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1、Unit 11,Could you please clean your room?,Do you often do chores at home?What chores do you often do at home?,sweep the floor,take out the trash,fold the quilt,fold the clothes,make the bed,make meals (breakfast/lunch/supper),do the dishes,do the laundry,= do the /some washing,=wash the clothes,=was

2、h the dishes,clean the living room,/ bedroom,sitting room,clean the dining room,/ meeting room,clean the kitchen,study (n.),/ washroom,=toilet,clean/wash the car,/ the bike / motorbike,feed the dog,/cat,/ fish,/bird,feed the pigs,/ cows,/sheep(单复同形),cut grass,milk a cow,v.挤奶,water the flowers,v.(浇水)

3、,pick oranges/apples,sweep the floor,take out the trash,fold the quilt /clothes,make the bed/breakfast/lunch/dinner,do the dishes /laundry,clean the living room/bedroom/dining room/meeting room/kitchen/washroom,/study/car/bike/motorbike,feed the dog/cat/fish/bird/pigs/cows/sheep,cut grass/milk a cow

4、/water the flowers,pick oranges /apples,A: I like washing the car because I can be outside. B: I dont like doing the dishes because its boring.,wash the car-likedo the dishes-dont like,3b,Activity1: pair work,. ,3a Fill in the blanks with “make” or “do”.,A: I hate to _(1)_ chores. B: Well, I hate so

5、me chores too,but I like other chores. A: Really? Do you like to _(2)_the laundry? B: No, I dont . Its boring. A: I agree. Do you like to _(3)_ your bed? B: No, not really. But I like to _(4)_ the dishes, because its relaxing . And I like to _(5)_ breakfast, because I like to cook.,do,do,make,do,mak

6、e,重点词汇剖析,hate :dislike / dont like,hate,to do sth.,doing sth.,sb./sth.,具体的某次动作,带有长期性,习惯性,agree:,disagree:,agree/disagree (v.),agreement /disagreement(n.),agree with sb./ sth.(同意某人/某事),eg. I agree with you.,I agree with what you said(your words).,agree on sth.(对意见一致,对达成协议),eg. We agree on this count.

7、,say “yes”to sb./sth.,say “no” to sb./sth.,agree to sth.(同意,答应,赞成),eg.She agreed to my idea/plan/arrangement.,agree to do sth.(同意做某事),eg.My mother agreed to give me money.,Could you please sweep the floor?,Yes,sure /of course/certainly.,Ask for permission,Sorry,I cant.Im having a class now.,Could yo

8、u please take out the trash now?,Ask for permission,Could I please use your pen?,Yes,you can/sure/of course/certainly/please.,No/Sorry/Oh,you cant.(please dont),A: Could you /I please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure./Sorry ,I /you cant.,do the dishes sweep the floor take out the trash make the bed fol

9、d the clothes feed my dog clean the living room water the flowers . ,Activity 2:pair work,2a /2b Listen . Peter asks his father if he can do four things . What does his father say? Check() “yes” or “no”.,Peter:Hey,Dad! Dad:Yes? Peter:Could I _tonight? Dad:I guess so .But dont_ Peter:Could I stay out

10、_. Dad:No,you cant .You _tomorrow, remember? Peter:Oh,Yeah.Well ,could I_? Dad:Sorry,but I need it.I have to go to _ Peter:Could you _downtown. Dad:Sure.,go to the movies,stay out late.,until 11,have a test,use the car,a meeting.,give me a ride,A: Could I please use your computer? B: Sorry. Im going

11、 to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, you can . But first you have to clean your room.,work on (从事于/忙于/致力于/演算/操作),work (hard) at(在方面努力地工作/学习),Activity 3:pair work,do the dishes wash the car clean your room take out the trash sweep the floor fold your clothes make your bed,4,Activity 4:Group workSorry,I cant.,Could you please?,


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