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1、American Literature Colonial Period and Revolutionary Period,Time: the settlement of North America1607the Independence War1783Major Topic: American Puritanism,Historical Background,Early history In 1542, Christopher Columbus found the new continent called America In 1607, Captain John Smith led some

2、 Englishmen across the ocean. In 1620, 102 passengers sailed on the ship Mayflower across the ocean and settled on the new continent “New England”,Historical Background,People Native inhabitants: Indians Immigrants mostly from Europe English Immigrants:Jamestown, Virginia, 1607,Puritans,A group of r

3、eligious people,Advocated religious & moral principles,Historical Background,A code of values A philosophy of life A point of view,3) briefPuritanism Puritans wanted to purify the church to its original state, because they thought the churches are corrupted and had too many rituals.,Doctrines of Pur

4、itans,Taking religion as the most important thing; Living for glorifying God; Believing predestination, original sin,total depravity and limited atonement.,American Puritanism,Features: idealist: they dream to build a new Eden on earth. Become tougher, more practical: hard conditions for survival+pr

5、eoccupied with business and profit,American Puritanism,Influence of Puritanism on American literature The basis of American literature Widely used technique of symbolism Influencing the style of literature:simple, fresh and direct,Benjamin Franklin,Writer, printer, publisher, Scientist and diplomat,

6、 he was The most famous and respected Figure Of his time.He was the first great self-made Man in America.,The Life of Benjamin Franklin,1706 Born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17 1718 Begins an apprenticeship in his brother James printing shop in Boston 1723 Age 17, leaves his family, running

7、away to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1724 Moves to London, continuing his training as a printer 1726 Returns to Philadelphia 1728 Opens his own Printing Office in Philadelphia 1729 Becomes sole owner and publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette,The Life of Benjamin Franklin,1730 Marries Deborah Read Roge

8、rs 1731 Birth of Bens son William; Founds the first Circulating Library 1732 Birth of Bens son Francis 1732- 1758 Annually, publishes Poor Richard: An Almanack 1736 Death of Bens young son Francis; Founds the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia 1737 Appointed Postmaster of Philadelphia,The Life of Be

9、njamin Franklin,1742 Proposes the idea for the University of Pennsylvania 1743 Birth of Bens daughter Sarah, also known as “Sally“ 1745 Death of Bens father, Josiah Franklin 1747 First writings of electrical experimentation; organizes the first Militia 1748 Sells printing office, retiring from busin

10、ess 1751 His book Experiments and Observations on Electricity is published in London 1752 In June, performs famous kite experiment; Death of Bens mother; Founds first American fire insurance company,The Life of Benjamin Franklin,1775 Elected to Continental Congress; Submits Articles of Confederation

11、 of United Colonies 1776 Signs the Declaration of Independence; 1779 Appointed Minister to France 1782 Negotiates, with John Adams and John Jay, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain1784 Negotiates treaties with Prussia and other European countries 1787 Elected president of the Pennsylvania Society

12、 for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery; Serves as delegate to the Constitutional Convention 1790 died in Philadelphia on April 17,Success as an author,In 1733, Franklin began to publish the famous Poor Richards Almanack (with content both original and borrowed) under the pseudonym Richard Saunders,

13、 on which much of his popular reputation is based. Adages from this almanac: A penny saved is twopence dear; Fish and visitors stink in three days In 1758, he printed Father Abrahams Sermon, also known as The Way to Wealth. Franklins Autobiography, published after his death, has become one of the cl

14、assics of the genre.,Autobiography,Franklin embodied the Enlightenment ideal of humane rationality.Practical yet idealistic hard-working and enormously successful, Franklin recorded his early life in his famous Autobiography.,Autobiography the greatest autobiography produced in Colonial America,The

15、work portrays a fascinating picture of life in Philadelphia, as well as Franklins shrewd observations on the literature, philosophy and religion of Americas Colonial andRevolutionary periods. Franklin wrote the first five chapters of his autobiography in England in 1771, resumed again thirteen years

16、 later (1784-85) in Paris and later in 1788 when he returned to the United States. Franklin ends the account of his life in 1757 when he was 51 years old.,Autobiography,The most famous section describes his scientific scheme of self-improvement. Franklin lists 13 virtues: temperance,silence,order,resolution,frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranqulity, chastity, and humility,



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