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1、,乐清市虹桥一中 吴建秀,Unit 9 How was your weekend,period 1,.,What do you usually do on weekends ?,play basketball do homework play computer games go home watch TV read books go to visit friends,说一说,Lets play a guessing game.,猜一猜,Does he ?,What does my son often do on weekends?,do homework,do some sports,go t

2、o the beach go to the movies,watch TV,clean the room,play basketball,go to the beach,go to the movies,do some sports,do homework,clean the room,watch TV,play basketball,He had a very busy weekend last week.,have/has had(过去式),学一学,He often has a nice weekend.,What did he do last weekend?,He did some s

3、ports on Saturday morning.,do did,(过去式),What did he do on Saturday afternoon ?,He went to the beach on Saturday afternoon.,go went(过去式),What did he do on Saturday evening ?,He watched TV on Saturday evening.,watch watched(过去式),/-t /,What did he do on Sunday morning ?,He visited his grandma on Sunday

4、 morning .,visit visited,(过去式),/-id /,What did he do on Sunday afternoon?,(过去式),He studied for the test on Sunday evening .,study studied,What did he do on Sunday evening?,He played computer and listened to music. .,play played,(过去式),-/d/,.,Chant,What do you do? What do you do ? Study, study, I stud

5、y. Play , play, I play soccer.,What did you do? What did you do ? Did, did, I did homework. Played , played, I played games.,唱一唱,1,Memorygame(记忆游戏):,1,2,3,4,5,6,挑战一 火眼金睛,1,played basketball,played soccer,Memorygame(记忆游戏):,1,2,3,4,5,6,did homework,cleaned the room,went to the beach,watched TV,Match t

6、he words with the pictures. 1.did my homework _ 2.played soccer _ 3. cleaned my room _ 4. went to thebeach _ 5. played tennis _ 6. went to themovies _,1a,d,b,f,c,e,a,做一做,1b,Listen and write the day and “morning” , “afternoon” or “night” below each picture.,Saturday,afternoon,afternoon,night,Sunday,听

7、一听,A: What did you do last weekend? B: I .,Pairwork:,cleaned the room,went to the beach,did homework,挑战二 黄金搭档,1._ I visited my (aunt/grandmother). 2._ I did my (homework/sports). 3._ I studied for the (science/math) test. 4._ I went to the (pool/beach). 5._ I played (volleyball/tennis).,E,E,B,C,C,Ca

8、rol,Ben,Emma,Whos lucky ?,1,2,3,4,挑战三 幸运你我他,What did he do yesterday afternoon ?,He went to the movies,What did she do on Saturday morning?,She cleaned her room,What did you do last weekend ?,played basketball did homework played computer games went home watched TV did some reading went to visit fri

9、ends,What time do you usually do your homework ?,I usually do my homework,What did they do last Sunday ? Do you like it ?,They played soccer.,Did she do her homework last night ? what did she do?,No, she didnt. she watched TV.,方法: 取句子每个单词的第一个字母组成密码, 看密码猜原来的句子. 例如, 原句是: They are playing at school. 则出

10、示的密码为TAPAS. 你可根据密码猜原句.也可以根据密码自己造一个句子,只要句子正确就行.,破译句子密码,挑战四 智力冲浪,密码: 1. W D Y D ( ? )2. W D Y D L W ( ? )3. H H ( 。)4. I C M R (。)5. S W T L S ( 。),What do/did you do ?,What did you do last weekend?,He did his homework.,I cleaned my room .,She watched TV last Sunday /Saturday.,挑战五 看谁最精彩,survey and rep

11、ort,What did you do on Saturday? What did you do on Sunday?,.,Discussion(讨论) :,挑战六 过关斩将,What did they do ?,cleaned the room,did homework,played computer games,did some reading,played soccer,drank,healthy,unhealthy,Did they have a healthy weekend ?,说你说我,What did you do last weekend? I went to the U.K

12、. to see Beckham on Saturday ,went to the movies went to the beach visited grandparents played tennis studied for the math test did homework did some reading,Canada,the USA,France,Australia,the UK,Singapore,park,garden,library,supermarket,Say you say me!,Todays slogan(口号):,Everyone should learn how

13、to make full use of( 充分利用) the time .,I wish you are happy and healthy everyday.,温馨提示,Homework : make a survey,(Ask your friends about their weekends).,Useful sentences:,Did you have a great weekend ? What did you do? When did you do? Where did you go?,Thank you!Bye Bye!,; http:/ 地暖管材 wnd18xpy 月被萧煜痕

14、抓了,萧煜痕约我三日后到城南的寒山寺见面。”“60,你可不能去啊,可是初月姐姐”“我知道,可是别无他法。木月,我们都先冷静一下,让我想想办法,想办法”木月虽然焦急,但看着60呆滞的表情也不忍心在催促,只能在心里暗暗祈祷初月姐姐没事,但眼里闪烁的金莹泪光已经宣告了她的心思,两个人相对无言。 第014章 谋划周复始雪城除了纪家这一脉是雪城世代的传承者外,雪城还有另一大家族,以为雪城祭祀为主,那就是庄家。这一代庄家都是女人当家,庄老夫人是个极其深明大义的人,她为人也爽快仗义,当纪雪芙带着木月来到庄家求见庄家大60,也是新一届雪城圣女的时候,并无太多阻拦。庄家给圣女修了专门的圣坛,以供圣女潜心修行用,

15、沈女的职责除了守护和为雪城祭祀外,婚配只能与纪家子孙结合,可以说,圣女就是变相的纪家儿媳人选。 圣女本命庄奕欢,是纪家兄妹从小到大的好朋友,而她当圣女纯属是个意外。圣女的选拔一直是很严格神圣的,那年庄奕欢刚出生,纪雪舟3岁,刚好遇见老圣女圆寂,打破了一贯的选拔惯例。老圣女圆寂前的遗言是她会在日出的东方诞生,而后随手指了个地方,结果在方圆几里的东边日出时候,庄奕欢生下来了,众人都认为这是老圣女的转世,便把还不足月的庄奕欢立为圣女。老圣女为什么不是纪家的媳妇呢?那是因为纪莫生一辈子就只生了一个儿子,就是纪雪芙和纪雪舟的爹。但是因为姑姑嫁给日曜国后,日曜的皇帝无视我雪城,滥杀姑姑姓名,爷爷一怒之下与




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