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1、第一組 The Death of the Scholarly Monograph in the Humanities? Citation Patterns in Literary Scholarship,人文學資源報告,圖資三 黃紹軒 圖資二 郭家寧 圖資二 劉威廷 圖資二 周依蝶 圖資二 謝宇昇,組員介紹,Prices for and numbers of journals in the sciences and in technical and medical fields have increased exponentially over the last two decades, st

2、rangling library budgets and making measures such as cancellation programs for serials 期刊的價格為何以及數量在最後的二十年對於科學技術和醫療領域以指數的方式規律增加,抑制了圖書館的預算以及做了測量像是節目普遍的連續取消。 Another significant effect of the crisis has been what some have called “the death of the scholarly monograph in the humanities 而另一個對於危機重大的影響則是”死

3、亡是人文學科的學術性專題論文”。,Introduction,libraries have smaller and smaller funds available to purchase books in all fields. Anna H. Perrault found that there was a 27.76 % decline in the total number of non-serial imprints acquired. 圖書館的資金則會越來越少來購買任何領域的書籍。Anna H. Perrault發現將1989年與1985年圖書館研究學會資料比較,指出對於所有並非連續性的

4、版本說明取得有27.76 %的衰落 Lindsay Waters reported that 30 years ago college and university libraries would buy 1,250 to 1,500 copies of any book “that had successfully gone through the rigorous scholarly review process” by a publisher. Now publishers can expect to sell only about 275 copies worldwide Lindsa

5、y Waters,則指出三十年前,學院和大學圖書館均會購買按照出版者所有書的1,250至1,500的書籍拷貝本”順利的審核了嚴謹的學術回顧”。現在出版者在這世界只能夠期望賣出275本拷貝本。,Libraries are unable to buy many scholarly books and publishers cannot continue publishing them 圖書館並不能購買過多的學術性書籍以及出版者不能夠繼續出版的 humanities collections seem to be more at risk than those in other disciplines

6、. Perrault found that the decline in the number of monograph titles acquired by ARL libraries between 1985 and 1989 was highest in the humanities at 31.98%, compared to 28.88% for the social sciences and 15.81% for the sciences 人文學科的搜藏相較於其他學科似乎是比較有風險的。Perrault發現在1985年和1989年之間,專題論文標題數量的衰落在ARL圖書館的獲取是最

7、高的,在人文學科高達31.98%,相較於社會科學的28.88%以及科學的15.81%。,humanists tend to work alone rather than collaboratively, and their research is characterized by an individual approach, in which “the individual scholars interpretation is paramount” (Stone 1982, 294). 根據他們的論著,人文學者應該傾向獨立工作而不是合作並進,而且他們研究出其特徵是個人主義,就好像Stone提

8、過的獨立學者所詮釋的是最好的 In terms of research method, the humanist is “more attuned to techniques of browsing as an adjunct to the use of bibliographic tools than is any other type of researcher” (Perrault 1983, 4). 針對研究方法而言,人文學比任何其他的類型的研究更適合使用書目工具作為輔助,Review of the literature,Both Perrault and Stone observed

9、 that the monograph, rather than the journal article, is the dominant form of library material used by scholars in the humanities, although a variety of archival materials, such as manuscripts and photographs, are vital primary sources for research (Perrault 1983, 45; Stone 1982, 296297). 雖然有些資料是非常重

10、要的來源,如:手稿、照片,但Perrault 和 Stone認為對於人文學者專著才是主要的材料而不是雜誌中的文章。 Perrault and Stone noted that humanists tend to use materials that are older than those non-humanists use; currency is not a vital characteristic of humanists materials Perrault 和 Stone指出相較於非人文學者,人文學者往往使用較舊的資源;流行不是人文學資源的特性。,Richard Heinzkill

11、stated in his study of journals devoted to English literary scholarship that 75% of the cited references were to monographs, while 20% were to journals (Heinzkill 1980, 355). Richard Heinzkill聲明雜誌中他有關英國文學的研究有75%的參考資源是專著,20%是雜誌。 Madeline Stern analyzed references from periodical articles on three cre

12、ative writers and three literary movements. Of the citations in articles about individual writers, 82.7% were to books and 15.1% were to journals; in the articles about literary movements, 78.8% of the citations were to books, and 16.5% were to journals (Stern 1983, 203, 206). Madeline Stern從期刊文章中3個

13、作家和3個文學運動中分析其參考文獻。引文文章中有關於個別作家的,82.7%是書籍專著而15.1%是期刊論文;文章中有關於文學運動的,78.8%是書籍引文而16.5%是期刊論文。,in monographs in British and American literature, on average, 72.2% of the citations were to books, and 14.5% were to articles (Cullars 1985, 516) 在英美文學的專著中,平均72.2%的引文出自於圖書,14.5%的來自期刊In evaluating a randomized s

14、ample of books and articles in American literature, John Budd observed that 64% of the citations were to monographs and 23.0% were to journals (Budd 1986, 192). 在隨機抽取圖書以及美國文學文章的調查中,John Budd發現有64%引文來自專著23%出自期刊。,Several of the studies included categories for types of publication other than books or p

15、eriodicals, and the total for these categories ranged from 2.0% to 15.8%. Manuscripts, dissertations, newspapers, theses, unpublished letters, artifacts, and other miscellaneous sources were included. 許多研究報告類型除了以書籍或期刊的類型出版物之外還有其他類型的出版物,而這些類別的所佔所有資類型出版物的2.0 到15.8 。其中包括手稿,論文,報紙,論文,未發表的信件,文物,和其他各式各樣的類型

16、也包括在其中。,The most recent bit of scholarship is by no means always the better one (Weintraub 1980) 在近期內的學術不是最好的(溫特勞布1980年)Most of the studies showed about 70%-80% were more than 12 years. 許多的研究表示大約有70%80%的引用文獻皆是超過12年的文獻,被引用文獻的出版年,Garfield (1980) used the A&HCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) prod

17、uced a list of the 100 most cited authors in the humanities in 1977-1978. Many of the authors cited were poets, novelists, and other writer likely to have been cited as primary sources(原典). He found that 10% of the authors lived before 1400 A.D. and 60% were born before 1900. Garfield( 1980 )使用藝術與人文引用文獻索引製作一個100位被引用最多的作者名單於1977-1978年當中人文學科家。許多作者引用了詩人,小說家,和其 他作家是被列為原典的。他在之中發現其中有10 的作者是西元1400年以前的和有60 的作者是在1900年之前出生的。,



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