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1、Maritime English,Communication at sea,Introduction,1. Marine telecommunications:Radio/telex communications 2. VTS (vessel traffic service) & VHF Communication3. Distress situations/Distress signals4. Signals and communication5. GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)6. EPIRP (Emergency po

2、sition-indicating radio beacon)7. SMCP (Standard Maritime Communication Phrases)8. Non-verbal communication (gestures, marks.)9. Written communications,Communications within the ship Communications over relatively short distances Communications over long distances,International Code of Signals,国际信号规

3、则,海事旗语过去用于船只之间的通信,一般用法是拼成短句,另外单个旗帜也有特殊含义。现在的海事旗语一般只用于装饰用途。 特殊含义 a = 潜水员工作中,保持距离 b = 危险货物 c = 是 d = 保持距离 e = 调整航线至右舷 f = 伤残 g = 需要领航员 h = 领航员在船上 i = 调整航线至左舷 j = 火灾,保持距离 k = 期望对话 l = 你必须立即停止 m = 我已经停止(另外可表示:船上有医生) n = 不 o = 有人落海 p = 即将启航 q = 我请求 s = 引擎向船尾 t = 保持距离(另外可表示:请求运输) u = 你正面临危险 v = 请求协助 w = 请

4、求医疗协助 x = 停止你的意图 y = 抛锚中 z = 请求拖船 N + c = 我处于危难中,Example of Codes,MAJ23 I have male aged 23 years MAM3 Patient has been ill for 3 days MBV Temperature is rising MBY The pulse rate is irregular MCF The breathing is weak SOS Save our souls?,AE:我必须放弃我的船(弃船)。 AE1:我(船或船员)想放弃船舶,但是没有救生设备。 AE2:除非你留下准备救助我,否则

5、我将弃船。 NE:你应十分小心地行驶,发现有敌舰。 BB:你(直升机)可以在我的甲板上降落。 信号旗码组以字母旗M开头的一般为医疗信息, MM:我请求紧急医疗指导。,GMDSS,The trouble with radio Reception difficulties: the quality of some messages can be adversely affected by changes in propagation conditions. Uncertainty of the message being received: the maximum range of the man

6、datory telegraphy and telephony equipment is only about 250 kilometres. A message transmitted from a ship in mid-ocean is therefore unlikely to be received on shore. The service is primarily a ship-to-ship service and depends on another ship being within range. The need for specialization: Morse tel

7、egraphy, the basis of the radio service, required many years of training and practice. If something happened to the radio operator, it was unlikely that anyone else on board would be able to use the telegraphy equipment. Congestion: the development of radio on land meant that competition for frequen

8、cies became fierce. There was little chance of the frequencies allocated for maritime purposes being increased.Titanic diaster,Titanic disaster,The increasing number of accidents at sea showed the importance of radiocommunications in saving lives. The most famous of these occurred in 1912 when the T

9、itanic sank with the loss of more than 1,500 lives. Although 700 lives were saved when the liner Carpathia picked up the Titanics distress message, the death toll may have been reduced had the Californian, which was a relatively short distance from the scene, done the same. Unfortunately her radio o

10、fficer was off duty. Three months after the Titanic disaster, another international radio conference met in London. Although it was decided that the installation of radio equipment on board all ships should not be made internationally obligatory, steps were taken to improve radio coverage, with some

11、 ships being required to maintain a permanent radio watch. At the conference, the letters “SOS“ were adopted as the international distress call (previously it had been CQD). Contrary to popular myth, the letters are not an abbreviation (for “Save Our Souls“) and have no special Significance except t

12、hat the familiar “. - . “ is easy to remember and transmit in the Morse Code. (The “Mayday“ distress call used in radiotelephony is a corruption of the French “maider” which simply means “help me“.),Inmarsat advantages,Inmarsat not only provides good quality radiotelephone channels, it also provides

13、 a service for telex, facsimile and high-speed data transmission. Moreover, there is guaranteed privacy of communications between ship and owner important point in a commercial operation whereas terrestrial radio messages can be overheard by anyone with the right receiver. It also provides for recep

14、tion of medical advice and assistance, meteorological reports and weather forecasts, navigational warnings and ship position reports.Its most important function is the provision of improved distress and safety communications. By using the system, a ship can send a distress message and know with cert

15、ainty it will be received.With Inmarsat established, it was possible to start work in earnest on the development of a future distress system. The IMO Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications began working on it in September 1978.,The basic concept of the GMDSS,Search and rescue authorities ashore, as we

16、ll as shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident so they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum of delay. (see the illustration)The GMDSS enables a ship which is in distress to send a message in various ways and be virtually certain that it will be heard and acted upon. The distress or safety message is picked up by ships in the area and by shore stations within range if sent on MF or by shore stations if transmitted using Inmarsat or COSPAS-SARSAT.,


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