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1、中考英语话题复习教学设计,话题(十)节假日活动 Festivals,holidays and celebration 南康横市中学 张运华,教材单元安排,七下Unit9 How was your weekend? 七下Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? 八上Unit5 Can you come to my party? 九Unit7 Where would you like to visit?,主要内容,重点词汇(78个四会词) 重点短语(32个) 重点句型 1、-How was your weekend?-Great. 2、-What did you d

2、o last weekend?-I played soccer. 3、-Where did you go on vacation?-I went to summer camp. 4、-Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park? -Yes, I/he/she/they did. -No, I/he/she/they didnt. 5、-Can you come to my party?-Sure,Id love to. -Im sorry,I cant.I have to study. 6、-Where would you like to visit? -I

3、hope to go to France some day. 7、-Where would you like to go on vacation? -Id like to go somewhere relaxing.,语法项目,1、一般过去时七下(GrammarP99-102) 七下Unit9 How was your holiday? 七下Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? 动词过去式的构成规则与不规则两类; 一般过去时的构成和基本用法 2、发出,接受和拒绝邀请 八上Unit5 Can you come to my party? 3、定语从句关系副词的用

4、法(了解) 九Unit7 Where would you like to visit?,课时安排 (4课时 ),第1课时:梳理教材,完型A篇练习 第2课时:一般过去时及其巩固练习 第3课时:阅读理解A-D篇练习 第4课时:书面表达,第1课时 梳理教材,完型A篇练习,Step1导入-列举热点节假日 Step2用My dream 导出本话题重点语言知识 I often dream of traveling the moon.People can fly on it,how interesting!So I am always considering going there on vacation

5、to relax myself.last night I heard from my friend from Mars.She invited me to visit the moon and come over to her house.She said she would provide anything I need for me,including a spaceship.Thanked for her invitation.I was very excited.I decided to go and tell her my decision as soon as possible.W

6、hen I woke up this morning ,I realized it was a dream. What a pity!,第1课时 梳理教材,完型A篇练习,Step3语言知识拓展 dream of doing sth./make ones dream come true/ Its very important to dream,So hold on to your dreams./realize /achieve ones dream consider doing sth考虑做某事/think about doing sth receive a letter from sb/he

7、ar from sb.收到某人的来信 invite sb.to do sth /邀请某人做某事/to某地 come over顺便来访/drop in 拜访 provide sb with sth/provide for sb给某人提供某物 offer sb sth /offer sth to sb thank sb.for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而感谢某人 as soon as possible/one can尽快地 as often as possible/one can尽可能经常,第1课时 梳理教材,完型A篇练习,Step4练习:完型填空A篇,新课程,新练习,英语中考80分

8、读写训练P74: 第一步:通读全文,掌握大意。 第二步:瞻前顾后,初选答案。 第三步:复核全文,清除疏漏 。,第2课时 一般过去时及其巩固练习,Step1导入 Step2一般过去时语法复习 句子结构 时间状语 动词过去式的变化(规则变化 /不规则变化 ),第2课时 一般过去时及其巩固练习,Step3 小组学习 (talk about your weekend) What was the weather like? Where did you go? What did you do ? How was your last weekend?,第2课时 一般过去时及其巩固练习,Step4巩固练习(本

9、话题部分词汇和重点句型的学习) 1. 上个暑假你是怎样度过的? _ _ you _ your last summer vacation? 2. 星期天晚上,我读了一本关于历史的书。 _ Sunday night, I _ a book _ history. 3. 不要再看电视了,该睡觉了。 Stop _ TV. Its time _ _ to bed. 4. 他以前乐意帮助其他人。 He used to _ _ _help others. 5. 我昨天晚上没睡好,所以现在感到很累。 I _ sleep well last night, so I _ _ now.,第2课时 一般过去时及其巩固练

10、习,Step5听写8个短语及2个句型 1、How/What about 2、 go to the doctor 3、the day after tomorrow 4、 keep quiet 5、take it easy 6、 in general 7、 quite a few 8、thousands of 9、I like places where the weather is always warm. 10、-Where would you like to go on vacation? -Id like to go somewhere relaxing.,第3课时 阅读理解A-D篇练习,A

11、篇 一般较容易,学生5分钟做完让中档一名学生讲解并集体订正答案。 B篇 第7题很难,让一个尖子生(全对的)来讲述他/她的思路 D篇有关旅行的方式,语篇整体较易,集体订正答案。,第3课时 阅读理解A-D篇练习,C篇 第一步 导入 Have you ever been to the desert? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? 第二步 快速浏览 Whats the passage about? What happened to the writer and his workmate? If he were you,what would you do at last?

12、,第3课时 阅读理解A-D篇练习,第三步 细读 Finish the exercise8-11. 第四步 复述短文 小组活动,并补上后面你认为可能发生的事-完成结局。学生用标题An Unusual Experience.简单把作者的经历复述了一遍,有的末尾加了I began to worry about how to go through the desert,but there was no time to do it.So I ran as fast as can to catch the kangaroo有的说I begin to cry and complain it.答案各不相同,但

13、奋起直追,积极行动的学生占多数,同时也反映了学生的人生态度。,小结:四种常见题型命题方式及解题策略,细节题:了解文中所叙述的重要事实或细节就可以解答出来的题目,有的甚至可以从文中的原句中直接找到答案 推断题:根据语篇知识,上下文及常识等理解文章隐含之意,忠于原文,根据文章本身的事实进行合理推断的题目,小结:四种常见题型命题方式及解题策略,主旨题:涉及文章的标题(title)、主题(main idea)、结论(conclusion)、结局(end). 猜词题:猜测文中单词或短语的意思的题目。本次训练题目中未涉及,但要根据上下文逻辑关系如因果关系、特定的语境、同义词和反义词的或构词法等来判断理解,

14、推敲斟酌。 做题心得:做题时要找出原文出处,划线标号,力争准度与速度。,第4课时 书面表达 How did students spend their weekend?,brainstorm,How did you Spend you holiday?,Went to a movie,Read books,Went to BaoHulu Amusement Prak,Studied for a test,Did sports,Played computer games,Went on a trip,Listened to music,第4课时 书面表达 How did students spen

15、d their weekends?,今天,学生的周末丰富多彩, 同学们是如何度过周末的呢? 九(6)班陈新同学对 全年级学生进行了一次 问卷调查, 右边表格是调查结果。 根据你所得的信息, 请一篇完整的调查报告, 并提倡大家进行假日休闲。,第4课时 书面表达 How did students spend their weekend?,写作第一步 审 认真审题,找出文章要表达的中心。,第4课时 书面表达 How did students spend their weekends?,今天,学生的周末丰富多彩, 同学们是如何度过周末的呢? 九(6)班陈新同学对 全年级学生进行了一次 问卷调查, 右边

16、表格是调查结果。 根据你所得的信息, 请一篇完整的调查报告, 并提倡大家进行周末开心休闲, 身体好学习才会好!,第4课时 书面表达 How did students spend their weekend?,列 A lot of stayed at home. Some student had a trip. Some other student visited friends or grandparents. A few people did homework. Enjoy their weeekends.,A lot of people stayed at home . Some people had a trip. Some other people visited friends or parents. A few people worked.,



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