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1、Common materials used in Prosthetics and Orthotics 假肢矯形常用材料,Dr. Winson Lee htwinsonpolyu.edu.hk,Materials commonly used in P&O P&O通常使用的材料,Plaster 石膏 Metals 金屬 Thermoplastic 塑料 Leather 皮革 Fibers 紡織纖維品,Plaster bandage and plaster powder 石膏绷带和石膏粉,Composition and chemical reaction 成分和化学反应,Gypsum hydrate

2、d calcium sulphate- CaSO4-2H2O ,sometime with some impurities; 生石膏-含水硫酸钙-CaSO4-2H2O,有时含有一些杂质Calcination: 煅烧 2CaSO4-H2O + 3H2O 2(CaSO4-2H2O) +heat 2CaSO4-H2O + 3H2O 2(CaSO4-2H2O) +加热,Characteristics of plaster 石膏的特征,Advantages优点 Does not seem to produce allergies 看起来不会产生过敏 No additional equipment req

3、uired 不需要附加设备 Low cost 低成本Disadvantages 缺点 Heavy both in wet and dry state潮湿和干燥状态时都很重 May obscure bone detail on radiographs可使骨骼的射线照片细节变得模糊 Weaken when meeting water遇水则变淡,Uses of plaster石膏的用处,To obtain the 3-D shape of the residual limb or body parts (left);残肢或身体部分(左图)的3D形状的获取To stablize facture sit

4、e or joint motion.使骨折位置或关节活动范围保持固定,Plaster-cast taking to obtain the shape of the residual limb,3. Shape-modification of plater model to determine the shape of the prosthetic socket,2. Pouring plaster solution to form a positive mould. Once the solution is set, remove the negative cast.,Negative cas

5、t 阴模,Positive mould/model 阳模,石膏繃帶取模, 获得残肢的形状,石膏漿灌注以製作石膏陽模。一旦溶液凝结,则移除阴模,石膏陽模修型,确定假肢接受腔的形状,Plaster casting techniques 石膏铸造技术,Squeeze the bandage gently to expel excessive water 轻轻地拧绷带,去除多余的水,Put the plaster bandage into water将绷带放进水中,Prepare a bowl of water and plaster bandage 准备一碗水和石膏绷带,Wrap it around

6、 the limb 将其缠绕在手臂上,Wait until the plaster bandage dries and gets hardened 等待直到石膏绷带变干变硬,Cutting of plaster cast 石膏模型的切削,Left: Plaster scissors 左图:石膏剪 Right: Oscillating saw(plaster cutter) 右图:摆动锯 (石膏切割机),Use of tools 工具的使用,The use of plaster powder 石膏粉的使用,Water to Plaster ratio: 3:2 水和石膏的比例:3:2 Powde

7、r is poured into water 将粉末倒入水中Common problems: 常见问题: Density of Plaster is not controlled well; 石膏的密度没有控制好 Powder does not completely dissolve forming grains. 粉末没有完全溶解,形成晶粒,Tools for shape-modification of plaster model 石膏模型修型的工具,A: Sanding screen网格砂布 B: RoundSurform圆锉刨 C: Surform锉刨 D: Tongue Depress

8、or压舌板 E: Plaster Bowl 石膏碗 F: Indeliblepencil 保迹铅笔,A,B C,D F,E,Storage of Plaster 石膏的存储,Dry 干燥 Avoid high temperature and exposure of sunlight 避免高温和阳光暴晒,Metals 金属,Aluminium Alloy (鋁合金); Titanium Alloy (鈦合金); Stainless Steel (不銹鋼).These metals are used in: 这些金属用于: uprights, 矫形 prosthetic joints, 假肢连接

9、springs, 弹簧 cables, 连线 terminal devices for upper-limb prostheses 假上肢的终端设备,Aluminium Alloys 铝合金,Mixtures of aluminium with other metals such as copper, zinc, manganese, silicon, and magnesium. 铝和其他金属如铜、锌、锰、硅和镁的混合物Due to its protective a clear oxide layer, their appearance is shine in a dry environme

10、nt; 由于其保护性的氧化层,所以在干燥的环境中其表面发光There are variety of aluminium alloys having different physical and mechanical properties. They are classified by a number system;各种各样的铝合金有不同的物理和机械性能。通过记数制对他们进行分类。For example, Aluminium Alloys 6061 has 0.40-0.8 of Si, 0.7% of Fe, 0.15-0.40% of Cu, 0.15% of Mn, 0.8-1.2% o

11、f Mg, 0.04-0.35% of Cr, 0.25% of Zn, 0.15% of Ti in mass, and the remainder is aluminium.例如,铝合金6061总体上有0.40-0.8 的硅,0.7% 的铁, 0.15-0.40% 的铜,0.15% 的锰,0.8-1.2%的镁,0.04-0.35%的铬,0.25% 的锌,0.15%的钛,剩余的部分是铝,Advantages: 优点 1. High Corrosion Resistance 强耐腐蚀性 2. Non-magnetic 非磁性 3. Lighter than carbon steel 比碳钢更轻

12、Limitations: 局限性 Fatigue endurance low relative to tensile strength 相对于抗拉强度,疲劳寿命低 Not suitable for use in certain conditions (e.g. coal mines)不适宜用于某些条件下(如:煤矿) Corrosion when contacting with some other metals 与其他金属接触时,产生腐蚀,Titanium alloys 钛合金,Mixtures of titanium with other metals 钛与其他金属的混合物 Titanium

13、 alloys are classified into: 钛合金分为: Alpha-phase 阿伐相 Beta-phase 贝他相 Alpha-beta-phase 阿伐-贝他相Generally, alpha-phase Titanium is stronger yet less ductile and beta-phase Titanium is more ductile. Alpha-beta-phase Titanium has a mechanical property which is in between both. 一般来说,阿伐相钛更强而不柔韧,贝他相钛更加柔韧。阿伐-贝他

14、相钛的机械性能介乎两者之间Advantages: 优点: 1. High strength to weight ratio (samestrength but half density of alloy steel) 高强度重量比(强度相同,然而是合金钢密度的一半) 2. Not normally susceptible to stress corrosion 通常不易受应力腐蚀的影响 3. High fatigue and corrosion fatigueresistance 很强的抗疲劳性和耐腐蚀疲劳能力 4. Light weight 重量轻 Limitations: 局限性: 1.

15、High costs of raw and semi-finishedproducts 原料和半成品的高成本 2. Difficult in machining 机械加工困难,Stainless steel 不锈钢,A steel alloy with a minimum of 11% chromium content by mass 不锈钢中含有至少11%的铬 Stainless steels are not like carbon which rusts when exposed to air and moisture steel do not rush 不锈钢不像碳,暴露于空气中的时候就

16、会生锈,含有水分的钢不会生锈 This is because they have chromium such that a passive film of chromium oxide forms which prevents further surface corrosion. 这是因为它们含有铬,从而形成氧化铬的钝化膜,阻止进一步的表面腐蚀 There are different types of stainless steel. 存在着不同类型的不锈钢Advantages:优点: 1. Good general corrosion resistance 良好的全面耐腐蚀性 2. High

17、 creep strength 很高的蠕变强度 3. Good weldability 良好的焊接性 4. Attractive appearance with minimummaintenance 造型美观,易于维护Limitations: 局限性: 1. High costs 高成本 2. Prone to localized corrosion 容易受到局部腐蚀 3. Great attention must be paid to welding process to avoid localized defects and brittleness 3. 必须十分注重焊接过程,以免造成局部缺陷和脆性,



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