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1、Lecture Twenty,Other Styles and Translation 其他文体的翻译,Translating tourism texts,中英旅游文,受其写作传统的影响,存在基本差异:汉语文字华丽,英语文字朴素。翻译时必须考虑这一差异。何志范先生对中英旅游文的翻译有一段精彩的议论:”一篇中文旅游文章,在描绘一景点或某一壮观活动时,往往文采奕奕,婆娑多姿,华丽词藻娓娓动听,有时竟贯穿全文。然而我们在阅读英美旅游文时,这类现象并不多见,此时,译者可根据外国读者的习惯,把中文堆砌的词藻用简洁明快的英文表达出来。,适当调整词语,力求保持原作韵味,做到忠而不泥,活而不滥,贵在句炼词精。

2、殊不知,过多的修饰语会失之于累赘沉重,译文令人厌读,达不到我们宣传旅游景点的目的,岂非弄巧成拙?”(见乔萍等编散文佳作108篇,180页)。何先生虽然谈的是旅游文的汉译英,我们却可以从中受到启发,那就是在做旅游文的英译汉时,要考虑汉语读者的审美期待和口味,将平易的英文尽量译得有文采一点。,1. 英译汉下面是INFO NIAGARA网站(见http:/ is something about Niagara Falls, Canada that appeals to the lover, daredevil and poet in everyone. Over the years Niagara

3、Falls has evolved from a strategic military post to a prosperous trade centre, and finally into a world class year-round travel destination. Nature has left an indelible mark on the Niagara region. The Canadian Falls, with a height of 54 metres (177 ft), and the American Falls, at 56 metres (184 ft)

4、 high, are true wonders of nature. Royalty, poets, and celebrities have all come to Niagara to experience its awe inspiring wonders.,【译文】加拿大境内的尼亚加拉大瀑布,魅力绝伦。每一位游客,来到这里,观瀑布磅礴气势,必会豪情大发,兴踏平天下险阻之意念;览奇丽景色,诗情勃发,欲讴歌大自然鬼斧神工;流连忘返,喜爱之情顿生。历史上,尼亚加拉大瀑布,曾为战略要地,后来成为繁荣的商品集散地,最后发展成为世界一流的、人人向往的旅游胜地,常年游客不断。,尼亚加拉大瀑布是大自然

5、母亲在尼亚加拉地区留下的永恒印迹。加拿大境内的瀑布高54米;美国境内的瀑布高56米。在这里,大自然展露出她瑰丽的奇观。王室贵冑,文人骚客,名流显要,无不慕名而来,体验瀑布的惊心动魄,领悟瀑布的无上妙谛。,【分析】总体来看,英语旅游文体风格朴实,重在事实描述,即便使用”丽词”,也是偶尔为之,上例即是明证。汉语旅游文体,词藻华丽,甚至不惜堆砌词语。翻译须充分考虑这一差异。上面的译文,在原文偶用丽词之处,顺着原文的意义线索,大势铺张华词丽语,以求得与汉语同类文本之近似,译法已似译写。运用的主要技巧有:,(1)具体化。something 具体译为”魅力绝伦”。 (2)词序调整。Niagara Fall

6、s, Canada译为”加拿大境内的尼亚加拉大瀑布”,进行了词序调整。 (3)意译。原文第一句中的定语从句和最后一句的翻译,特别是lover, daredevil, poet, awe, inspiring等词的翻译,是根据语境含义的扩充式翻译,添加了译者的想象,从某种意义上看,这是译写。 (4)分译。a world class year-round travel destination.一分为二,译作”世界一流的、人人向往的旅游胜地,常年游客不断”。,2. 汉译英下面的旅游景点介绍及其英译文选自胡述主编的奇山异水张家界(湖南人民出版社,2003年,个别地方略有变动)。,【原文】 中国张家界张


8、林学家,清华大学朱畅中教授誉为“天下第一奇山。”,张家界在二十世纪八十年代初为世人所认识。张家界以独特的自然风貌和原始神韵,一展雄姿,就成为遐尔闻名的旅游胜地。1982 年被国务院批准为中国第一个国家森林公园。1998年10月,国务院公布武陵源为国家重点风景名胜区。1992年12月7日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会批准将武陵源作为世界自然遗产列入世界自然遗产名录。,2000年12月,武陵源同时获国家AAAA级质量认证,并捧回”全国文明风景名胜区”金牌。国际自然与自然资源保护联盟技术评价报告中指出:”武陵源在风景上可以和美国西部的几个国家森林公园及纪念物相比。武陵源具有不可否定的自然美。因为它


10、达3万多张,其中星级宾馆20余家。全市有为旅游服务的旅行社50多家。,随着张家界知名度不断提高,张家界的旅游事业不断发展,旅游设施不断完善。张家界的各族人民正从封闭走向开放,正在加快步伐走出国门,走向世界。朋友,张家界欢迎您!,【译文】 Zhangjiajie, ChinaZhangjiajie was approved as a prefectural city on May 18, 1988 by the State Council with the jurisdiction over Yongding and Wulingyuan districts and Cili and Sangz

11、hi counties. The city is situated in the west of Hunan Province, covering an area of 4,536 square kilometers with the total population of 15,240,000, and here live some nationalities of Han, Tujia, Miao and Bai. Its climate belongs to a subtropical monsoon humid climate and annual average temperatur

12、e is 16.,The main scenic spot is Wulingyuan consisting of Zhangjiajie National Park, Tianzi (Emperor) Mountain Natural Reserves, and Suoxi Gully Natural Reserves, which still preserve the features of primitiveness, simplicity and nature of Yangtze Valley 5,000 years ago. The natural scenery can equa

13、l Mount Tai in magnificence, Guilin in elegance, Mount Huang in uniqueness and Mount Hua in precipice. Professor Zhu Changzhong, a famous horticultural expert at Qinghua University, once highly praised it as “Number One Miracle Mountain in the World” for its,uniqueness of all famous mountains and va

14、lleys with the combination of lofty peaks, bridges, caves and lakes; within sight are the forested stone peaks and steep cliffs, densely growing jade-green plants, birds soaring and flowers in full blossom, and the stone caves, valleys and streams which can been seen all over the forest park.,Zhangj

15、iajie got known to the world in the 1980s, and has become a famous tourist spot for its uniqueness of natural features and primitive charm. In 1982, it was granted the name “the First National Forest Park” by the State Council. In October 1998, Wulingyuan was listed as one of the key historical scen

16、ic spots by the State Council. On December 7, 1992, it was put into the World Natural Heritage Catalogue by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, and in December 2000, certified the State AAAA Quality and awarded a golden medal of “the State-level Civilized,Scenic Resort”. It was pointed out in th

17、e Technical Appraisal Report by the Alliance of International Nature and Natural Resources Protection that Wulingyuan can be comparable with some national natural reserves in the western part of the United States of America. Indeed, Wulingyuan has indelible natural beauty for its innumerable fantastic rock formations, luxuriant green plants and clear lakes and streams.,


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