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1、Dec 1, 2010,Period 5,M2U2 The Olympic Games,Using language,Run faster, or be killed. Ill marry her, or die.,The story of Atlanta,Reading and listening,诸神之战 Clash of the Titans,诸神之战讲述了众神之首宙斯之子落入人间后遭遇的种种事端,奥林匹亚山上的神仙都因此骚动起来,一场神与人、神与神之间的拯救与被拯救行动就此拉开。,Ancient Greece fairy story,the Greek Goddess of Love

2、阿佛洛狄忒Aphrodite,小爱神爱罗斯 (Eros) (罗马名字 邱比特 Cupid),Poseidon(波塞东),venus,Athene,Atlanta, a princess,Hippomenes,princess,The Greek Goddess of Love,Task 1,Listen to the tape and then find out the main idea of the passage.The two pictures can help you as well.,Listening ,Atlanta,The king,The Goddess of Love,H

3、ippomenes,Its about Atlanta who races to _ the man who can run f_ than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from _.,The main idea of the text:,marry,aster,the Goddess of Love,Task 2,Read the text again and then answer the questions below. (1) Who was Atlanta? (2) What was she goo

4、d at? (3) What are Atlantas rules? (4) What did Hippomenes think of the men who competed against Atlanta at first? (5) What did the Greek Goddess of Love advise Hippomenes to do?,(1) Who was Atlanta? Atlanta was a beautiful Greek princess.(2) What was she good at? She was good at running.(3) What ar

5、e Atlantas rules? When a man says he wants to _ me, I will run _ him. If he cannot run _ fast _ me, he will be _. No one will be _.,marry,against,as,as,killed,pardoned,(4) What did Hippomenes think of the men who competed against Atlanta at first? He thought that these men were so _.(5) What did the

6、 Greek Goddess of Love advise Hippomenes to do? Throw an _ in front of Atlanta when she is running _. When she stops to _ it up, you will be able to run past her and win.,foolish,apple,past,pick,Task 3,True or False . (P14)She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( ) 2. At first Hippom

7、enes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( ) 3. Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( ),F,F,F,4. She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. ( ) 5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( ) 6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympiscs. ( ) 7

8、. He didnt refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( ),T,T,T,T,Listening ,Exe 3 (p15)Before you listen, try to work out the order of the following sentences. Then listen to the tape and check whether you were correct.,( ) One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much. ( ) Atlanta married

9、him and they lived happily. ( ) When the race began Atlanta ran past him. ( ) He asked the Goddess of love for help. ( 1 ) Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.,4,5,7,11,3 Listen and work out the order.,( ) Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed. ( ) She stopped to pick t

10、hem up. ( ) She gave him three golden apples. ( ) She ran too slowly and he won. ( ) He threw the golden apples one after another. ( ) She could run faster than any other man in Greece.,2,3,6,8,9,10,4. Write down the main idea in one sentence.,This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winni

11、ng a race with a Goddess help.,Retelling(1),Sth. about Atlanta:,Atlanta, a very beautiful Greek _, ran the fastest in Greece, but she was not _ to take part in the Olympic Games. She was angry and decided not to _ anyone who could not run faster than her. She made a _with her father and made her _th

12、at if a man wanted to _ her, she would run against him. If he could not run as _ as her, he would be _.,princess,allowed,marry,rules,marry,fast,killed,bargain,Retelling (2),Sth. about Hippomenes:,Hippomenes decided to marry Atlanta after he saw her. And he went to ask the Greek Goddess of Love for _

13、. She promised to help him and _ him three golden apples. She told him to _ an apple in front of Atlanta when she was _ fast. When she stopped to _ it up, he would be able to run _ her and win. Hippomenes took the apples, went to the King and told him that he wanted to marry Atlanta.,help,gave,throw,running,pick,past,


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