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1、QRQC training,Steven LeeFeb. 2009,Whats QRQC?,Quick Response Quality Control 快速反应与品质控制,How can we make more progress in quality? The future is decided in the field, by being in close touch with day- to-day production. Commitment from everybody is vital.The principle of QRQC as applied by Valeo and i

2、ts suppliers. QRQC is a change of culture, of mindset. QRQC is not a tool or a system. It is a quality culture. Key factors for success: management commitment to the change of culture. The key question: What did you improve yesterday? Why QRQC? QRQC improves responsiveness and efficiency in problem-

3、solving. How? By defining priorities and assigning responsibilities.,Introduction-1 引言-1,San Gen Shugi The 5 Axes methodology is reinforced by the San Gen Shugi attitude, based on the “3 reals“: - Gen-ba means “real place“. - Gen-butsu means “real parts“. - Gen-jitsu means “reality“ (measurable fact

4、s). It is founded on individual responsibility and teamwork. In concrete terms: 1- Speak with facts for a better understanding of the reality in the field. 2- Go to the shop floor, to the place where it all happens, to understand the reality. This is a more effective method than simply reading a rep

5、ort. 3- Look at the real part or the real service provided (whether good or bad) and analyze it while focusing on the facts.,Introduction-2 引言-2,3 RealACTUAL PLACE-GENBA现场:事情发生的地点 Real PartsGENBUTSU现物:对应品(对应对象) Reality-GENJITSU现实:事情发生和处理的过程Activity Based on 3 real基于三现的活动,3 Real = QSAN GEN SHUGI = 三现

6、,ACTUAL PLACE-GENBA,Where is the problem happen? 问题发生在哪里?,Stay in office 坐在办公室里,shop floor 现场We must go to actual work place and confirm the problems.我们必须走入实际工作场所,才能确认问题。,Real Parts-GENBUTSU 现物或现品,1 Comparing the good and bad parts 2 Comparing the good and bad days 3 Compare the good performance Ver

7、sus bad performance 对比好的物品与坏的物品; 对比好的日期与坏的日期; 对比好的性能(成绩)与坏的性能(成绩) ;,Old information,Compare 对比,Real Parts-GENBUTSU 现物或现品,4 Compare the good performance of the component in the product A Versus bad performance of the same component in the product B 5 If we dont look at the part, but only read photogr

8、aphs or emails, we often miss the real issue. 对比一个零件在产品A中的好性能和同一个零件在产品B中的坏性能 如果我们没有看到现物,仅仅看看照片或邮件,我们常常错过事实真相。,Pareto,Compare 对比,Email,如果没有对比现物,团队成员只是通过邮件, 通常会对同一个真实现象产生不同的理解,往往会依据自己的优秀经验得出不同的见解;,Reality-GENJITSU 现实,Speak with Data 用数据说话,Bla-Bla 喋喋不休的争吵,Working with Facts,forget imagination. 靠事实来工作,

9、忘记印象或想象 We must get data to start the analysis; 我们必须获取数据,才能开始分析 We must get data to approve our some actions; 我们必须通过数据来验证一些措施; We need data to approve the efficiency for the corrective action; 我们需要数据来证明纠正措施的效率,Quick response 快速反应,Quick response 快速反应,Break down the issue 分解事件,I will do in one week 我会

10、在一周内完成,We must improve our operational speed, we must not to lose time. we produce the problem a few days ago. Lets go to do analysis as soon as the problems happens. 我们必须提高运作速度,我们一定不能延误时间。我们在几天之前就产生了问题。一旦发生问题,让我们尽快做分析。,Quick response 快速反应,24H assignment +Well done 24小时的任务分配和执行到位,I want results in t

11、wo weeks 我两周后看到成果。,First we should do Kaizen verses heavy changes. 首先我们应该做小的改善而不是大的变革; Instead of weeks, let us be would Days 不要每周做一次改善,让我们每天做改善; instead of days, Hours,不要每天做一次改善,而是每小时; Every day should progress. 每天都应该有进展。 链接: Kaizen是一个日语词汇,意指小的、连续的、渐进的改进,这一方法是指企业通过改进一系列生产经营过程中的细节活动,如持续减少搬运等非增值活动、消除

12、原材料浪费、改进操作程序、提高产品质量、缩短产品生产时间、不断地激励员工。它要求每一位管理人员及作业人员,要以相对较少的费用来连续不断地改进工作。长期而言,这种阶梯式的持续进步足以获得巨大的回报。,No Responsibility 没有责任人,On job training 在职培训,On job training 在职训练,Go to Genba 24H assignment +Well done 去现场 24小时的任务分配和很好的执行,QRQC is also fantastic to improve to individuals and teams. QRQC也特别适用于个人和团队。

13、Management use it to do daily on job training always requesting more and more QSAN GEN SHUGI. 管理者使用它做在职训练,通常要求越来越来的三现。 Diagnose and verification.诊断和验证 Manager is the teacher to drive activity.,DATA in Office 办公室的数据,On job training 在职训练,Im Teacher on Genba 我在现场做培训。,Reference sending and reading Mails

14、, we must emphasize face to face meeting. 参照发送与阅读邮件,我们必须强调面对面的会谈。 Make speeches in curved people to improve quality is often useless, especially manager do not involve himself in the shop floor. 为提高品质,在大家面前演讲常常是没用的,特别是管理者没有到车间亲身参与. Manages should lead the improvement team in give frequent positive f

15、eedback as soon as the progress identify. 管理者应该在识别出进步时,经常给出正面的鼓励来引导改善团队。,Training in meeting room 在会议室做培训,On job training 在职训练,Show me Data on Genba; 在现场看数据 Well done. 做的很好 Applaud 表扬称赞!,Keep me informed 有事通知我,Progress on sub of issues, but in the way to teach our team to get more professional. 管理者应

16、该在识别出进步时,经常给出正面的鼓励来引导改善团队。 They should use applaud and say ” Thanks for what you done to improve! 谢谢你所做的改善!,I am not Expert. 我不是,On job training 在职训练,Applaud 表扬称赞!,I am not Expert. 我不是专家。,Thank you what you done for improvement! 谢谢你所做的改善!,Logical Thinking 逻辑思考,什么是逻辑思考?,简言之,运用逻辑学中的归纳、演绎等原理来进行思考。例 逻辑学

17、中的三段论1.三段论及其结构 三段论是由两个含有一个共同项的性质判断作前提得出一个新的性质判断为结论的演绎推理。例如: 知识分子都是应该受到尊重的,人民教师都是知识分子,所以,人民教师都是应该受到尊重的。其中,结论中的主项叫做小项,用“S”表示,如上例中的“人民教师”;结论中的谓项叫做大项,用“P”表示,如上例中的“应该受到尊重”;两个前提中共有的项叫做中项,用“M”表示,如上例中的“知识分子”。在三段论中,含有大项的前提叫大前提,如上例中的“知识分子都是应该受到尊重的”;含有小项的前提叫小前提,如上例中的“人民教师是知识分子”。 三段论推理是根据两个前提所表明的中项M与大项P和小项S之间的关系,通过中项M的媒介作用,从而推导出确定小项S与大项P之间关系的结论。,


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