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1、外研小学起点 初二(上) Module 3,英 语 课 件,Unit 2,We havent found life on other planets yet.,Space station,spacecraft,Scientist,astronaut,model,Space shuttle,planet,the Sun,the Earth,Mars,the solar system,行星,200 billion stars,恒星,Its a part of the universe(宇宙).,the Milky Way,the Milky Way 银河系,There are more than

2、200 billion stars in the Milky Way. 在银河系中有超过2000亿颗恒星.billion 十亿,Match the words with the pictures,galaxy,planet,solar system,star,universe,太阳,planet,small,star,universe,galaxy,solar system,large,1. Scientists think that there has been life on earth for millions of years. 科学家认为地球上存在生命已经数万年了。精讲:这是一个含有

3、that 引导的宾语从句的复合句, 从句中there has been 是there be 结构的现在完成时态。,.millions of 几百万hundred, thousand, million,billion等前有具体数字用单数,不表示具体数字或后接of时要用复数 e.g. There are four hundred students in our school.There are millions of books in this libary.,2.on Earth 地球上,3.go around 绕着转,around是介词,”环绕”如:The earth goes around

4、the sun.地球绕着太阳转.,4. no one 意思是 “没人”, 是两个单词。 no one=nobody, 指人; 做主语时, 谓语动词只能用单数, 不能用复数。 no one 后面不能接of。 e.g. No one told us about that关于那件事没人告诉过我们。,none 也有 “没人” 之意, 而且还有 “ 没有物” 之意, 不过是指三人或三人以上的人或物。 做主语时, 其谓语动词用单复数都可以,与不可数名词连用时只能用单数。none一般可与 of 连用。,e.g. None of you havent finished the work. 你们都没有完成这项工

5、作。 None of the money is mine. 这些钱都不是我的.,1. The Earth is a star. 2. The Sun is a star. 3. There is more than one galaxy. 4. Our galaxy is part of the Milky Way.,Check () the true sentences,5. The light from stars has taken a long way to reach us. 6. Scientists have found life on other planets. 7. The

6、yve received many messages from space. 8. Theyve visited most of the universe.,e.g. The old man was alone in the house, and he felt very lonely. 这位老人一个人在屋里, 他感到非常孤独。,Language points,1. alone adj. 孤独,She lives alone, but she doesnt feel lonely. 她独自住着, 但并不感到孤独 。 动词(V)+alone be/feel +lonely,5. so many

7、意思是“那么多的”修饰可数名词复数, 经常与that 从句搭配, 构成“ so many +可数名词复数that”句型。,e.g. There are so many stars in the sky that none can count out. 天空中这么多的星星, 没有人数得清。,e.g. He ate so much food that he couldnt stand up. 他吃了那么多食物以至于站不起来了.,so much “那么多的”修饰不可数名词,7. The sun and its planets are called the solar system. 太阳和所有围绕它

8、旋转的行星被叫作太阳系。精讲:本句中的are called是被动语态。 被动语态的构成:be +过去分词。 e.g. The picture is drawn by him.The letter is written by her.,8. The stars we see at night are the suns in other solar systems.句中的star, 指的是能发光的恒星, 每个恒星包括它的卫星(行星)以及行星的卫星(如地球的卫星月球)统称一个太阳系。月亮之所以发光是因为它能反射太阳光。,9. Scientists have sent lots of spacecra

9、ft to look at other planets in our solar system, and some spacecraft have gone beyond the solar system. 科学家已经发射了许多宇宙飞船去探索太阳系中的其他行星, 而且有一些已经驶向太阳系之外。,1. The Earth is one of the p_ in the universe. 2. Its our duty to protect the e_. 3. We cant live without a_ and water. 4. People find that plants cant

10、g_ on the moon. 5. Remember to turn off that l_ before leaving the room.,ight,lanets,nvironment,ir,row,请根据句意及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词。,1. I like maths. My sister likes it,_.A. Also B. either C. too 2. I have many pen friends, but _ of them are foreigners. A. none B. no one C. nobody,C,A,请选择正确的选项填空。,3. Who can

11、tell me_?A. how long is the river B. how long the river is C. the river is how long 4. The new colour TV_ them two thousand yuan. A. cost B. spent C. took 5. If I had _ dollars, I would give them to the Childrens Hospital.A. two millions B. two millions of C. two million,C,B,A,请阅读下面的短文,判断文后所给句子的正(T)

12、误(F)。When we talk about the universe, we mean the Earth, the Sun, the moon, stars and space between them. Many of the stars are so far that we can not see them. The moon travels around the Earth. It has already been visited by man in space shuttle.,Many countries have sent up man-made satellites int

13、o space. They go around the Earth. They help us learn more about the Earth. They also help us send and receive messages. They make people from different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much smaller place. People call the Earth “the global village”

14、.,( )1. This passage is mainly about how large the universe is. ( )2. Man has already been to the moon. ( )3. Few countries have sent man-made satellites up into space. ( )4. Man-made satellites can help us send messages. ( )5. People call the Earth “the global village”.,F,T,F,T,T,Write the story about the picture in Activity 6. Use the answers to the questions in Activity 6 to help you.,Homework,


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