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1、LESSON 28 HOW DO I LEARN ENGLISH?,【单词探究】(Lets learn the new words),特里萨(人名)_ 香港 eg. Hong Kong is a part of my country.n. 故事书 记忆法:story+book eg. 我女儿很喜欢看故事书。 _. _ n.杂志 _(可数/不可数)名词,复数为_eg.(1)在回家的路上,我买了一些杂志。_(2) 这本杂志对我非常有用。_,Hong Kong,storybook,My daughter likes reading storybooks very much,Teresa,storyb

2、ook,magazine,可数,magazines,I bought some magazines on my way home.,The magazine is very useful to me .,_ n.报纸eg. 我经常晚饭后看报纸。_. _ n. 错误 eg.() It is a mistake to tell him the news.()someone made some mistakes yesterday.从例句中,可看出mistake是个_(可数/不可数)名词,若是可数名词,其复数为_. _ adj.愚蠢的,傻的 eg. Stop asking silly questio

3、ns! _ 苏姗(人名) Susan is a girl.,newspaper,I often read newspapers after supper .,mistake,可数,mistakes,silly,Susan,【 Listen and read,then answer the following questions 】 【慧眼识珠】聪明的同学们,能通过读课文完成下面的问题吗?并且把与每个问题相关的句子在课文中划出来、读出来,找句子时千万不要依靠你们手中的“法宝”点拨,我相信一定能行,加油呀!,What tips does Teresa have for learning Engli

4、sh? Listen and tick(勾出) the correct(正确的) answers.1.Speak English every day!2.Speak to a foreign friend online twice a week.3.Read a lot and use a dictionary!4.Listen to English music!5.Speak Chinese at home, but speak English at school.6.Watch English T Shows and movies!7.Make silly mistakes!,Read t

5、he lesson and answer the questions. What grade is Teresa in? _ What language does she speak at home? _ What does she often read? _ When does she watch English movies? _ Where can you find the words for many English songs?_,Grade 7.,Chinese.,Storybooks, magazines, newspapers.,Every Sunday evening.,On

6、 the Internet.,【小组合作交流,探究知识点】 【真实呈现,准确感知】找出下列句子或根据句意,讨论分析知识点:,1. I came to Canada two years ago . 意为:_.此句为_时,two years ago意为_由此看出“时间段+ago” 用于_时态。(小练)五年前我开始学英语。(begin to do sth.)_. 2. So I look them up in a dictionary. 根据上句,本句意为_。look up _指查找与文字信息相关的资料,用名词或代词作宾语。eg. (1)Please look up his phone number

7、. =Please look his phone number up.(2) I dont know the meaning of the word, Ill look it up in a dictionary.,两年前我来到加拿大。,一般过去,两年前,一般过去,I began to learn English five years ago.,因此我在字典里查它们,查找,查阅,从例句中我们可看出,look up(动副词组) 的宾语是名词时,放在look up_( 中间/之后) . 其宾语是代词时必须放在它_(中间/之后)。 3. can enjoy myself and learn Engl

8、ish at the same time.意为 _。(小练)他们同时完成了作业。_ . like to write the words down.意为_。写下,记下_ 也是动副词组。所以它跟look up的法相同。(小练)(1)请写下这个地址。_(2)我要把他们记在笔记本上。_,我能娱乐的同时也学习英语。,They finished their homework at the same time.,我喜欢记下这些单词,write down,Please write down the address =Please write the address down.,I will write the

9、m down in the notebook.,中间或后面,中间,5. Dont be afraid to make mistakes! 根据上文猜出此句意为: _.害怕做某事_。eg. 我害怕一个人晚上出去。_.犯错误_. 6. Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself.嘲笑某人_ 7. (打电话用语)现在她不在。_.,别害怕犯错误!,be afraid to do sth.,I am afraid to go out at night alone,make a mistake,laugh at sb.,She is not

10、here right now,【知识总结】:总结本课提到的学英语的方法。,_,1.Read a lot and use a dictionary. We should often read English storybooks ,magazines, and newspapers. When we dont understand some words. We can look them up in a dictionary.,2.Watch English TV shows and movies! Every Sunday evening, we can Watch English movies. It helps a lot. We can enjoy ourselves and learn English at the same time .,3.Listen to English music ! We can listen English songs. Just go on the internet ! We can find words for many songs and write them down. Then we can sing along with the music.,


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