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1、Unit 14 Word study,1. freedom n. 自由,for free 免费 = free of charge,free,adj._,In 1863 Lincoln gave freedom to all American slaves.,free from/ of 没有;免于; 无.之忧 be free to do sth. 随意做某事 free oneself from ones difficulties 从困难中解脱出来你可以随意批评我的工作。,孩子们可以自由挑选玩具。,The children can choose their toys freely.,You are

2、 free to criticize my work.,2. Martin Luther King was the leader of the civil rights movement. civil rights and civil duties 公民的权利和义务civil law 民法 3. the Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖receive / gain / win prize,4. murder v. = kill unlawfully; especially on purpose His piano playing is murder! 5. youth 青春时代

3、,青少年时期U (男)青年,小伙子C the Youth League 青年团 I spent my youth in the country. There are groups of youths playing basketball over there.,full of youth and vigor The youth of the country is /are ready to fight.adj. youthful 年轻的;青年的富于青春活力的,朝气蓬勃的,6. prison n. 监狱 prisoner 犯人,putin prison 把投进监狱 take/ send sb.

4、to prison throw sb. into prison,做“监禁状态”时为不可数名词,不用冠词。,escape from prison 越狱 come out of prison 出狱 be in prison 被监禁 go to prison 入狱 keep as prisoner(s),任何违法的人都被关进了监狱。,Whoever broke the law was thrown into prison.,He was in prison for ten years.,The murderer was put in prison last year.,他在狱中待了10年。,那个杀人

5、犯去年被关进监狱。,据报道,昨天四个犯人越狱逃跑了。,It was reported that four prisoners escaped from prison yesterday.,His son was put in _ prison. He went to _ prison to see him yesterday. /; / B. the; the C. /; the D. the; /,revolution (1)革命,剧烈的变革 The revolution broke out in 1941.The invention of the television caused a r

6、evolution in our daily lives. (2) (天体的)运行,公转CU(+round) One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year. (3)循环,(一)周期UC The annual revolution of the earth round the sun causes the revolution of the seasons.,revolutionary adj. revolutionist 革命者7. She puts her whole soul into work. 8. arrest The

7、 newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disease. The title of the essay arrested my attention,marry : vt. /vi divorce get / be married to sb. marry sb. to sb. marriage n.,你愿意嫁给他吗?,Are you willing to marry him?,hey_ _ _ for 50 years.,have been married,Her first marriage was not happy.,fo

8、rbid (forbade, forbidden) vt. 禁止,不准,不许结构: forbid sb. to do sth.forbid doing sth/sth. permit, allow, advise也有同样用法 We should forbid smoking in the office. Smoking is forbidden here. 我禁止你半夜后仍待在外面 I forbid you to stay out after midnight. 常见短语有: Forbidden City 紫禁城; forbidden zone 禁区,e.g. Which of the fol

9、lowing is not right? _ I forbid you the room. I forbid you to enter the room. I forbid your entering the room. I forbid that your entered the room.,D,vote: v/ n选举;投票;选举权 The matter will be decided by vote. There were 16 votes in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against. They voted her their headmistre

10、ss.,vote for/against 投票赞成/反对vote on sth. 就投票表决,他对该计划投了反对票。,He voted against the plan.,现在我们对这个问题投票表决。,Now we will vote on this question.,I gave my vote to Mr. Wang.,political adj.政府的;政治的; policy n. 政策;方针 political crises /prisoners 政治危机犯 politics n.政治学,政治看法(信仰) 1.He left his own country for _ reasons

11、. 2.Politics _(are/is) much more difficult than physics. 3.What _ (are/is) your politics?,political,is,are,at first sight:乍一看;初见,他们一见钟情。,They fell in love with each other at first sight.,at the sight of: 一看见 catch sight of:看到,发现 lose sight of:不再看见 in/within sight of:能看见 out of sight:看不见,nearsighted

12、No doubt the committee will wave aside his nearsighted views. This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint.,Integrating Skills,Integrating Skills,1.People struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in.人们为争取获得选择自由信仰哪种神灵的权利而斗争。 (1)in ones choice of sth. =to choose She took

13、a long time in her choice of her new hat. 她花费了很长时间挑选她的新帽子。 (2)which god to believe in作介词of的宾语。在英语中,“疑问词不定式”可作某些介词的宾语。 我在考虑着如何完成我的任务。 Im thinking of how to finish my task. 他们就选择谁的问题交换了意见。 They exchanged the view on the question of whom to choose.,2. From the late eighteenth to well into the nineteent

14、h century different groups of people struggled for their rights.从18世纪末到19世纪中期,不同阶层的人士为争取自身权益而斗争。 英语中介词(或介词短语)不能使用程度副词very来修饰,但却可以用well等副词来修饰,此时well的意思为“相当地;可观地”。 他一定远远超过五十岁了。 He must be well over fifty. 这部影片很值得一看。 The film is well worth seeing.,3. start/begin with 知识来源于实践。 Knowledge begins with prac

15、tice. 让我这样开始这个故事,“很久很久以前”。 Let me start the story with “Long long ago”,4. Starting at almost the same time were the international movements for the rights of women.,倒装结构,其中the international movements for the rights of women是整个句子的主语,were starting是谓语,at almost the same time是时间状语,几乎与此同时兴起的是国际女权运动。,Ex.1

16、. 坐在教室前面的是一个名叫小华的女孩。2. 挂在墙上的是两幅画。,Sitting in the front of the classroom is a girl named Xiao hua.,Hanging on the wall are two pictures.,5. There was a time when women had no rights to vote, could not go to university or choose their jobs. 有一段时期,妇女没有选举权,不能够上大学或选择工作。 (1)time C (历史上)时代、时期,相当于times There was a time when blacks fighted for their freedom. 有一段时期,黑人为自由而战。 (2) When womenchoose their jobs 作a time的定语从句,when在从句中作时间状语。,


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