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1、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,Language Points,1. laughter U.N 笑声,笑,爆发出一阵大笑 burst into _ / burst out _,laughter,laughing,laugh,v. 笑,laugh at sb. 嘲笑,laugh off sth. 用笑容摆脱,laugh in ones face 当面嘲笑,no laughing matter 不是开玩笑的事情,n (c) 笑声,笑柄,a happy laugh,What a laugh to say that!,Hearing his words, the stu

2、dents burst _.A. in a laughterB. in a laughC. into a laughterD. into a laugh,be good to be bad to be friendly to be cruel to be warm to be cold to be polite to be rude to,be good for be bad for be good at be bad at,for 表示对有好处,to 表示 对怎样at 表示 在方面,The doctor, who was good _ me while I was in hospital,

3、told me reading in bed was bad _ my eyes.A. to, for B. for, toC. for, atD. at, of,2. comedy n. 喜剧;喜剧作品,复数 comedies,comedic a. 有喜剧性的,comedian n. 喜剧演员;滑稽演员,tragedy n. 悲剧,1. joke,1) play a joke on sb 戏弄某人,对某人恶作剧 2)make jokes about sth 拿来开玩笑,男孩们跟詹姆士开玩笑,他们把他的鞋子藏起来让他找不到。,The boys played a joke/ trick on J

4、ames. They hid his shoes and he couldnt find them.,他们拿我的旧帽子开玩笑。,They made jokes about my old hat.,To be continued,3) have/ make a joke with sb 和某人开玩笑 4) joke with sb about sth 拿和某人开玩笑,我和他开玩笑。,I joked with him. / I made a joke with him.,他经不起开玩笑。,He cant take a joke.,3. reaction,n. 反应,他对我的建议的反应如何?,Wha

5、ts his reaction to my suggestion?,1)react vi. (对刺激)产生反应, 介词 to 2) 有影响,起作用,起化学反应,介词 on, upon,他对于那条消息没有作反应。,He didnt react to the news.,你的赞扬会影响到你的学生。,Your praise will react on/ upon your students.,Applause reacts on/ upon a speaker.,3. response n. 回应,反应,回答,他的学生对他没有什么反应。,He received little response fro

6、m his students.,她以挥手示意。,She waved her hand in response.,in response to 对做出反应,他应敲门声而开门。,He opened the door in response to the knock.,respond v. 回答, 响应,有反应, 介词 to,我问他去哪里,但是他没有回答。,I asked where hed been, but he didnt respond.,他们积极响应党的号召,为希望工程捐款。,They eagerly respond to the Partys call and donate much m

7、oney to Project Hope.,治疗对他的癌症没能奏效。,His cancer failed to respond to treatment.,1)形体动作的2)肉体的(反义词:mental),4. physical adj.,体育锻炼就是我们给身体进行的锻炼。,Physical exercises are exercises we give the body.,他的疾病经检查并非是肉体上的,而是精神上的。,His trouble was found to be mental, not physical.,这个学校的老师每年进行一次体格检查。,Teachers in this sc

8、hool have a physical exam once a year.,5. queue,n. (按顺序等待的人、车等的)行列 (美:line) vi. 排队(for sth)等待,为了买一张票,我们得排队好几个钟头。,We had to stand / wait in a queue for hours to buy a ticket.,别插队!,Dont jump the queue.,排队等候公共汽车,queue up for a bus,6. One such person is Billy Crystal.,I didnt have time to make some such

9、 excuse.,No such person exists.,I have met many such people.,such与 all, no, some, any, few, little, many, several, one 等词语连用时,应位于他们之后,7. host,vt. 主办或主持(某活动 )n.主持人,东道主,主人,今年将有哪个国家来主办这次活动?,Which country is hosting the game this year?,我喜欢李咏主持的节目。,I like the programme hosted by Li Yong.,他曾经是个脱口秀节目的主持人。,

10、He used to be a host of talk show.,8. award,vt. 授予,给予,颁发,1)句型: award sb sth = award sth to sb 授予某人奖赏,评委把他的画评为一等奖。,The judge awarded her the first prize for her picture. = The judge awarded the first prize to her for her picture.,She was awarded the first prize for her picture.= The first prize was a

11、warded to her for her picture.,vt. 判定,判给,法院将孩子的监护权(custody)判给母亲。,The court awarded the mother custody of the child.= The court awarded custody of the child to the mother.,n. C 奖,奖金,奖学金,奖品,他赢得一万元奖金。,He won an award of $10,000.,an award ceremony,9. routine n. (日常中) 照例要做的事情,常规,惯例, 常规节目,节目,约翰的离去打乱了他们的日常

12、生活。,Johns departure upsets their daily routine.,黎明时起床是他日常习惯的一部分。,Getting up at dawn is part of his daily routine.,常用词组,请依照常规办事。 打破常规 按照惯例办事 定期进行的例行健康检查,Please do it according to routine.,break the routine,follow ones routine,a routine medical test/ check,10. live,v. 生活,过的生活 vi. 活着,过着快乐(繁忙,朴实,奢侈)的生活,

13、live a happy/ busy/ simple/ luxury life,水对一切生存的东西都是必要的,Water is necessary to everything that lives.,医生们发现常笑的人活得更长久。,Doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer.,live to be old/ to a great age 活到老,adj. (动植物)活着的 现场直播的,现场表演的,adj. & adv.,活鱼,用活的动物做实验,make experiments on a live animal,

14、今晚有一场现场直播的足球比赛。,There will be a live football match tonight.,开幕式将通过电视进行现场直播。,The opening ceremony will be broadcast live on TV.,live fish,living; alive; lively; live的区别:,1)alive “活着”,指人或物,可用来作表语,后置定语或宾补。2)living “活着”,指人或物,作定语或表语。,He is dead , but his dog is still alive .,He wanted to keep the fish a

15、live .,No man alive is greater than he .,My first teacher is still living .,English is a living language .,He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present .,3)live “活着的”,通常指物,不指人,常用来作定语放名词的前面。还指“实况转播的”。 一条活鱼4)lively 则意为“活泼的”,“活跃”,“充满生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指物。例如:,a live fish,Do you like a

16、 live show or a recorded show ?,Jenny is a lively girl .,He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting .,11. make up 1)2) 3) 4) 5),构成;占比例,相当于form,编写;捏造,弥补,补偿,和解,调停,化妆,Girls make up 45of the student population in our school,make up a story / an excuse,Because of his illness,he had to make up for the missed lessons,We havent been getting on wellLets make up,


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