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1、Social Customs,Wedding ceremony Funeral Birthday celebration,Chinese Marriage,When we speak of Chinese marriage, we mean the Chinese traditional marriage. The process of the marriage is very complex and it varies from place to place. But it had a similar pattern. In China, to get married was traditi

2、onally considered a must. A Chinese motto says well: “It is natural to get married when you grow up.”,Chinese Marriage,Since ancient times, marriages has been regarded as one of the three most blessed events in the life of a Chinese person. The other two are passing the imperial examination科举 and th

3、e birth of children. Marriage is solemnized隆重庆祝with lots of interesting customs.,Chinese Marriage,In the past, following feudal customs, young men and women were not allowed to choose their future partner themselves. The decision was made by their parents and a match maker. Some youths even had thei

4、r mate picked out for them before they were born.,Chinese Marriage,The wedding ceremony was supposed to be the highlight of the whole marriage. The bride was regarded in a high position and was the center of attention, but was expected to be obedient in her new family after the wedding day. The new

5、couple would kneel in front of the bridegrooms parents and bow deeply to the heaven and the earth, to their parents, and to their future life together.,Three Letters (sn sh),Betrothal Letter (聘书) Gift Letter (礼书) Wedding Letter (迎亲书),Six Etiquettes (六礼),Proposing (纳采) Birthday matching (问名) Presenti

6、ng betrothal gifts (纳吉) Presenting wedding gifts (纳征) Picking a wedding date (请期) Wedding ceremony (亲迎),Proposing,If an unmarried boys parents identify a girl as their their daughter-in-law, they would then find a matchmaker. Proposing is the speciality专业,特长;特产of the matchmaker. The matchmaker would

7、 formally present the clients requests to the identified girls parents.,back,Birthday matching,If the potential brides parents do not object to the marriage, the matchmaker would then ask for the girls birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the

8、couples birthdays and birth-hours do not conflict according to astrology, the marriage would continue onto the next stage. If there is any sign of astrological conflict, the proposed marriage is immediately quashed.撤销,使无效,镇压,back,Presenting betrothal gifts,Once both birthdays match, the bridegrooms

9、family would then arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts, including the betrothal letter, to the brides family.,back,Presenting wedding gifts,After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts are accepted, the bridegrooms family would later formally send wedding gifts to the brides famil

10、y. Usually, gifts may include tea, lotus seeds, longan,桂圆 red beans, green beans, red dates, oranges, lily, bridal cakes喜饼, wine, money box and other delicacies美食 ,depending on local customs and family wealth.,back,Picking a wedding date,An astrologist or astrology book would be consulted to select

11、an auspicious幸运的;吉兆的date to hold the wedding ceremony.,back,Wedding ceremony,On the selected day, the bridegroom would depart with a troop of escorts伴宴人员and musicians, playing cheerful music all the way to the brides home. After the bride is escorted 护送to the bridegrooms home, the wedding ceremony b

12、egins. Unlike Western tradition, the color red dominates traditional Chinese weddings. Chinese people tend to use or wear red to add joyful atmosphere of such a festive occasion.,back,Wedding ceremony,At dawn of the wedding day and after a bath, the brides puts on new clothes, wears a pair of red sh

13、oes and wait for the so-called “good luck woman” to dress her hair in the style of a married woman. Her head would be covered with a red silk veil面纱,面罩,遮盖;隐蔽with tassels穗饰,流苏or beed strings that hang from the phoenix crown. She waits for her husband to escort her home, with married women talking aro

14、und her about how to be a good wife.,back,Wedding ceremony,On the other hand, the bridegroom prepares himself to receive his wife. He gets capped 束发and dressed in a long gown礼服,长外衣,睡衣, red shoes and a red silk sash窗框with a silk ball on his chest. The groom kneels at the ancestral altar祭坛,圣坛as his fa

15、ther puts a cap decorated with cypress柏树leaves on his head to declare his adulthood and his family responsibility.,back,Wedding ceremony,Then the bridegroom sets out to receive his bride. Usually a crowd of friends escorts the bridegroom and musicians play joyful tunes during the entire trip. Dancin

16、g lions, if any, precede the troop. In ancient times, a bridal sedan chair花轿 (or a decorated donkey due to poverty or bad traffic) would be used to transport the bride.,back,Wedding ceremony,The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of the brides residence, which

17、is heavily guarded by the brides sisters. Is is customary for the sisters to give the bridegroom a difficult time before he is allowed to enter. Usually wisdom, courage and friendship will help the bridegroom to succeed in his “trial”. However, there is one more situation he has to negotiate with the sisters- to distribute among them red packets containing money-in order to take his bride home.,


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