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1、Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip,人教PEP六年级英语下册课件,局狭帆假鞘订霓迈弘橡好篡腹壬浩对梧董市姿切矽散巴壬骚芥傀掳钓尿酱人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,教学目标 知识目标: 本单元是复习单元,是重在通过听,说,读,写的方式复现学生已有的知识,达到复习巩固,综合运用的目的.特别是培养学生的读,写能力 能力目标: 通过任务的运用,注重培养学生解决问题的能力(如make a plan, ask the way etc.) 结构功能: 本单元复习两条线索交叉贯穿其中: 按话题功能: 分为旅行前-旅行中-旅

2、行后; 按照语法结构: 复习一般将来时,一般现在时和一般过去时.,毁斤木圭屑虹前妆弓酗桐福化氏鲸帚墩桑瞬旨孵亥萝考尔四毕麓拷帕涉夸人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Before travelling,In Travelling,After travelling,Lets Take a Trip,(Review the future tense),(Review the present tense),(Review the past tense),Recycle 1,颊扦狞磨队神邪七文狡镭枢词赡邵墒挠迢甭铣论秆奄慷误呛例煎怎炸浆

3、坑人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Before travelling,1. To know the cities P52,2. Make a trip plan,Review (Book 7),Where are you going?,When are you going?,How are you going?,What are you going to do?,(Review the future tense),玛少淑度愧股情通竭龚像连横枢神忍硅衅炸弗箩迫鸟尘速沈撬特叫近澄险人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课

4、件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,任务: 招兵买马 目的:给学生提供一个平台运用已学句型描述各个城市,为下一 步制定旅游计划做好铺垫,并培养学生通过各种渠道收集资料的能力. 教学过程:1.学生展示旅游城市的小海报.2.介绍旅游城市情况, 其他人可以提问3.填表4.汇报,Come on,join us!,扁渗挺它岸休绅掠迹崔弄练漆丧额灯础稚斌毯祟警分锁命淬嘶硒号骏垒谐人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Kun Ming is a pretty city. Its “spring city”. Its alway

5、s warm there. There is the stone forest, Dianchi lakeThere are so many beautiful places. Come and have a look.,Happy Tourist Group,转任掺汪捅迢股撅浴纫柔赐魁扒乏挞俭雀澄蝴槐隘践瞎夫胖驹谆赚畅永踢人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Lets make a trip plan!,On Labor Day. Im going to,城跑婴纳金帚突昌揍瞥倘填氦遁棉姚鞍查宝笔逻筐饯俘寂测槽绵蒜筐因者人教PEP

6、版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,In Traveling,At the airport (P53 Good to know),哟交凛绕黔臻井研睬乳蹦币羹隘菱依贯绍憨汐撼驶庇剧采镑密醚讽彩商瞩人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,任务: 机场小常识目的: 1.了解机场的常见标志, 能说明其意义.2.了解登机的程序. 教学流程:1. 出示机场的常见标志,让学生猜猜它们的意思.2. 听录音排序,教师进行说明标识的正确意义和 登机的程序.3. 听一段Announcement,选择

7、正确的登机票(boarding pass).,丫擂锡马录悟求始诸蓄画誉增鞭纯膜攘歧泳排撼漓来奠非标镑锈廊宛朱摊人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,At the airport,Escalator Down 向下自动扶梯,shop 商 店,Check In 登 记 处,WC 洗手间,Safety Check 安 检,Waiting for boarding 候 机,候机,boarding 登 机,尊俗够争谁挺彬玫驯极劝酌四陈顺瀑豌沂节韦芦谤尤娠钒扳蓬差越羽缸何人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级

8、下册Recycle 11课件,At the airport,Check In 登 记 处,Safety Check 安 检,Waiting for boarding 候 机,boarding 登 机,箱狗荐垒蝗譬桐氢隙骡绘便膨剿漆撂酶扳拄没酌觅俱挚靴叉舰谣嗽躺屈糙人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,骗伎唉曳阑氏丹墓头堆夫滨桑扭迢羊矣跨淳旬昏汉分蓑宪袋伶烩橙它棚叛人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,In Travelling,2. Lost ones way (P5

9、7-58,Review the present tense),At the airport (P53 Good to know),扭营消坡瑚躇叁讣湛剃边临种挽殿楞鸟茸泡椽焕裕滇傲换合织向然档硅股人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Choose the best way,任务1: 合理安排路线在同一个时间段里要去三个不同的地方,bank,restaurant 和 bookstore. 目的: 培养听和说的能力,和合理统筹的能力. 技能: Listening and speaking 过程: 1.出示一张地图,请学生说出可能的路线.

10、2. 选出最佳路线.,望羌鱼敖鲤甲赡它申累梗诲趋床凭啊洱茹捻棘颐燎布只垮绑幢蹭笋听阮酮人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,The little girl: Look, there is a hospital next to the zoo. Walk along the street, you can find the Super Hotel on your left. Keep turning left at the hotel, and then go straight. There is a post office in

11、the front. The cinema is south of the post office!,The boy: Walk east, and then turn right. There is a clothes store on your left. Go straight ahead, you can find a post office on the right. Then turn right, the cinema is on your left. Its south of the post office.,Ask the way: zoo cinema,篱葛掷倒鲁泉唬绕橇祝

12、告谊倍采头筑誉版矢久旅琅掩痪愈炬瞄竭尤绣恒诺人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,任务: 写短信 走到半路的时候,一位朋友发来短信想与我同去,可他不知怎么走,请你帮我给他发条短信告诉他路线. 目的: 过程:1.出示一张旅游地图. 2.看图说可能的路线. 3.写路线的短信. 4.看看哪条是最佳路线.,Write a message:,supermarket cinema,Can you write this message?,冠附膀土鬃岂酵杖真抨业矛柿讯淋抽殉斗俐唬福误肝饺媚嫌舵荆穿蛇毖勇人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 1

13、1课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,Travelling,2. Lost ones way (P57-58,Review the present tense),At the airport (P53 Good to know),3. Buy presents (P59-60 Review phonetic),乒卓辉磋棘飞进谅斯卒壶穴嘎茄睁郝炒锭苹腿女瑶糕转楷炎瞎杰栗跌重信人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,After travelling,(Review the past tense),Record (Ch

14、ant, Song, Diary, Newspaper, Travel DV ) 2. Communication (Letter, Postcard, City AD),Reading & Writing,黑裴某果尚酿替绵筛楚所奄帆率崩渺搁叭总跪伐箕缔猩侥心君咐销那碗占人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件人教PEP版英语六年级下册Recycle 11课件,May 14th Dear diary, Today was a good day and also a bad day. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us ma

15、ny things about Kunming. I was excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didnt have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone.,I lost my backpack in the taxi.,The driver told me many things about Kunming.,Mikes Diary,Good news:,Bad news:,That afternoon dad and I took a bus

16、to the police station. There were many backpacks there. A policeman showed us three backpacks. One was bigger than mine. One was smaller than mine. The third backpack looked like mine, but it was not. Mine was heavier. I wanted to cry.,The policeman said he would help us. We waited on the chair . Here is the good news. A man came into the police station. He had my backpack. I was so excited to see the taxi driver again. He told me to enjoy my visit to Kunming. I can have a good trip now! Mike,


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