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1、College Pressures,William Zinsser,highlight,Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output. The report on the accident highlights the need for considerable improvements in safety. The spelling mistakes in the writing had been highlighted.,self-induced,They induced her to take

2、 the job by promising editorial freedom. Pills for seasickness often induce drowsiness. 工作过度引发的疾病,outrageous; aggravate,It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes. The prices those late-night shops charge are just outrageous. Attempts to restrict parki

3、ng in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion. In this case, the treatment only aggravated the injury/disease/condition. 由于缺乏雨水使得本来很严峻的粮食短缺变得更加严重了.,presence,He is usually quite polite _ my presence. He was calm _ the presence of danger. An important conference deman

4、ded his presence.,devour, one,Shes a very keen reader - she just devours all the books she can lay her hands on.She is driven by a devouring ambition / hatred / passion. He was obsessed _ a craving for materialistic gratification. Her one fault appeared to be that she was too quiet. She was the one

5、bright ray in a narrow, gloomy life.,proverbial,His proverbial good humor never fails to cheer me up. His punctuality has become proverbial.,supplicate,It is humiliating to be forced to supplicate assistance from your former enemy (or supplicate your former enemy for assistance)In the otherwise empt

6、y church, a solitary supplicant knelt before the altar.,Laden with; balm; reside,a tree heavily laden with fruit to be laden with heavy responsibility Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit. The

7、 power to change the law resides in Parliament.,motivate; authentic,The closure of the school was a financially motivated act. I think you should examine/question their motives in offering to lend you the money. He was there and saw what happened, so his is the only authentic account. The value of t

8、he evidence depends on its _.,piercing,She hadnt really meant to lie, but their piercing questions had forced her to. The couple at the next table had piercing voices and we couldnt help overhearing. Mr. Evans was a workaholic with a piercing gaze and a passion for punctuality.,unswerving,She comman

9、ded unswerving devotion both from her family and from her friends. They have the same unswerving aim.,release; grip,After she resigned, she experienced a strong feeling of release. After years of suffering, his death came as a merciful release. (The medicine released him from years of pain.)She felt

10、 herself in the grip of sadness she could not understand.,savor; in itself,Its the first day of the holidays, so Im savoring my freedom. savor this great moment of accomplishment She felt that life had lost most of its savor. The plan wasnt illegal in itself but it would lead to some doubtful practi

11、ce.,experiment; trip,The school is experimenting _ new teaching methods. Peter is learning to cook so he has been experimenting _ his family.Unfortunately he tripped and fell over, tearing a hole in his trousers and grazing his knee. Though he lived in France for fifteen years, he still trips up ove

12、r the simplest word. A trip in one point would have spoiled all.,nave; proclaim; venerate,Dont be so nave as to be taken _ by their lies. proclaim Monday as a city holiday His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American. A memorial was erected _ veneration of the dead of both world wars. We do

13、not mean to be disrespectful when we refuse to follow the advice of our venerable leader.He was a modest man, and strongly resisted any glorification of his many achievements.,borderline,His marks in the examination were _ the borderline. She was very much a borderline candidate so Im not surprised

14、she has failed. Only in borderline cases (= cases where students might succeed or fail) will pupils have an oral exam.,odds,If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that youll have an accident at some point. In a contest where strength is important, the odds are with him. There are heavy odds

15、against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate. What are the odds on him being late again?,It is all very well to,提议做那件事好倒是好,但是钱从哪儿来呢? Its all very well to suggest doing that, but wheres the money coming from? It was all very well for you to say sorry, but that doesnt repair the danger, do

16、es it?,dimension; concern,What were the major concerns of the writers from that period? She found a new dimension of his personality. It is a very unpleasant affair. Still, we cant change it.,positive,Far from being a nuisance, she was a positive joy to have around. The first assistant I asked wasnt particularly helpful and the second one was positively rude!,sample; range,So youre going to sample the pleasure of country life? We sampled opinion among 600 doctors. 从他的演讲可以看出大学的研究活动何其广泛和多样化。 Her speech conveyed something of the range and diversity of research activities in the university.,



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