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1、Billiard,Maker:王琦少,台球的起源,大约在14世纪,据说由伦敦一家名叫Billsyard的当铺老板为娱乐消遣而发明的,台球的英文名称即源于此。至18世纪末,台球作为一种游戏在英国民间很是盛行。19世纪初,世界上第一个公共台球室在伦敦开设。最早的台球,桌面上只有两个白球,之后法国觉得缺少挑战性,就增添了一个红球并改进打法。再往后英国人又将其发展成为在今天十分流行的落袋台球。,台球于100年前传入我国,现在各大娱乐场所似乎都少不了它。 21世纪初,中国人将当时较为主流的美式台球、英式台球及花式九球各自的优势特点融合为一体,并以以和为贵的中国文化为主旨又赋予了更多的娱乐与智慧元素,将台

2、球的尺寸、进球开口(十个)、台球的数量、规格、构造及规则等进行改进;由于其结合了世界各国的文化,很快就迅速发展成为今天风靡流行的中式斯诺克台球。,There are three major subdivisions of games within cue sports: 1) carom billiards, referring to games played on tables without pockets, including among others balkline and straight rail, cushion caroms, three-cushion billiards

3、and artistic billiards; 2) pocket billiards (or “pool“) generally played on a table with six pockets, including among others 8-ball (the worlds most widely played cue sport),nine-ball, straight pool, one-pocket and bank pool; and 3) snooker, which while technically a pocket billiards game, is genera

4、lly classified separately based on its historic divergence from other games, as well as a separate culture and terminology that characterize its play. More obscurely, there are games that make use of obstacles and targets, and table-top games played with disks instead of balls. 按规则及打法分:斯诺克台球、8球、9球、

5、14.1、15球积分、3球开伦、4球开伦。 按国度分:法式台球、英式台球、美式台球、中式斯诺克台球。,8-ball 八球,九球 nine-ball,斯诺克snooker,superstars,斯诺克六大天王,奥沙利文,肖恩墨菲,阿里斯特卡特,瑞恩戴,亨得利,罗伯逊,傅家俊,丁俊晖,潘晓婷,Cool performance,Thats all,Thank you,Today, I want to share you with my favorite sportbilliard. I have played it many years. I like it because I feel very

6、relaxed every time when I play it. Also, there are usually many beautiful girls in billiard house. Here, Im just going to tell you something about it. The first thing I want to introduce to you is the history of billiard. Billiards sports have already had a history of nearly 600 years. It was invent

7、ed by a pawnbroker in 14th century in London. and the new sport was named by billiard after the name of his shop. Then, in the early 19th century, billiard became popular as a game appearing in peoples daily life. At first, billiard was a very easy and simple game, so more difficult kinds of billiar

8、d such as 8-ball, 9-ball, snooker soon appeared. This wonderful game was introduced into China about one hundred years ago. Then, it was in poplar quickly. Nowadays, it seemed to be indispensable in each big entertainment. Then, let us to see the subdivisions of billiard. There are two major subdivi

9、sions of games within cue sports: 1) carom billiards, referring to games played on tables without pockets. 2) pocket billiards, generally played on a table with six pockets,. This kind of billiard is the most widespread one, including 8-ball which is the worlds most widely played cue sport, nine-bal

10、l, snooker. Follows are three most familiar kinds of billiard in our daily life. 8-ball: I think it isnt necessary for me to introduce this kind of billiard because nearly every people have ever played it. So, lets go to the next. 9-ball: Ladies and girls are very suitable for this kind of game, bec

11、ause it is easy to learn about. As we know, there is a very famous billiard star called “panxiaoting” in our country. The game she play is this. Snooker: It is the most difficult kind of billiard. This game represents the highest level in billiard sports. There are many snooker matches every year in

12、 the world. Now, let us see the stars in billiard sports. These six people are the most famous superstars playing snooker. They are 奥沙利文(my favorite star), 达赫迪(I dont know him very much), 亨得利(we know him because he had ever been beaten by 丁俊晖), Davis ,Peter Ebdon(埃布登),and Higgins. In the end, lets see some cool billiard performance videos. Thats all, thank you for listening.,



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