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1、铝电解技术创新,杨建红 中国铝业郑州研究院2010-06-10,内容,一、铝电解技术发明回顾 二、失败的创新技术的启示 三、现代铝电解面临的战略问题 四、现行铝电解技术创新途径 五、革命性铝电解技术创新实例,一、Hall-Heroult 铝电解技术发明回顾,Charles Martin Hall (1863-1914) was a native of Thompson, Ohio on Dec. 6, 1863. He became interested in chemistry, and more specifically in finding an inexpensive method f

2、or producing aluminum. After his graduation at Oberlin College in 1885, Hall set up laboratory at home and began work on the purification of aluminum. He had the idea that if he could find a nonaqueous solvent for aluminum oxide, he could produce metallic aluminum by electrolysis, using carbon elect

3、rodes. On Feb. 23, 1886, Hall found that molten cryolite, was the solvent; using the cryolite and aluminum oxide and homemade batteries, he produced his first small globules of aluminum. Hall had trouble finding backers for his process. In1888, after failing to find financial backing at home, Hall w

4、ent to Pittsburg where he opened the first large-scale aluminum production plant with the support of Alfred E. Hunt. The French scientist Paul (Louis-Toussaint) Hroult (1863-1914) was the inventor of the aluminium electrolysis and of the electric steel furnace. “Paul Hroult had none of the attribute

5、s of the traditional scholar. He was highstrung, unruly, occasionally hard and insolent; he did not fit the image of wise, disciplined men of science. He loved games, the company of women, travels by land and sea; he was a free spirit in an impetuous body. No comparison with the austere scientist, s

6、truggling with stubborn mysteries. His discoveries were not the result of long sleepless nights spent in a laboratory, or of complicated scientific demonstrations. Hroult loved life, and could not have borne such restrictions. Instead, his inventions appeared suddenly, out of the blue, a stroke of c

7、ommon sense, or of genius, sometimes during a lively game of billiards, his favorite pastime.“,最初的电解槽与现代电解槽,Hall 认为氧化铝是炼铝的适当原料,唯一的问题是要寻找一种适宜的溶剂, 因为氧化铝熔点很高,所以他系统研究了各种溶剂进行试验,一直到冰晶石为之。 Heroult 则相反,自从电解纯冰晶石熔液得到铝之后,为了降低熔点而添加了NaCl-AlCl3 络合盐,但由于NaCl-AlCl3 络合盐易于水解,故改用氧化铝。,In 1907 the Pittsburgh Reduction Co

8、mpany was renamed the Aluminum Company of America, later shortened to ALCOA. By 1914 the cost of Al from twelve dollars per pound down to 18 cents a pound.,二、来自失败技术创新的启示: 氯化铝电解法制铝,Alcoa于1976年在得克萨斯州建成一座年生产能力为15万t铝的试验工厂,氯化铝电解法未工业化原因,劣势: 1)氯化铝制备昂贵. 为避免硅、铁等氯化物杂质污染AlCl3,仍采用工业纯Al2O3为原料。 Al2O3与氯气和焦炭发生生成AlC

9、l3的反应. 氯化过程在流态化氯化炉中进行,温度为9731173K。 2) 氯气腐蚀性强; 3) 运转费用高、难以维护 4) 有害副产品 (微量氯化联二苯),优势:电流密度为0.823A/c双极性电解槽, 单室的室电压为27V 其中:氯化铝的理论分解电压18V),阴、阳两极的超电位0.37V,电解质电压降大约为0.5V,其他还有少量导线和电极电压降 劣势: 漏电流,技术创新成功的要素,目标(提出问题: 好奇心或利益驱动)-创新思维的来源 合乎逻辑的新概念和新思维(Idea, 解决问题的思路) 技术路线(解决问题的途径)经济上与技术上可行性 产业化开发支持 技术集成实现产业化,铝电解技术创新的形

10、式,渐进式铝电解技术120余年来基本采用这种形式:电解质体系未变,但分子比有调整, 尝试过添加剂槽型有自焙与预焙两种: 预焙-自焙-预焙电流(或单槽生产率)逐步加大, 目前最大至500kA槽电压下行(曾上行),最低低至3.75V (阳极开槽、阴极异形、三场 控制等)电流密度逐步升高, 正向1A/cm2逼近电流效率逐步提高, 最高达96-97%直流电耗逐步减少,最低达12000 kWh/TAl阳极效应系数逐步降低, 最低低于0.01, 当量CO2排放显著降低槽寿命、磁场控制水平、机械化、自动化程度大幅提高 革命性 有很多尝试 成功尚在酝酿中,三、现代铝电解面临的战略性问题,资源 能源 碳排放及环

