2014年高考英语总复习考点课件:Book 5 板块十 Modules 4 Carnival(外研版)

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1、板块十 Modules 46,.词汇认知 1 v假装 2 v漫步;闲逛 3 v标志着 4 v废除,Module 4 Carnival,pretend,wander,mark,abolish,5 _ n杂乱;混乱 vt.混乱;使迷惑 adj.迷惑的;混乱的 adj.令人迷惑的 6 _ vt.延长 n延伸;扩大 7 _ adj.使人放松的 vt.使放松 n消遣;娱乐 adj.放松的 8 n庆祝;庆典 vt.庆祝 9 _ n自由 adj.自由的 10 n起源 adj.原先的;最初的 11 秘密地;私下地 12 结束,confusion,confuse,confused,confusing,exten

2、d,extension,relaxing,relax,relaxation,relaxed,celebration,celebrate,freedom,free,origin,original,in secret,come to an end,13 装扮;打扮 14 接手;接管 15 由组成;由构成 .语境助记 When we are ,we often around the party to ourselves or have a meal together.We held a party tothe of our yesterday.We couldnt our excitement an

3、d I think everyone in our company will this special moment forever.,dress up,free,wander,relax,tasty,celebrate,extension,export trade,hide,memorize,take over,consist of,1. hide (hid;hidden) v掩藏;躲藏,隐藏 n隐匿处,藏身处,埋伏处,躲藏处,Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husband,who

4、 hid behind his newspaper pretending to read. 她母亲在烫衣服,不时地瞪丈夫一眼,这时丈夫正躲在报纸后面假装看报。 The wanted man hid(away) in the forest. 那受通缉的男子躲进森林里。 The little boy had much difficulty hiding the truth from his parents. 这个小男孩很难对他的父母隐瞒真情。hiding和hidden作定语意思不同:a hiding place一个藏身处;a hidden place一个秘密/隐蔽的地方。,2extend vt.延

5、长;伸展,舒展(肢体);给予,Research time should be extended,scientists require. 科学家们要求延长研究时间。 The road extends for miles and miles. 这条路向远方绵延伸展。 He extended_out his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God. 他向前伸出双臂,好像在向上帝祷告求助。,3pretend vi.& vt.假装;装扮,(2011年高考广东卷)More often,it would be better if we dont p

6、retend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when were scared. 更多的情况是,当我们较弱的时候不假装坚强,当我们害怕的时候不假装勇敢,将会更好。 He pretended to be reading when his father came home. 当他爸爸回到家时,他假装在看书。 Why did you pretend_to_like_it? 为什么你假装喜欢它?,4mark vt.标志(着);标明;打分数;批改 n分数;记号;标志;痕迹,Politeness is a mark

7、 of civilization. 礼貌是文明的标志。 The box of eggs was marked with “Care” 这个鸡蛋盒标上了“小心”字样。 Obviously,the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals. 显而易见,说话的能力把人和动物区别开来。,5celebration n庆典;庆祝;庆祝会,Spring Festival begins on the first day of the lunar year,and the celebration usually lasts f

8、or days. 春节从农历新年的第一天开始,庆祝活动通常会持续数日。 There will be a huge parade in_celebration_of National Day every year. 每年人们都会举行一个盛大的游行来庆祝国庆节。,6come to an end结束;完成,Since Mike lost his job,we can hardly make ends meet. 自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。 Every family should make ends meet. 每个家庭都应做到收支平衡。 Of course all good thing

9、s have_come_to_an_end,unfortunately. 当然,不幸的是所有的好事都到了尽头。 提示 come to an end为不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语。接宾语时需用bring sth.to an end或put/bring an end to sth.。,7dress up装扮;打扮,And if her friends all dress up as she does,youre in for an extra hard time. 如果她的朋友穿得都和她一样,你的日子就格外难过了。 We dressed(ourselves) up for wedding. 我们

10、为婚礼而盛装打扮。 Do you know the woman dressed_in_green? 你认识那位穿着绿衣服的女子吗?,8consist of由组成;由构成 Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert,fruit and coffee. 晚餐通常包括肉或者鱼拌有蔬菜,随后是甜点、水果和咖啡。 The report does not consist with the fact. 那报导与事实不符合。 We need two more persons to make up our

11、 team. 我们还要两个人才能组成我们队。consist of无进行时,也无被动语态。,1Gail was lying in the sun looking very _ and happy. Arelaxing Brelaxed Crelaxation Drelax 解析:由句意可知,此处指躺在阳光下,看起来很“放松、高兴”,故选B项。A项指“令人放松的”,一般修饰物。 答案:B,2There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be _. Aabolished Bpolished Cabsorbed Dpublished 解析:abol

12、ish废除;废止;polish擦亮;磨光;absorb吸收;吸引;publish公布;发表。 答案:A,3Canada is a country _many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _the majority of its population. Aconsisting; making up Bmaking up of; occupied with Cmade up of; consisting of Dconsisted of; taking up 解析:句意:加拿大既是一个外国移民占大部分

13、人口的国家,也是一个由许多不同民族构成的国家。consist of由组成;make up构成。 答案:A,4Dont try to hide anything _ me.I will know it sooner or later. Afrom Bout of Cunder Dbeyond 解析:hide sth.from sb.“对某人隐瞒”,为固定搭配,符合句意,故选A项。 答案:A,5I could hardly recognize her at first sight because she was _ in such a strange skirt and _ sunglasses.

14、 Adressing;wearing Bwearing;dressed Cdressed;wearing Dworn;wearing 解析:be dressed in sth.意为“穿着”;wear sunglasses表示“戴着太阳镜”。 答案:C,6Jane has come back from abroad.Lets buy some grape wine in _ of her safe arrival. Acontrol Bcelebration Ccase Dfront 解析:句意:简已经从国外回来了。让我们买些红葡萄酒庆祝她安全到达。in celebration of庆祝;in control of控制;in case of假如,如果发生,防备;in front of在前面,在面前。 答案:B,



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