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1、Terms of Payment付款条件,重点、要求:掌握好一些重要支付条件的用语与句型掌握好于信用证相关的用语及句型,1.支付方式:1) Transfer/Remittance汇款a) M/T Mail Transfer 信汇b) T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇c) D/D Bankers Demand Draft 票汇,2) Collection 托收a) D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单 D/P at sight D/P after sight 即期付款交单 远期付款交单 b) D/A承兑交单 Documents against

2、 Acceptance,3)L/C 信用证 Irrevocable L/C Confirmed L/C Transferable L/C Revolving L/C 可转让信用证 循环信用证 documentary L/C Clean L/C 跟单信用证 光票信用证 4)分期付款 installment payment,2.关于付款payment in advance deferred payment 预付货款 延期付款 cash on delivery(COD) cash with order(CWO) 交货付现 随订单付现 down payment 付款定金,3.关于汇票汇票(Bill o

3、f Exchange,Draft)是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。 drawer drawee=payer holder=payee 出票人 (接)受票人、付款人 持票人收款人 clean bill documentary bill 光票 跟单汇票 bankers bill commercial bill 银行汇票 商业汇票,4. endorser n. 背书人endorse v. Bills of Lading are to be made out to order and blank endorsed.to order 空白抬头

4、 make out 缮制,填写 提单要按空白抬头和空白背书缮制。 endorsement in blank endorsement in full 无记名式背书 记名式背书,Dear Sirs, We wish to place an order with you for 1,000 casks Iron Nails at your price of US$150.00 per cask CFRC5% Lagos(拉哥斯) for shipment during July/August.For this particular order we would like to pay by 30 d

5、ays L/C, Involving about US$150,000, this order iscomparatively a big one. As we have only moderate means at hand, the tie-up of funds for three to four months indeed presents a problem to us.,It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have extended us inthe past. If you can

6、 do us a special favour thistime, please send your contract, upon receipt of which we will establish the relative L/C immediately.Yours faithfully,1.Pay 1)vi.付款、值得、合算 Pay in advance 预付 Pay in cash 付现金 Pay by check 支票付款 pay in instalments 分期付款 Pay on delivery 货到付款 It does not pay to buy in small quan

7、tities. 小量购买不合算。 2)vt.付,给予 We trust you will pay our draft on presentation. 我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。,3)payment,支付,支付的款 terms of payment 或 payment terms 付款条件 monthly payments of US $300 每月付款300美元 付某种费用的款,如发票,费用,佣金等,常用in payment of,如:We enclose a cheque for US $ 2000 in payment of all commissions due to yo

8、u up to date. 付某种具体实物的款,如商品,广告,样品等,常用in payment for,如:We have received your cheque for US $ 2000 in payment for the bikes ordered as per your letter of May 5th.,2. 30 days L/C 见票后30天议付 见票后多少天议付的说法很多,以见票后30天议付的信用证为例,常用的有以下几种: L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight; L/C at 30 days after sight;

9、L/C at 30 days 30 days L/C,3.means n. 资力 、财力 moderate means 资金有限 means of production 生产资料 This firm is quite reliable. It never does business beyond its means. 这家公司比较可靠,在经营上一向量入为出。 by all means 尽一切办法,一定,务必 by means of 借助,依靠 by no means 决不,一点也不,4. tie up of funds 占压资金tie-up n. 束缚 tie-up in negotiatio

10、n谈判僵局 tie-up of traffic 交通停顿 tie up a property 冻结财产,Dear Sirs, Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheet from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable L/COn this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our fund

11、s lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interest.,If you would kindly make easier payment terms, we are sure that such an arrangement would be conductive to encourage business be

12、tween us. We propose either“Cash against Documents on Arrival of Goods”or“Drawing on Us at Three Months Sight”.Your kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,1. as a rule = usually 通常 As a

13、rule ,we require commercial invoice in four copies.通常我们需要商业发票1式4份。 As a rule ,commission is allowed to agents only.佣金通常只付给代理商。,2. taxing 难于负担的,使人感到压力的 Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means. 这样一笔数额对于一个中等资力的商号是有压力的。 tax tax avoidance 避税 tax abatement 减税 tax evasion 逃税 tax holiday 免税期 t

14、o levy a tax on sth. 对某物征税,2. taxing 难于负担的,使人感到压力的 Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means. 这样一笔数额对于一个中等资力的商号是有压力的。 tax tax avoidance 避税 tax abatement 减税 tax evasion 逃税 tax holiday 免税期 to levy a tax on sth. 对某物征税,3. tight 紧的,难得到的 tight money tight market Energy resources are tight the

15、world over. 能源是全球性紧张。 They ask for this accommodation because their funds are tight. 他们要求照顾,因为他们手头拮据。,4.priority 优先 top priority最优先考虑的事 give priority to 给以优先权 enjoy priority in 在方面享有优先权 The question of payment will take top priority in our discussion. 支付问题将在我们的讨论中占最优先的地位。 We are unable to appoint you as our agent in your district, but you may enjoy priority in our offers. 我们不能指定你们为你地区的我方代理人,但你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。,



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