11、境,10,铝土矿资源,中国铝土矿的消耗将达3200-7000万吨/年,国内铝土矿储量只够用约10-20年 2008年世界原铝产量为3970万吨,如原铝年产量增长一倍至7940万吨,铝土矿消耗达3.2亿吨/年,已探明储量可够使用84年以上,按基础储量计,则可满足世界119年以上的需要,根据美国地质调查局资料,从世界范围看,世界铝土矿资源总量约在550-750亿吨,已探明储量270亿吨,基础储量380亿吨。中国铝土矿储量只有7亿吨,基础储量也只有23亿吨。,11,铝土矿资源,战略性问题是: 中国的铝土矿资源难以满足国内的需求 且品位下降、开采成本上升,如何开展创新有效利用低品位和替代资源 进口铝土

12、矿还是进口氧化铝 如何进行宏观调控,战略性转移生产地及优化调整结构 如何利用海外优质铝土矿资源等,能源,化石能源与环境密不可分 20世纪最大的问题是解决粮食:氨 21世纪最大的问题是解决能源:可再生能源?-太阳能?-核(聚变)能? 能源也是铝工业面临的最大挑战,13,温室气体排放及原铝生产过程能耗(从采矿到原铝锭总能耗 : 22000-28000 kWh ),四、现行铝电解技术创新途径,现行铝电解技术创新主要体现在: 4.1. 低电压、低效应系数、高电流密度、高电流效率 4.2. 可润湿性阴极、导流阴极及异型阴极 4.3. 节能减排 4.4. 余热回收 4.5. 超大型化,4.1. 低电压、低

13、效应系数、高电流密度、高电流效率:Norsk Hydro HAL4e 电解槽,426kA, 0.92 A/cm2, 电流效率 96%,槽电压3.85V, 厂房无烟气 如何实现,值得思考:阳极阴极磁场自动熄灭效应厂房设计、模拟仿真技术 多项技术集成,4.2 可润湿性导流阴极技术,4.2 可润湿性导流阴极技术,阴极变为可润湿性材料,且不为电解液所腐蚀。 可湿性阴极材料主要采用TiB2材料。 目前,槽体设计提出了三种类型:a、在传统槽中,用可润湿性阴极(比如TiB2涂层)减小铝液层厚度,并求提高槽寿命;b、水平式导流阴极,以求较大幅度降低槽电压;c、倾斜式导流阴极。,此外,还有在我国正流行的异型阴极

14、,目的都是减少铝液波动,降低极距,达到节能目的,4.3 节能减排,中国减排要做的事情,就是要提高单位碳排放的生产率。为了实现这个目标,就要有新的技术出来,要有新的工艺、新的生产方法、新的运行机制,乃至新的制度安排。 2007年,世界总二氧化碳排放量的276亿吨之中,中国为67.2亿吨,远超美国的59亿吨。 中国铝工业约2.5亿吨当量二氧化碳(中国铝工业75%以上是煤电 ,吨铝当量二氧化碳排放量为16.5吨),占全国总排放的3.7%。,中国宣布到2020年,单位国内生产总值CO2排放比2005年下降40%至45%,铝工业的碳排放来源,The overall CO2 footprint for p

15、roduction of liquid aluminum has four components: That resulting from the refining of bauxite to smelter-grade alumina That arising from the utilization of carbon anodes as a co-reductant That arising from perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions when the cell conditions get out of the control band Where ele

16、ctrical energy is derived from fossil fuels, the CO2 emissions from the generation of the electrical energy,中国预计2012年实行碳税:¥100-200/TCO2? 欧盟当前碳税:Euro 14.4,4.3. 铝电解减少碳排放的途径,Reducing the Process Carbon Emissions(阳极生产、电解、布多尔反应、空气燃烧) Achieving Reductions through Reduced Gross Carbon Consumption Increasin

17、g Current Efficiency Reducing the Parasitic Carbon Oxidation Reactions Reducing the Equivalent Carbon Emissions from Generation of PFCs Improving the Feeding and Dissolution of Alumina Improving Cell Control to Minimize Sludge and Anode Effects Improved Detection of the Underfeed Duration Limit Reducing the Anode Effect Duration,



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