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1、Unit 8 Sports,1.我们应该使这些材料变得很有价值。2.孩子们应该懂得节省时间的重要性。3.据报道一艘油船撞在一块岩石上,造成大量污染。,We should make these materials of most value/valuable.,Children should be made to understand the importance of saving time.,It was reported that an oil tanker struck a rock and caused a lot of pollution.,Revision,4.那位受到惊吓的姑娘害

2、怕一个人呆在暗处。5.她拼命挣扎着,却无法站稳。6.她拼死一搏,终于挺身站住了。,The frightened girl feared staying /to stay in the dark alone.,She struggled and struggled, but could not get on her feet.,She fought for her life, and finally pulled herself up.,Dictation,The Olympic Games have changed more or less over the years, though man

3、y of the sports are the same as they were. From the first Olympics in modern times on, more and more countries and athletes participate. Every four years, athletes from different countries take part in the Games, competing with each other for medals. There is another competition , which is not for a

4、 medal, but to host the Olympics. It is a rich prize for a country. Being the host of the 29th Olympics, the Chinese are now in preparation to make it the best ever Games.,Words study,1.每个问题都值一分。,Each question is worth one points.,be worth moneysth / doing,be worthy of sth.being doneto be done,It is

5、 worthwhile doing /to do sth.,这部电影值得一看。,The film is worth seeing.,The film is worthy of being seen. to be seen.,It is worthwhile to see the film.,We won by 2 points. We won/lost 2 points. a knife point The boiling /freezing point Whats the point of your argument? on the point of doing point the way

6、point his gun at /to/towards the animal.,point,n. 得分;点,标度;重点,要点;时刻,关头,瞬间;程度 v. 指向,The climbers were on the point of giving up when we arrived.,登山者正要放弃的时候我们到了。我们已到了身无分文的时刻了。我到了无法忍受他争论的地步了。,Ive come to the point where I cant stand her arguing any longer.,We had reached the point when there was no mone

7、y left.,2. 年轻男子的比赛项目有:跑、跳、摔跤。,Some of the games in which the young men competed were running, jumping, and wrestling.,compete vi competition n competitor n.,学生们在英语比赛中互相竞争。,The students are competing against/ with each other in the English speech contest for the gold medal.,compete with/against sb. i

8、n sth. for sth.,3.曼彻斯特联队与利兹联队打成了平局。,Manchester United tied Leeds 2-2.,tie vt.n.,打成平局have the same number of points;系,拴fasten,领带;平局,他就让狗被拴在树上。她把头发在脑后挽成个发髻。在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。比赛打成平局,He left his dog tied up to a tree.,She tied her hair in a knot at the back of her head.,England tied 2-2 with Germa

9、ny in the first round,The match ended in a tie.,4. 全国人民正为点燃奥林匹克火炬、迎接世界各地来的运动员和体育爱好者而努力准备着。,The people of the whole country will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world.,prepare vi& vt preparation n. prepared adj prepare for sth = make prepa

10、rations for =be in preparation for prepare sb. for sth. be prepared for sth.=be ready for sth be prepared to do sth.=be ready to do sth.,妈妈在厨房做饭全班都在努力用功准备考试最好让你的妈妈为这个噩耗做好思想准备,Mother is in the kitchen preparing lunch.,The whole class are working hard preparing for the coming exams.,Better prepare you

11、r mother for the bad news.,The whole class are making preparations for,are working hard in preparations for,5. 作为奥运会的主办国对主办的城市既有好的影响也有不良的结果。,Being the host of the Olympics will have good and bad effects on the host city.,effect n affect vt effective adj. effectively adv.,have an effect on /upon sth.

12、 come/go into effect have/ take effect in effect,开始生效,开始实施,见效,实施,实际上;(规律,法律等)生效,在实行中,现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成负面影响下月开始实施新的管制措施这药见效快,Modern farming methods can have a negative effect on the environment.,New controls will come into effect next month.,The medicine will soon take effect.,1. would rather,(not) do

13、sth would rather do sth than do sthsb didhad done sth,Phrases,didnt,went,had been, -Do you mind if I smoke? - Well, I would rather you_. Id rather you_ (go) right now. Id rather you _ (be) there yesterday.,prefer A to Bto do / doingdoing A to doing Bto do A rather than do Bto do A instead of doing B

14、,Sentence pattern,1. 姚明有的并不只是身高。,YaoMing has more than size.,more than 数词n./ v.adj.,no more than 数词n.,over,不仅仅,extremely,only,只不过,仅仅,more + adj./ adv. 原级+ than + adj./ adv. 原级,no + adj./ adv. 比较级+ than,They were more than willing to help you. She is more than a teacher to me. Some of the stories wer

15、e really more than could be believed. The child was more frightened than hurt. It costs him no more than one dollar a week. The theatre is no more than a painted room. Hes no more able to read Spanish than I am.,on,weighs,Being,worlds,in,no,the,hard,and,Yao Ming was born in Sept. 12, 1980 in shangha

16、i. He weighed 134 kg and is 2.26 meters. Be the son of two great basketball players, he learnt how to play one of the world most popular games as a boy. Now he is severing the Houston Rockets in the NBA. The big man has no more than just size and also great skill or speed. As one of the stars in NBA, he is working hardly to realize his dream.,


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