洗澡了。,本句中主句使用的时态是过去完成时。,(1)过去完成时由“助动词 had + 动词的过去分词”构成,其中 had 通用于各个人称。它表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”。When I woke up, it had stopped raining. 当我醒时,雨已经停了。,(2)过去完成时需要与一个表示过去的时间状

11、语连用,它不能离开过去时间而独立存在。此时多与 already,yet,still,just,before,never等时间副词及 by,before,until 等引导的时间短语或从句连用。,I had finished writing my composition by 1000 this morning. 在今天早上十点以前我就已经写完了作文。,(3)过去完成时还可表示某一动作或状态在过去某时之前已经开始,一直延续到过去这一时间,且动作仍有继续下去的可能。,By the end of last year, he had worked in the factory for twenty years. 到去年底为止,他已经在这家工厂工作了二十年了。,BACK,当堂检测,unexpected,overslept,backpack,outside,C,D,B,B,D,


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