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1、,英美传统饮食及餐桌文化,首先、让我们从认识开始。 First of all, let us start from understanding。,英美传统饮食,一个国家民族饮食文化的形成与发展有两大主要因素,一个是乡土性的地缘因素,一个是多元性的人为因素。对美国而言,多元性的人为因素比乡土性的地缘因素更具有关键性的影响。 A national food culture s formation and the development has two major factors, is a native of geopolitical factors, one is the diversity o

2、f human factors. In the United States, a plurality of anthropogenic factors than local geographical factors have key influence.,美国的情况则比较特殊,土地广阔、历史短而且有一百多个国家不同种族的人移民到美国,现在的总人口约二亿八千万,其中西班牙语系的居民约有四千三百万,黑人约三千六百万,亚洲来的移民也已经超过一千万,这么庞大的外来族移民在美国,成家立业,落地生根,让美国成为世界人种的大熔炉。所以,美国食品菜肴的形成也就来自这个“大熔炉”。 The United Sta

3、tes of America s situation is more special, vast land, a short history and has more than 100 countries with different ethnic people immigrated to the United States, now about two hundred and eighty million of the total population, among Hispanic residents of about forty-three million, black thirty-s

4、ix million, immigrants from Asia have more than ten million, such a huge amount of foreign nationality immigrants in the United States, marry and settle down, air plant, make the United States as the worlds ethnic melting pot. Therefore, the United States food dishes formed from this “the big furnac

5、e“.,美国菜的形成过程,美国的饮食文化: The United States Food culture,正式得体的茶盘上应该要有茶壶、茶杯、茶碟、糖罐、牛奶壶与滤茶勺。在维多利亚時代,任何的女士都得要完全懂得冲茶的技术,甚至因而发展出一系列繁琐的下午茶礼仪,例如闲聊是下午茶重要的目的之一,因此从不谈些不愉快或是无法彼此都同意的话题。 Formal decent tray should have pot, cups, saucers, sugar, milk bottle and Luzhou tea scoop. In the Vitoria times, any woman should

6、fully understand the art of tea, and thus the development of a series of complicated afternoon tea ritual, such as chatting is one important purpose of afternoon tea, so you never talk about something unpleasant or cannot be both agree.,美国菜的形成及特色,传统的美国菜就如同传统的美国佬,它的特色是“粗狂实在”,食用新鲜的原材料,不靠添加剂,调味剂,食物保持原汁

7、原味,烹调的过程不拖泥带水,无论是烤、煎、炸都没有很复杂的做工,也不讲究细火慢炖,没有太多的花俏装饰。美国食物的主要结构是一二三四制,如同三角形状,最主要的一是牛肉,二是鸡、鱼,三是猪、羊、虾,四是面包、马铃薯、玉米、蔬菜。 Traditional American cuisine is the traditional American, its characteristic is“ rough it“, consumption of fresh raw materials, do not rely on additives, flavors, food to maintain the ori

8、ginal, the cooking process does not do things sloppily, whether it is baked, fried, fried are not very complicated work, also do not pay attention to the small fire slow cooked, not too many fancy decoration. The United States Food main structure is one two three four, like a triangular shape, the m

9、ain one is beef, chicken, fish two, three pigs, four sheep, shrimp, bread, potato, corn, vegetables.,美国菜的形成,美国人全都承认欧洲菜是美国菜的祖先,美国菜是用欧洲菜作为“根”,再经过自己的培育、发芽长出枝叶,逐渐茁壮茂盛,树立了自己的主体,甚至还播种接枝,传播到世界各地。 Americans all recognized European cuisine is the United States Food ancestors, the United States Food with Euro

10、pean cuisine as“ root“, after their own training, germination to grow leaves, gradually grow and flourish, set up their own body, even seeded graft, spread all over the world.,美国餐饮的蓬勃发展,最近的25年,高科技行业突飞猛进,美国人特别是年轻一代,不但经济收入增加,工作压力也随之增加,因此更重视休闲与美食。尤其是晚餐这顿饭,愿意花钞票享受轻松的美味佳肴并挑选香醇的葡萄美酒相搭配。由于市场的强烈需求,各种类型的餐馆不论

11、是一般消费的快餐店,或是中等消费的家庭餐厅,或是高级食府,如雨后春笋在全美各地迅速崛起,美国餐饮行业出现了蓬勃朝气的趋势。 Recent 25 years, the high-tech industry Americans make a spurt of progress, especially the younger generation, not only economic income increases, the working pressure is increased, therefore more attention to leisure and food. Especially

12、 dinner this meal, willing to spend money to easily enjoy the delicacies and pick the mellow wine match. Because of the strong market demand, various types of restaurants whether general consumption of fast food shops, or moderate consumption family restaurant, or senior restaurant, such as bamboo s

13、hoots after a spring rain all over the country to rise abruptly quickly, the United States Food and beverage industry appeared vibrant trend,.,美国式饮食不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化。一日三餐都比较随便。早餐以面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、果汁、麦片、咖啡、香肠等为主。午餐一般在工作地点用快餐,一般有三明治、水果、咖啡、汉堡包、热狗等。晚餐是正餐,比较丰盛,有一二道菜,如牛排、猪排、烤肉、炸鸡等,配面包、黄油、青菜、水果、点心等。也有不少人上餐馆用

14、晚餐。 The United States of America type diet does not pay attention to fine, the pursuit of fast and convenient, also not luxurious, more popular. Three meals a day are more casual. Breakfast with bread, milk, eggs, fruit juice, cereal, coffee, sausage and other mainly. In place of work with fast food

15、 lunch, usually have sandwiches, fruit, coffee, hamburgers, hot dogs and other. Dinner is a dinner, a relatively rich, have one or two dishes, such as beef, pork, meat, fried chicken, served with bread, butter, vegetables, fruits, and other snacks. There are a lot of restaurants for dinner.,美国饮食,英国的

16、传统饮食文化,国菜:炸鱼加薯条。 Food: fish and chips. 早餐 Breakfast 传统的英式早餐有煎培根、香肠和煎土司。这叫做“煎食”。但现在多数人都很忙,没办法每天都吃这种丰盛的早餐,所以现在最流行的早餐种类有: The traditional English breakfast with fried Bacon, sausage and toast. This is called“ fried food“. But now most people are busy, can not eat the breakfast, so now the most popular breakfast type: 一碗玉米片加牛奶; “ A bowl of cornflakes with milk; 一些优格加新鲜水果; Some yogurt and fresh fruit; 土司涂果酱,通常在早餐时喝茶、咖啡、或果汁。英国人仍在周未享用传统的英式早餐。 “ Toast with jam, usually breakfast tea, coffee, or fruit juice. The weekend still enjoy the traditional English breakfast,



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