新编实用英语第二版Unit 2 Session 3

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1、Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets,1. I want to thank you for all the help youve given me. 2. Thank you once again for bringing this to my attention. 3. It was very kind of you to send me such a nice gift.,Applied writing: A thank-you note,The sentences used in thank-you notes:,4. Many than

2、ks to you for inviting us. 5. Im really very grateful to you. 6. Thank you for offering me such a nice place to stay.,The sentences used in thank-you notes:,Applied writing: A thank-you note,7. I hope some day I will be able to pay back the hospitality I received during my stay at your home. 8. This

3、 is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again.,Applied writing: A thank-you note,The sentences used in thank-you notes:,9. Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to Shanghai very interesting. 10. First, Id like to thank you for your ki

4、ndness and hospitality.,Applied writing: A thank-you note,The sentences used in thank-you notes:,1. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2. Congratulations and all good wishes! 3. Best wishes from all of us on your birthday.,The sentences used in a congratulation card:,Applied wri

5、ting: A congratulation card,4. The best of luck to you and your family. 5. I wish you every success at your new post. 6. We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness.,The sentences used in a congratulation card:,Applied writing: A congratulation card,7. Let me offer my warmest congratulations

6、. 8. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the successful completion of the project.,Applied writing: A congratulation card,The sentences used in a congratulation card:,An apology letter is written to apologize for having done something wrong or for failing to do something. Apology letters a

7、re usually brief and direct to the point. Of course, they should sound sincere and polite.,Applied writing: An apology letter,Sample analysis,1. Im very sorry to have kept you waiting so long for this late reply. 2. Im terribly sorry for not being able to offer you the help you needed. 3. I must apo

8、logize for letting you down.,The sentences used to make an apology:,Applied writing: An apology letter,4. I hope you will accept my sincere apologies. 5. I cant tell you how sorry I was.,The sentences used to make an apology:,Applied writing: An apology letter,6. I sincerely apologize for being late

9、 for the work luncheon yesterday. 7. I regret that I shall not be able to come to the evening party next Sunday.,The sentences used to make an apology:,Applied writing: An apology letter,Key to Ex. 2:,尊敬的史密斯博士:非常感谢您同意为我写推荐信。得知您在期末 这段时间特别忙,我尤为感谢您的帮助。随信附上 一个给该大学研究生院的邮资已付的信封,以便您 直接把信寄出。如我能得到奖学金,我会立即奉告。

10、再次感谢您的支持和理解。您真诚的比尔米勒,Applied writing - Exercises,Dear Yuan Zhi, I have just heard from a friend that youve got your Master of Engineering. Congratulations! I have seen you work hard in your studies in the past years and I admire you very much. I believe you will be successful in the field of compute

11、r science. Best wishes to you for an even brighter and happier future.Yours ever,Lin Fan,Key to Ex. 3:,Applied writing Exercises,Key to Ex. 4:,尊敬的怀特夫人:我刚刚从儿子那里得知这个糟糕的消息:我家 的狗爬进您家的后院把花坛弄坏了。此刻我先生正 在把围栏加高,狗不能再爬过围栏。我希望能在您 方便的时候同您谈一谈有关赔补损坏的花草之事, 尽管我知道损失是难以挽回的,我也无法弥补您为 侍弄这些花草所付出的时间和精力。对此,我只能 向您致以最诚挚的歉意。您真

12、诚的玛丽格林,Applied writing - Exercises,Sample analysis,There are two kinds of articles, indefinite (a, an) and definite (the). They are used to make a generic or specific reference to an English noun. We use a/an when we do not refer to a specific thing or person, but one in general. We use the when we

13、make a specific reference to a particular thing or person, or things or persons.,Sentence writing: Articles,Im not yet very good at it, but there is one thing I want to learn to do better. It is writing thank-you notes. When you leave after working or staying with someone in the US, you often get a

14、card saying, for instance , “Mary, I enjoyed working with you very much. Thanks for everything. Cindy.“ Or “Dear Bob, thank you for visiting us. We had such a good time with you. Please come back in the near future. Love, Tom.“ Of course, it is not just when you leave that you get a thank-you note.

15、They usually give one to you when they leave after being your guests, though in this case, they might write you another more formal letter of thanks later on. The letter may read like this:,Reading of the passage,Dear Mrs. Dalton, It is so kind of you and your husband to let us stay with you for the

16、 wonderful week. We enjoyed and appreciated all of your kindness more than we can say. We hope that you will come to China some time soon so that we may have the pleasure of seeing you in our home. In the meantime, thank you for your generous hospitality, and my wife joins me in sending kindest rega

17、rds to your family. Sincerely yours, Ken,Reading of the passage,Reading of the passage,Sometimes people attach a thank-you note to a gift. The gift may be big or small. It is the words on the card that really count! They help to convey the writers message, gratitude and love to the receiver. Sometimes, cartoons are drawn on the card to make it more vivid and personal. I like the custom because those thank-you notes are always heart-warming.,


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