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1、Introduction to Writing Papers in English,正文主体结构,AbstractIntroductionMethodology(Material and Method)ResultsConclusion(Concluding remarks, Summary),标题(Title),基本功能:概括全文;吸引读者;便于检索 语言特点:一般不用完整的句子;多用名词 词组或动名词,如: Database Logic, Conference Interpreting and Its Effect Evaluation, Nonlinear Waves in Elasti

2、c Rods,Introducing Management into 写作要求 : 1. 简短 论文标题一般在10个字内,最多不超过15个词。,2. 避免标题空洞和笼统 如: Computer Retrieval (计算机检索)应该为”Computer Retrieval on Literature of Physics”或 “Computer Retrieval on Conference Information”。 3. 不加冗余套语 英文科技论文的标题中一般不加用“Regarding”,“Studies on ”“Investigation on ”, “Observation on ”

3、, “The Method of ”, “Some thought on”, “A research on”等冗余套语 。,4. 少用问题性标题 5. 避免名词与动名词混杂使用 如:标题是 “The Treatment of Heating and Eutechticum of Steel” 宜改为 “Heating and Eutechticuming of Steel” 6. 避免使用非标准化的缩略语 论文标题要求简洁,但一般不使用缩略语 ,更不能使用非标准化的缩略语 。,作者与作者单位(Author & Affiliation),基本功能:自负文责;便于检索和联系;提高知名度 语言特点:

4、人名、地名采用汉语拼音;一般不注明学衔职称;单位地址由小到大。在国际刊物上发表论文,作者的单位应注明国籍和邮政编码 写作要求 : 体例一致; 注明现地址(present address)和永久地址 (permanent address),关键词(Keywords),基本功能:顾名思义;便于检索 语言特点:多用名词;字数有限(4-6);出处明确 写作要求 :论文的关键字一般列在作者与单位之下,论文摘要之上。也有列在论文摘要之下的。关键词除第一个字母大写外,一般不要求大写。关键词间用逗号、分号或大间隔隔开。最末一个关键词一般不加用逗号、分号或句号。,摘要(Abstract),基本功能:概括全文的缩

5、影;决定取舍的依据;扩大流通的媒介 语言特点: 1. 短小精悍 2. 类别分明 概括型摘要 概括型摘要讲的是 “本文关于什么”、 “本文反映什么”, 内容上比较宏观,概述论文的主要论点、分析过程和结论,长度一般在50至200字之间,通常至少由三个句子组成。每个句子综述论文的一个章节或段落的内容。这类型的,摘要多用于理论性较强的的论文。信息型摘要 它强调“本文包涵了什么”, “本文做了些什么”,内容比较微观,它不但综述论文的主要内容、要旨、重点,而且需要列出有关的具体数据、实验结果以及采用的方法。这一类型的摘要多用于实验性或技术性较强的论文,其长度一般相当于整篇论文的1/15至1/25。 3.

6、结构固定 摘要大体上遵循 “三段式” 章法,即通常由开头、展开和结尾三部分构成。,主题句= what 指出论文主要是什么内容 展开句= how 进一步阐明主题句的具体内容,指出研究方法、分析过程及论证的要点等。 结尾句= what 是全文作出的结论或补充交代等,即得出何种结论、结果或其意义。 4. 内容完整 完整的内容主要包括四个方面:研究的目的和范围; 研究的方法; 研究的结果; 作者对研究的主要结论等。,写作要求 : 1. 避免过于简单 如:In this paper, reconstruction of many holograms are presented by computer w

7、ith an analyzed mathematical model.The process is proved to be effective, and the authors are satisfied with the results.The authors conclude that the process consumes 5% less fuel and turns out 12% more power. 2. 避免句子结构单调呆板 如:,The influence of is discussed. Some design considerations are given. A p

8、ractical construction is shown. The method with high precision is presented. The measured stability data are also given. 3. 避免使用非通用的缩略语 4. 删除冗余词语 如:After an extended series of repeated experiments over a long period we concluded that 5. 注意时态用法,摘要提到本研究的内容时使用现在时。如In this paper we introduce the minimum

9、-order approach to frequency assignment and present a theory which relates this approach to the traditional one.摘要提到对实验部分的描述时使用过去时。A constant 2mm depth of cut was maintained throughout the tests.摘要中提到本研究以前的情况,前人的结论或本人以前的发现,要使用过去完成时。,It has been the case that The author had found that摘要中提到本研究今后的打算,或研

10、究结果可能产生的影响和效益,这时则使用一般将来时。例如:This paper will give a description of a simple yet effective method for the achievement of improved values from an analogue of analysis.This technology will probably find application in making parts for space flight. 6. 不使用疑问句和感叹句,引言(Introduction),基本功能:引入主题内容;限定研讨范围;说明论文目

11、的;交代写作安排引言内容的安排可以有较大的伸缩性,但基本内容应包括研究背景、存在问题、研究目的、主要结论和论文框架。 语言特点: 常以简述研究的背景入手; 常以回顾以往的历史展开; 常以解决现存的问题承转; 常以开展本文的研究落笔。,写作要求 : 简要综述有关文献,以作为背景材料; 1. 在背景介绍和问题的提出中,应引用最相关的文献,优先选择引用的文献应包括相关研究中的经典、重要和最有说服力的文献。文献回顾至少有一二个段落。2. 引述其他学者的研究行为时通常采用一般过去时。Chen(1992) showed (found, reported, noted, suggested, observe

12、d, pointed out) that the water boils at 100C.Somebody reported,but,The suggestion onwas given by however The experiment on was carried by The research on was made by 3. 描述特定领域中最近的某种趋势,或强调表示某些最近发生的事件对现在的影响时,常用现在完成时。如: In recent years, a variety of standards have been proposed in literatures. The resu

13、lts made by have shown Recent experiments by have suggested The previous work onhas indicated,提出研究问题1.指出存在问题的方法通常有以下几种形式: (1)以前的学者尚未研究或处理不够完善的重要课题; (2)过去的研究衍生出有待探讨的新问题; (3)以前学者曾提出两个以上互不相容的理论和观点,而且必须作进一步研究,才能解决的问题; (4)过去的研究很自然可以扩展到新的题目或领域,或以前提出的方法或技术可以改善或扩展到新的应用范围。,2. 提出问题的表达方式 However, little is kno

14、wn about X 或 little literature is available on X However, few studies have been done on (published on) X 或 little attention has been devoted to X Although much research has been done on,little work has been done on 或 X has been studied extensively, but little attention has been devoted to,叙述前人的欠缺以强调

15、自己的创新时,可以采用如下的表达: To the authors knowledge; There is little information available in literature about; Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about; 明确研究的目的The purpose (aim, objective) of this paper is to analyze the effect of X on Y.This paper presents( reports, describes, discusses) the r

16、esults of experiments in which X is mixed with Y.,In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for sorting X. In this paper, experimental results are presented to show that X. In this paper, we will argue( attempt to show) that This paper will propose (present, evaluate, discuss) a new method for analyzing X (a theory that attempts to explain X) The primary focus of this paper is on 交代本文写作安排 This paper is divided into five major sections as follows,



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