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1、1 听力-?20 2 单项-8 3 完形-7 4 阅读-25 5 词语10 6 补全-5 7 作文-20 所剩5-10分钟,检查:分值高到低、难到易。,中考英语大致时间分配建议,专项 词语运用,课标要求,在考试中,词汇试题主要是考查学生掌握所学词汇的程度。它要求考生必须掌握课程标准所要求的词汇,尤其是重点词汇的语义和用法,以根据句意选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. 能熟练地运用基本拼读规则拼写单词,并能根据所学的构词法判断和记忆派生词和合成词的词形和词义。2. 学会使用1500-1600个单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配,能够在实际语言环境中做到活学活用。3. 理解和领会词语的基本含义以

2、及特定语境中的意义及用法。,词语运用(短文填空)是河南省中考英语自2008年出现的新题型,一直沿用至今。它建立在完形填空和阅读理解的基础上,但要难于完形和阅读,因为它需要考试不仅能够选中所需填的词,还要给出正确的形式。一般短文填空的题材为记叙文和说明文。做此题一般需要8分钟左右,一定不能超过10分钟。,命题规律,河南省2008-2010年中考词语运用考点分布:,内容,年份,命题特点 1. 2. 3. 4.,命题趋势: 预计2011年词语运用的考查仍然会集中在名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词时态等方面。,解题技巧,仔细分析所给词汇,确定词性和词义。,通读短文,了解大意。,3. 凭语感猜测空格

3、所缺信息,进行分析、选词。,4. 根据语法和逻辑关系要求,准确填词。,5. 复读全文,检查核对。,空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记、还有s不能放弃, ”动词“注意要变形,”形副“注意要用三等级, 要填”数词“请留意、千万别忘”基“和”序“, 填入”代词“需慎重,五格变化要谨记。,常考查点为: 1 动词 2 名词 3 形容词 4 副词 5 代词 6 数词 7 连词 8 介词 (冠词和感叹词不考),1 动词:4-5个,包括谓语动词的数、时态、非谓语 ing、ed、(to) do,注意个别的拼写,如stopped; 2 名词: 2个左右,包括单复数(-s),名词所有格(s/ s),词性的转换等;

4、 3 形容词:2-3个,考查原级、比较级、最高级,词性转换等; 4 副词:1-2个,考查修饰动词、句子等,常由形容词派生而来(hard-hard; good-well; careful-carefully); 5 代词:1个,考查不定代词、物主代词、人称代词的主格、宾格,反身代词等,一般由意思决定; 6 数词:1个,常考查判断是序数词还是基数词; 7 连词:1个,考查句子间的逻辑关系; 8 介词:1个,常考查固定短语搭配。,做题步骤: 1 预读短文,了解大意:速度短文,不填空。了解文章的大意、重要的动作时态; 2 逐一填空,仔细对比:每一个空都要比较所有的备选词,只要意思和语法都通的就都填上,

5、把备选单词一个一个勾划掉;选定单词后,确定正确的形式。 3 通读短文,复查答案:站在短文中心意思的立场上,确立每个空所填的单词,逐个检查形式,可以从以往的经验去判断。 重点检查内容: 1大小写 2 名词单复数 3 动词时态 4 形容词比较级 5 多余词,确立答案方法: 1 意思优先原则 通过把备选词的意思逐个带入空中,先确定填哪个词,在确定它的形式。,通过意思很容易读出,“他不会告诉任何人,除了我和你”,直接可以找到except。,need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , eno

6、ugh So I think he will not tell anybody _9_ you and me about what he found,确立答案方法: 2 语法优先原则 首先通过分析句子的结构,然后判断空处所填的词性,然后在备选项中逐个筛选。,通过句子结构可知new 后应该是一个名词,充当are的主语,而且是复数形式。因此,备选项中可数的名词只有word和example,显然words的意思最通。,French, same, word, Chinese, example, many, why, great, much, what, another, tell Languages

7、change with time and the world. So does English. New _1_ are borrowed from other languages.,* 在未复查完成之前,不要草率地把答案写在答题横线上,一旦有错误,不好更改,因此建议做题时可以直接填在原文中的空处,最后做完题可以把答案誊抄在答题横线上。,阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。注意:每个词只能用一次。每空限填一词,有些词需要做相应的变化。其中有两个多余选项。,08河南中考,Do you know the differences bet

8、ween the new building and the old ones? Old buildings 66 _ brick(砖)and stone walls. The walls hold up the 67 _ . In cities, many modern buildings 68 _ as if they are made just of windows. Walls of dark glass reach high into the air. Many buildings are 69_ than 50 stories(层)tall. Are walls of glass s

9、trong 70 _ to hold up the new buildings? No, The new glass walls do not hold up the buildings, 71 _ they only cover up the frame(框架)made of steel. Have you ever watched a new building going up? The steel frame is built 72 _ .Then the glass walls are hung on the frame. When the building is 73 _ ,the

10、frame does not show. The outside looks like windows without walls. The glass walls shine 74 _ the sun with no decoration(装饰).Many people find 75 _ beautiful just as they are.,have building each look first they in enough finish but much at,have,buildings,look,more,enough,but,first,finished,in,them,De

11、ar Dennis,We just want to say thank you for having us before we caught the plane last week. It was a nice evening, and we enjoyed 66_ Pete and Sarah. With your help we were able to get to the airport with plenty of time. We often tried to get an 67_ flight than usual, but it wasnt possible.We had a

12、68_ holiday in Spain. We just loved driving 69_the countryside, and we often 70_to walk round a mountain village. We met 71_friends, Bill and Sue, and they invited us to have a meal with them. They wanted us to stay with them, 72_we couldnt, as we had already booked two 73_ in a hotel.The weather wa

13、s nice. There 74_so much beautiful sunshine all the time we were there. Leaving Spain was very sad. It made me want to cry.Anyway, were looking forward to hearing form you, and hope to see you 75_. Let me know if youre ever in the area. You must call in.Yours,Ray,09河南中考,so, room, be, we, meet, throu

14、gh, have, stop, soon, early, wonderful, but,meeting,earlier,wonderful,through,stopped,our,but,rooms,was,soon,10河南中考,After a quick breakfast, I went into the lecture hall in a hurryA famous teacher was 66_to the studentsHe was holding up a $100 billThen he said to the three hundred students,“Who woul

15、d like this $1 00 bill?” The students put up 67_hands at onceThen he said,“I am going to give this $100 bill to one of you,but 68_,let me do this”He made the bill into a ballThen he said. “Who 69_it now?” The hands went back into the air“Well,” he said,“what if I do this?” and he 70_it on the floor

16、and stepped on itHe picked up the 71_bill and said“Who still wants it?” Hands went back again into the air“My friends,”? he said,“you have learned a valuable(有价值的) 72_todayNo matter what I did to the $100 bill! Many 73_in our life,we are dropped and stepped onWe feel as if we are worth nothin9But remember, no matter what 74_ happened to you,you will never lose your value:You are 75_ valuable to those people who love youYour value doesnt come from what you do or whom you know, but who you are,


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