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1、,新高二 Unit4 A garden of poems New words: 1. intention n. 意图,意向,打算,本来的想法(不可数,或用复数形式)1)have (no) intentionof doing sth.打 (不)算做某事Ive got no intention of changing my mind.2)It is ones intention to do sth.It was my intention to have stopped there.It wasnt my intention to makeyou miss your train. 我不是故意让你误了

2、火车.,3)He is full of intentions but can donothing to help you. 他满心好意,但什么忙也帮不了你. v.1)to plan, mean to do 打算,想要, 计划intend to dothatI intended to catch the early train,but I didnt get up in time.I intended to report to the police.2)to mean to be 意指,意思是,原意The flowers were intended foryou, but my mother t

3、hought theywere for her.It was intended to be cookedslowly.那本来是要慢慢煮的.,2. mad adj. 1)crazy, ill in mindgo mad-Whats up? -She has gone mad.2)angry( informal ) 生气的,发怒的,气得要命be(get) mad at / withI got mad at him for being late.Mother gets mad with me forcoming home late.3)狂热的,疯狂的be mad aboutHe is mad abo

4、ut football.4)be mad with 得不得了She was mad with hunger.She was mad with pain.5)drive sb. mad 使某人非常生气,annoy sb. very muchlike mad = very hard 拼命地I ran like mad to catch the train. 3. have a dialoguemake / create a dialogue 4. absence n.1) 缺席,不在uin ones absence,一次缺席或不在cDuring his absence fromGuangzhou

5、his co-workers did alot of work.I shall take your place in your absence.He acted as chairman in my absence.2)没有,不存在,Darkness is the absence of light.In the absence of these conditions,it wont work well.没有这些条件,它的效果不会好.absence of mind 心不在焉adj. absentbe absent fromHe was absent from the meeting.Why wer

6、e your absent from school? 5.introductioninstruction 6.apart adv.1) 相距,相隔Their houses are two miles apart.The two brothers were farther apart,than ever in their ideas.2)(分)开,离开During that time they were never apart.Lets keep the two things apart. 3) apart froma. 除之外 (=besides)Apart from them, I had

7、no one totalk to.Apart from that, he had noprivate income.Apart from the cost. it will takea lot of time.b. 只是(否则),除掉(=exceptfor)Apart from that, all goes well.,*tell / know apart 区分开Text: 1. whether orWhether 用法1)引起宾语从句:是不是,是否(可与 if替换)I dont know whether/ if youlike it.Ask him whether/ if he cancom

8、e.2)如从句提前,只能用 whetherThis is certainly the case butwhether it is a fault or not Idont know.3)作介词宾语(不用 if),It all depends on whether we can get their co-operation.I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 4)引起从句作主语,表语,同位语Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.It was uncertain whether

9、he could come.The first question was whether he had arrived yet.The question whether we oughtto call in a specialist wasanswered by the family doctor. 5)接不定式(不能用 if)I dont know whether to accept,or refuse.He wondered whether to comeor not. 6)(引起状语从句) 不管是否,不管 还是Ill do it whether you like it ornot.Whe

10、ther we go or whether westay, the result is the same.,eg.-Dad,Ive finished my,assignment.,- Good, and _,you play or watch TV, you,mustnt disturb me.,A. whether,B. whenever C. whatever D.no matter 2. get through pass though通过,We managed to get through theforest with their help.They succeeded in getti

11、ng the billthrough.I couldnt get through to youyesterday. The line was busy.I ve got through the book in oneevening. 3. call up,1)telephone sb./ring up,Please call me up tomorrow.,2)(使)回想起,The letter calls up the days when,we worked together in thecountryside. The picture called up memories of,our c

12、lass trip. 4. stand out 突出,引人注意David stands out as a computerprogram designer. David 是个出众的计算机编程员.In this list two names stand outparticularly.在这个名单中有两个名字很显眼. 5. when you have read some Chinesepoems, youll have seen andheardwill/ shall have doneBythe end of this month, well havefinished the work.Well

13、 start at five oclock if it hasstopped raining by then.,eg.The mayor of Beijing says thatall construction work for the BeijingOlympics _ by 2006.A. has been completed B. hascompleted C. will have beencompleted D. will have completed 6.follow vt.i1)跟着,跟随,沿着follow sb. into sp. 跟随某人去某处不能说 follow sb. to

14、 do sth.I followed her to go to the office.I followed her into the office.2) 接着发生May follows April. 四月之后是五月.,3)领会,懂 understand, grasp onesmeaningI dont quite follow you.4)as follows 是 as it follows 省略. 如下The person who were late thismorning are as follows.follow ones advice/ orders/instructionsfollo

15、w ones example=follow theexample offollowing adj.the following day 7.1) remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事,使某人想起The film reminded him of what he,had seen in Paris.变被动只能把 sb. 提前We reminded him of theagreement.He was reminded of the agreement.不 能 说 :the agreement wasreminded him (of).2) remind sb. of doing 使某人想起做过某事Henry reminded me of my seeing the film.3)remind sb to do sth. 提醒某人要 做某事Please remind me to post the letter.I wish you had reminded me to,



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