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1、2017高三英语复习备考策略,2017高三英语复习备考策略,一、词汇板块复习策略 二、书面表达板块复习策略 三、培养学生积极的情感态度,夯实基础,做好词汇复习,总原则:见缝插针,利用一切可利用的资源。资源一. 外研版必修一至选修八词汇 资源二. 考纲3500词 资源三. 课外阅读词汇,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,1.构建重点词汇“树形图”。 词性,词义,近义词,反义词,形似词,相关短语及句型,词汇用法,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,2.回归课文,在语境中学习词汇。具体措施:将每一模块Reading文本的重点词汇,短语挖空,印制成学案,课堂结合听力,让学生提高听力水平的同时,在语境中加

2、深对重点词汇的掌握。,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,3.词不离句,通过重点词汇大量造句,充分掌握重点词汇的用法。附件2:外研版Book5Module2学案.docx,资源一:外研版必修一八词汇,4.创设语境,应用重点词汇编写故事。 教师提供中文故事,学生翻译 学生发挥想象力编写故事温馨小建议:教师做个有心人,从高一开始进行故事积累,高三形成校本词汇教材。,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,外研版Book3 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaMy head teacher is Mr. Ma, a respo

3、nsible teacher. First , he treats everyone equally. As the old saying goes, every one was born equal. We should not look down upon anyone. Second, he lays stress on honesty and justice. In his view, on no condition can we cheat in the exams. Last but not least, he is more a friend than a teacher. He

4、 promises us to go climbing on condition that we make great improvement in the exams. In conclusion, we love him from the bottom of my heart.,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,外研版Book 2 Module 3故事编写: Jim出生在农村,是一个农民的儿子。尽管他很年轻,他在音乐方面有天赋。换句话说,他是一个音乐天才。当他还是个青少年的时候,他的爸爸注意到他的天赋而且成为了他的忠实听众。他们的努力得到了回报。Jim出版了一本书,里面有20首音乐。然而,

5、非常令每个人惊讶的是,他的妈妈从不对他满意。相反的,她认为音乐严重影响了他的儿子。 一天,陷入沉思,他回家迷路了。没有方向感,他突然大哭起来。听到这个消息,他的妈妈脸色苍白,不知所措。令她安慰的是,他的儿子晚上平安返回。事实上,当Jim哭的时候,他突然有了一个好主意。他大声唱歌,吸引了附近的村民,因此他得救了。直到这时,他才意识到Jim的重要。,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,Jim was born in a village, the son of a peasant. Yong as he was, he had a talent for music. In other words, h

6、e is a musical genius. When he was a teenager, his father took note of his talent and became his faithful audience. Their efforts paid off. Jim published a book, which is composed of 20 pieces of music. However, much to everyones surprise, never was his mother satisfied with him. Instead, she though

7、t music had a bad influence on his son.One day, lost in thought, Jim lost his way home. Without sense of direction, he burst into tears. Hearing the news, his mother went pale and was at a loss. To her relief, her son returned home safe and sound. In fact, when Jim was crying, a good idea suddenly o

8、ccurred to him. He sang so loudly that he attracted the villagers nearby. As a result, he was saved.,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,外研版Book 2 Module 4重点词汇: adopt be fond of portrait get tired of It is not surprising that think highly of inspire be devoted to a series of exhibition appreciate be doing when find st

9、h. done break into whats worse to ones relief It was not long before Jim,an adopted boy, was fond of/ felt like/ liked drawing pictures. He always drew portraits for his parents as well as his neighbors, and never did he get tired of it. Therefore, it is not surprising that he was thought highly of

10、by everyone . Inspired by his friends, he dreamt of being an artist. Devoted to drawing pictures, he finally realized his dream. In his twenties, he drew a series of colorful landscape, and had his first exhibition. Unfortunately, one night, he was appreciating a live concert when he was told that a

11、 neighbor found his house broken into. Whats worse, all his works were destroyed. Much to his relief, it wasnt long before the thief was caught alive.,资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,5.利用模块话题,对该模块词汇进行分类记忆。 Group1: 和报纸,杂志相关的词汇:headline, photograph, photographer, review Group2: 人物:celebrity, alien, astronomer, fan,

12、actor, politician, royal family, sailor Group3: 报纸杂志专栏:economy, politics, financial, cultural, historical(Book 2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines),资源一:外研版必修一至选修八词汇,Group1: 建筑类: brick, concrete, mud, material, resource, run out, solar, load, landfill, charge, attach, look out, shape, doormat Group 2

13、: 法律类:crime, criminal, risky, arrest. Group 3: 电脑类:download, online, catalogue, command, power, at the flick of, switch Group 4: 疾病类:surgery, telesurgery, outpatient, clinic, optimistic, pessimistic, rely on, out of shape,(Book 4 Module 1 The City of the Future),资源二:考纲3500词,考纲单词三轮复习: 第一轮:“整体认读”目标:会读

14、,认识3500词的意思。措施:学生每天10页,计划三周完成任务(每周空两 天循环复习)。每天课前学生轮流将15位同学共同的生词写在黑板上,大家共同识记。,资源二:考纲3500词,第二轮:“漏网之鱼”目标: 再次熟记一轮词汇中的“漏网之鱼”措施:利用PPT,每天课前学生再次共同识记这些 “漏网之鱼”,将认识的词汇从PPT上删除,让学生在词汇学习上感到“爽快”。,资源二:考纲3500词,第三轮:“赶尽杀绝”目标:学生能够在语境中正确拼写并能填写高频 词的正确形式。措施:每周进行两次高考词汇测试,利用两个早读时间,每次20分钟左右。本轮单词重点 在于检查词汇在句子中的使用。要求根据句意填入词汇,使句

15、子完整,并注意使用 词汇的正确形式。,资源二:考纲3500词,第三轮:“赶尽杀绝” 1. I would _(感激)your calling back later . 2. The sentence needs _(提高). 3. Do you know the boy _(躺)under the big tree. 4. We offered him our _(祝贺)on his passing the college entrance exams. 5. Would you mind turning_(关小)your radio a little.,温馨提示:教师或是指导学生养成从做过的

16、题目,尤其是从真题里面进行摘抄,并积累的习惯。,资源三:课外阅读词汇,要求学生在每次完成阅读理解和完形填之 后,从文中至少积累3个单词,从而培养猜词 能力和自学能力,对于“熟词新义”“一词 多义”“动词短语”要注重积累。每周开展 一次课外词汇展示,从而扩大学生词汇量。,资源三:课外阅读词汇,2013年北京卷词汇积累检测: A 篇:EP Portable Heater 1. portable heater 2. heating bill 3. exposed heating part 4. oxygen 5. a significant burden on the family budget B

17、 篇:Tail Spin 1. show off 2. dolphin 3. trick 4. get caught up 5. end up 6. artificial 7. potential ability C篇: Does Fame Drive You Crazy? 1. signature 2. constantly 3. lose track of 4. phenomenon 5. run articles 6. troublesome 7. disapproving 8. skeptical 9. availability of modern media 10. inadequate social recognition,


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