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1、Period 4 训练案 (Writing课本P12),Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,写作一:完成课本P12的3a练习。 写作二:根据下面提示写一篇有关Tom的日程安排的作文。词数70左右。,Period 4 训练案,Period 4 训练案,【思路点拨】 第一步:审题: 人称_ 时态_ 第二步:列出主要的短语和句型。 1.在上午_ 2.在下午_,第三人称单数(Tom),Period 4 训练案,一般现在时,in the morning,in the afternoon,3.在晚上_ 4.课后_ 5.起床_ 6.穿衣服_ 7.吃早餐_,in the

2、 evening,Period 4 训练案,after class,get up,get dressed,eat breakfast,8.去上学_ 9.从7点到9点_ 10.做作业_ 11.阅读_ 12.听音乐_,go to school,Period 4 训练案,from seven to nine,do ones homework,read books,listen to music,13.睡觉_ 14.要么要么_ 15.8点开始上课。 _16.他和朋友们运动半个小时。_,go to bed,Period 4 训练案,either or,School starts at 8 oclock.

3、/ We begin our class at eight.,He exercises with his friends for half an hour.,第三步:运用and,or,so,firstthen 等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多 样化。Tom has a busy day._ _ _,Period 4 训练案,Tom has a busy day. He gets up at 6 oclock.Then he gets dressed and has breakfast.At 7:20, he goes to school.There are eight classes

4、every day.He has five classes in the morning.School starts at 8:00.In the afternoon, school finishes at half past five.,Period 4 训练案,Tom exercises with his friends for half an hour.In the evening, he does his homework first from 7:00 to 9:00 after dinner.Then he either reads books or listens to musi

5、c.He goes to bed at about 10:00.What a busy day he has!,Period 4 训练案,第四步:修改文章自己复查,小组互改。 1.用红笔在文章中纠错。 2.欣赏好词好句:评选小组内写得最好的三个句子,摘抄下来。 _,Period 4 训练案,(作文评分细则与标准请参照本书最后一页),Period 4 训练案,单元语法专练 一、单项填空。 ( )1._ do you exercise? I usually exercise on weekends. A.Why B.How C.When D.What,Period 4 训练案,C,( )2.He

6、_ gets up early in the morning, so he is _ late for school. A.always; never B.always; sometimes C.usually; always D.never; never ( )3.Jack often _ sports after school. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play,Period 4 训练案,A,B,( )4.He usually eats breakfast _ 8:00 _ the morning. A.at;on B.in;in C.in;at D.a

7、t;in ( )5.What time _ your parents _ to work? A.does;go B.does;goes C.do;go D.do;goes,Period 4 训练案,D,C,( )6.Doing exercise every morning is good _ our health. A.at B.for C.with D.to ( )7.Sue _ home after school _ every afternoon. A.go;in B.goes;in C.goes to;/ D.goes;/,Period 4 训练案,B,D,( )8. _ he alw

8、ays clean his room _ Saturday afternoon? A.Do; in B.Does; in C.Do; on D.Does; on ( )9.Ice-cream tastes _.I want some more. A.good B.well C.bad D.funny,Period 4 训练案,D,A,( )10. _ Mike _ you cant go to the party.One of you must stay and clean the house. A.Neither;nor B.Either;or C.Not only; but also D.

9、Both; and,Period 4 训练案,B,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.My sister _ (walk)to school every day. 12.Soldiers saved lots of _ (life)in the earthquake(地震). 13.I brush _ (tooth)every day.,Period 4 训练案,walks,lives,teeth,14.Lily often eats _ (quick) because she doesnt want to be late. 15.I have lots of friends.Bill is

10、 my _ (good)friend of all.,Period 4 训练案,quickly,best,单元基础巩固 一、单项填空。 ( )1.What time is it now? Its _. A.ten oclock B.Tuesday C.June 1st D.morning,Period 4 训练案,A,( )2.I often go to _ school after _ breakfast. A.a;the B./;a C./;/ D.the;the ( )3.I have much _ to finish every day. A.job B.jobs C.work D.w

11、orks,Period 4 训练案,C,C,( )4.You should _ play the piano at night,because its noisy(喧闹的). A.always B.never C.sometimes D.often ( )5.“7:50” reads _. A.eight to fifty B.ten past seven C.fifty to seven D.ten to eight,Period 4 训练案,B,D,( )6._ will you have a school trip? Tomorrow afternoon. A.What time B.W

12、hy C.When D.How ( )7. _ he _ volleyball every day? A.Do;play B.Is;plays C.Does;play D.Are;plays,Period 4 训练案,C,C,( )8.Jims family _ milk and bread for breakfast. A.having B.eat C.eats D.have ( )9.When is Jays concert? Its at three oclock _ the afternoon of July 18th. A.in B.on C.at D.for,Period 4 训练

13、案,D,B,( )10.On Saturday night, they either go shopping _ watch a movie. A.and B.or C.also D.to,Period 4 训练案,B,二、根据中文提示或音标填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 11.I often go to work by bus._ (有时)I ride a bike. 12.I want to catch the _ (早的)bus in the morning.,Period 4 训练案,Sometimes,early,13.We should do much _ (运动)to keep healthy. 14.The food my mother cooks _ (品尝)good. 15.His father works at a train _ (车站).,


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