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1、广告的翻译,广告的语言特点,简练、明快、通俗朴素、取向民间且富于节奏感。 一看便知、一听即懂,为民众所喜闻乐见,以便走进千家万户。,广告翻译的特点,广告译文的最终目的绝对不是纯粹的欣赏,而是有效的推销产品。,广告学上的AIDA,Attention Interest Desire Action,广告的翻译方法,广告翻译的创造性原则 原文:“阳光唇膏:集中一点,博取永久印象” 阳光唇膏有各种色泽,可根据不同年龄、肤色、口型、时间、场合选用。年轻的姑娘用色彩鲜丽显得活泼;中年人用色调较暗的橙红显得庄重;唇小可将唇线适当扩大,光线明亮宜用淡色,背景较暗宜用深色,该唇膏可使唇部获得健康美丽的光彩。,广告

2、的翻译方法,广告翻译的创造性原则 译文1:Sunshine Lipstick There are many colors for choice according to the age, skins color, mouths pattern, time and occasion. Young girls use gay color which appears lively. Middleaged ladies use somewhat dull orange red which appears solemn. Small lips may enlarge the contour of the

3、 lips by it. You may use light colors in bright condition and with deep color under dark occasion, the lipstick makes the lips with healthy and beautiful gloss.,广告的翻译方法翻译,译文2:Sunshine Lipsticks To leave an everlasting impression, one point will do. Sunshine lipsticks. Various colors available. For d

4、ifferent ages, complexions, lip-shapes, time and occasions. Bright colors make you a cute baby. Deep colors make you a dignified lady. If you have small lips, you can enlarge the lip-line accordingly. In well-lit place, light colors are suitable. With gloomy background, deep colors are desirable. Su

5、nshine Lipsticks make your face look vital with dazzling charm.,广告的翻译方法翻译,译文3:Sunshine Lipsticks Focusing on your lips, generating a lasting impression. With various choices of colors, Sunny Lipsticks are suitable for different ages, complexions and lip-shapes, for any time, on any occasion. Show yo

6、ur vitality by wearing the bright colors; show your solemnity by wearing the darker vermilion. Color your lips the size you like. Use the light colors in the daytime, and dark colors at night. Sunny lipsticks make you the most lively and glamorous ever.,原文:I saw a city with its head in the future an

7、d its soul in the past;I saw ancient operas performed on the modern streets;I saw a dozen races co-exists as one;I didnt see an unsafe streets;was it a dream I saw?-Singapore! So easy to enjoy, so hard to forget.,译文1: 我看到一个城市,她是过去与未来的结合。我看到古老的歌剧在摩登的街头上演。我看到不同种族融洽共存为一。我看不到一条不安全的街道。只疑身在梦中?-新加坡 逍遥其中,流连

8、忘返。,译文2:有一座城市,工业立足高科技,民间传统不忘记 有一座城市,海边花园建高楼,摩登街头演古戏 有一座城市,十余民族一方土,情同手足睦相处 有一座城市,大街小巷无盗贼,夜不闭户心不恐 是天方夜谭,痴人说梦? 啊,新加坡-如此享受,铭心刻骨。,广告翻译的次原则:功能主义原则,功能主义翻译原则简介: 著名的古希腊哲学家亚里士多德发现,人类所有的行为都是有目的的,即人类所有的行为都是在追求某种目标或结果,不过他指出,每个人的最终目的都是为了生活。与此一脉相承的德国功能主义理论中的目的论的首要命题也是人类的一切有意识的行为都是有目的的,为了达到这个目的,人类可以不择手段。 以此类推:翻译活动是

9、人类有意识的行为,为了达成翻译目的,译者可以使用任何策略和方法-这就是翻译理论中目的论功能主义的精髓。,目的论功能主义翻译理论的创始人赖斯(Reiss)和维米尔(Vermeer)表示,他们提出的目的论(Skopos theory)是适用于所有文本的通用翻译理论,维米尔甚至直接表示他们的理论完全可以应用于一切类型的翻译之中。,直译法(literal translation),Featherwater: Light as a feather. 法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。 Ricoh: We lead, others copy. 理光复印机:我们领先,他人效仿。 Haier: To be true f

10、orever. 海尔:真诚到永远。 Nest: The taste is good. 雀巢咖啡:味道好极了!,香港电讯: What can be imagined, can be realized. 太平人寿: Hand in hand, future in your hand. 联合航空: Life is a journey. Travel it well.,IBM: No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。,意译法(Free Translation),谚语翻译中意译的例句: A leopard canno

11、t change its spots./ you cannot make a crab walk straight. 江山易改本性难移。 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。,意译法,Where love is the case, the doctor is an ass. 心病还须心药医,名医难治相思病。,意译法,RADAR:Mosquito, bye bye bye! 雷达牌驱虫剂:蚊子 杀杀杀! UPS:On t

12、ime, every time.We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. Watch: Begin your own tradition.,再创型翻译(creative translation),Creative translation refers to the fact that the translation has no literal connection with original on surface meaning, but the translation is commonly accepted

13、 and considered to be the translation of the originial by people. It is not only translation, but also having certain creative features.,创译,Nokia: Connecting People科技以人为本 Ericsson: Make yourself heard理解就是沟通 Ericsson: Taking you forward以爱立信,以信致远,创译,咖啡:Good to the last drop! Ma Belle-jewelry: Ma Belle

14、 is Diamond. 新加坡航空:A great way to fly. 希尔顿酒店:It happens at the Hilton. AT&T电讯:Its all within your reach.,创译的特点,1.一定是翻译而不是创作:译本一定是基本上与原文本对应的句子或语篇,在文体上与原文一般不会有重大改变。 2.译本与原本在表达广告主题思想方面是相同的,甚至会超额,一般都有明显的创译。 3.译文运用了某种原文不具备的独特的、能增强原文广告效果的修辞手段,译文在语言上有明显的创译。 4.译文不仅能起到有力促销产品的功效,而且往往因其内容和语言形式方面的创译而能起到推广品牌的作用。

15、 5.译文给人以普遍的美感,较易融入译文的文化和人文环境。,增补型翻译(Supplementary Translation),A watched pot never boils. 有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。 Accidents will happen. Every tide has its ebb. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢疏而不漏。,增补型翻译在广告中的应用,Intel Pentium: Intel Inside 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯” Longiness: Elegance is an attitude Korean Air

16、: Beyond your imagination Rolex: Youre at 35,000 feet. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be in both places at once.,增补型翻译,Trust for life 财务稳健,信守一生。 Audi:Advancement through technology 突破科技,启迪未来。 straight talk smart deals. 直言实干,称心方案。 Air China:We treasure each encounter HSBC:Your future is our future.,增补型翻译,现代车:Prepare to want one Ford: We race, you win,删减型/浓缩型翻译(Condensed Translation),As you make the bed, so you must lie in it.(自食其果。自作自受) Penny wise and pound foolish.(因小失大) What is done by night appears by day.(立竿见影),


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