数词的英汉互译 ppt课件

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《数词的英汉互译 ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《数词的英汉互译 ppt课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、数词的互译,Warming up Exercise,1.不管三七二十一 2. 三言两语 3. 一语道破 4. 三思而后行 5. 出门一里,不如家里。 6. 半斤八两 7. 七颠八倒 8. 九牛二虎之力 9. At the eleventh hour 10. forty winks 12. Extend in all directions 13. His father is forty something.,Regardless of the consequences; recklessly,in a few words,hit the nail on the head,Look before

2、you leap,East and west , home is best.,six of one and half a dozen of the other,at sixes and sevens,the strength of nine bulls and two tigers,在最后时刻,小睡(特指午睡),四通八达,他父亲40多岁了,数词英译的难点在于以下几方面:,数词带有形容词性或副词性,表示约略或夸张; 数词与政治术语连用; 倍数。,(一)数词有时只具有象征作用,即不表示确切的量,只表示大小、轻重、程度等的概念。 这类数字构成的短语常用作副词或形容词 英译时,不必照实译出,也不可拘泥

3、于汉语的形式,而应按英语的习惯用法来译。如:,a thousand and one ways 千方百计 the eleventh hour 最后时刻,危急的时刻 a thousand away 千里之遥 Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.东西放着,总会派上用场。一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 Everyones business is nobodys business.,概数词的英译,汉语的概数词的情况: 1) 汉语中一些表示:约、大约、大概、来、左右、上下等不定数词,可以采用以下词语翻译。 Abo

4、ut, around, roughly, approximately, some , more or less, in the neighborhood of , or so, or thereabouts, in the rough2) 汉语中一些表示:少于,低于,不到,不及,不足,以下等不定数词,可以采用以下词语翻译。 Fewer than, less than, under, below, within3) 汉语中一些表示:近、快、将近、几乎、差不多、差一点儿,差一点儿不到等不定数词,可以采用以下词语翻译。 Nearly, almost, toward, close on,4) 汉语中一

5、些表示:多于、大于、高于、超过、多、以上等不定数词,可以采用以下词语翻译。 More than, over, above, upwards of , and more, odd, and odd, 基数词+something5) 汉语中一些表示:到,至,介于之间等不定数词,可以采用以下词语翻译。 Fromto, between and,6)汉语中一些相近数词连用的现象。汉语两个数词紧挨着,表选择关系,如:一两个(one or two)、五六斤(five or six jin)等汉语不用连词,英语须用or 连接。两个数词不紧挨着,英语可表示选择或连续关系,如:三五里 十年八年 百儿八十 千儿八百

6、 万儿八千两个数字,前者是后者的十倍,英语没有此结构,如: 亿万民众 千百年,three or five li ;between three and five li; from three to five li,eight or ten years; between eight and ten years,about a hundred,less than a thousand,ten thousand or a bit less,hundreds of millions of people; millions upon millions,age-old;lots and lots of ye

7、ars,(二)汉语中一些政治词汇常与数字连用,英译时,一般可以直译。对英美读者不太熟悉的概念或事件,应加注。比较简短的词汇也可以省译数字,补出其实际内容。直译的实例: 、和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,2直译加注的实例: (1)两个基本点:two focal points(two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC,I.e. upholding the four cardinal principles and the pol

8、icies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy. 坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放。) (2) 三个代表 Three represents (represent the development trend of Chinas most advanced productive forces, the orientation of Chinas most advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majo

9、rity of the Chinese people党要始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,先进文化的前进方向,中国广大人民的根本利益).,3意译的实例: 三好学生-triple-A Students (ie. Good in academic achievement, moral qualities and physical state) 一次性筷子-disposable chopsticks; 一次性包装-non-returnable container,二、量词的英译,英语中没有量词,汉语量词英译时,通常可以不必译出如: “80个席位” - eighty seats,“一套鲁迅全集” -

10、a complete Lu Xun,“一本书” - a book 有时,汉语量词可译成英语的形容词、动词或感叹词等。有时也可译为英语的同源宾语。例如:砰!枪响了一声。- Bang! Went the gun睡了一大觉 sleep a sound sleep打了一仗 fight a fight做了甜蜜的梦- dream a sweet dream. 汉语的量词也可以译成英语中表示度量衡的名词或其他表示量的名词。例如: 十英里的距离- a distance of ten miles,三、倍数,倍数的翻译也是汉语数词英译的重要内容。1A是B的n倍这种表达法可译成: (1)A is n times t

11、hat of B; 地球的大小是月球的49倍。 The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 倍数+名词 (2)A is n times as Adjas B; 这种物质反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍。 The substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 倍数+as+形容词+as,(3)A increases(risesgrows)by(n一1)times over B; (4)A is(n一1)times more than B。 也可以用动词double, twice,twofold,

12、triple,quadruple等表示。例如: 该港的吞吐量两年间翻了一番。The handling capacity of the harbor has doubled in two years,2A增加n倍;A比B多n倍,可译成:(1)A is n+1 times as adj. as B; (2)A increases (rises, goes up,grows,be等)by n times 氧原子几乎比氢原子重15倍。 The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen.,3表示百分比增加:,今年头三个月,协议外资金额

13、和实际使用外资金额分别比去年同期增长了300.3和179.8%。In the first three months of this year,total contracted foreign capital and total paid-in capital have shot up by 300.3 percent and179.8 percent respectively4.表示百分比减少:表示减少或降低的英语表达法有reduce by、fall by (to)、go down by等。例如:采用新技术使生产成本一下子降低了25%。 The adoption of the new tech

14、nique reduced (lowered) the cost of production by one quarter (25%).,Exercises,1. Ill love you three score and ten. 2. He has one hundred and one things to do today. 3. Although she is sitting here, her mind is a thousand miles away. 4. He was tall and thin, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs

15、, and hands that reached a mile out of his sleeves. 5. Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face lost its color within twenty seconds. 6. We may have lost but Im proud to say that everyone on this team gave 110 percent efforts.,8. 我们没事评论起来,你们几个,都是百里挑不出一个来的。(曹学芹红楼梦) 9. 普及工作若是停留在一个水平上那么教育者和被教育者岂

16、不都是半斤八两? (毛泽东在延安文艺座谈会上的讲座),check your answers,1. three score years and ten=the whole life 2. one thousand and one = many 3.她人虽在这里坐着,心却在千里之外。 4.他瘦高个儿, 窄肩膀, 长胳膊, 长腿,两只手露在袖口外面老长老长。 5.她的双眼闪着晶莹的光,可她的脸色却骤然间变了。 6.我们可能失败了,但可以自豪地说,本队各位都尽了十二分的努力。,8. When we have nothing to do but gossip, we always agree that each single one of you girls is one in a thousand. 9. If popularization remains at the same level for ever will not be the educator and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?,



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