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1、,TRANSF RM,ITS TIME TO,YOUR MARKETING.,“,-noun“,transformationA change or alteration, “ especially a radical one.“,SOURCE: WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY,2,the Internet has turned what used to be a controlled, one-way message into “ a real-time dialogue with millions.,3,DANIELLE SACKS THE FUTURE OF ADVERT

2、ISING FAST COMPANY, NOVEMBER 17, 2010,SOURCE: PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT, MAY 2010,79%of adult Americans use the Internet.,“,4 4,5,78% “ conduct product research online.,of Internet users,SOURCE: PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT, MAY 2010,6,SOURCE: COMSCORE, AUGUST 2010,searches are co

3、nducted “ every month on Google.,7,SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY, JANUARY 2011,The average US Internet user“ views“web pages per month.,8,SOURCE: THE MEDIA AUDIT, OCTOBER 2010,1/3,of US consumers spend “ three or more hours online every day.,9,24% “ of adults have posted comments “ or reviews online a

4、bout the things they buy.,SOURCE: ONLINE PRODUCT RESEARCH, SEPTEMBER 29, 2010,10,Your customers are relying more & more on,social. 9 out of 10,9 out of 10 Internet users visited “ a social networking site each month in 2010.,SOURCE: COMSCORE, FEBRUARY 2011,11,1 out of every 8 “ minutes online “ is s

5、pent on Facebook.,SOURCE: COMSCORE, FEBRUARY 2011,12,SOURCE: RJMETRICS, JANUARY 2010,Twitters active user base generates 90 Milliontweets per day.,13,SOURCE: EMARKETER, AUGUST 2010,More than half “ of all Internet users “ read blogs at least monthly.,14,SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY, NOVEMBER 2010,SOC

6、IAL NETWORKS/BLOGS,ONLINE,GAMES,EMAIL,PORTALS,VIDEOS/MOVIES,US Internet users spend “minutes on blogs “& social networks “than on email. = 1 MINUTE,of Facebooks,40%“ “ user base is “ age 35+.,15,SOURCE: ISTRATEGY LABS, JANUARY 2010,16,of Facebook “ users have “ become “fans” “ of at least “ one comp

7、any.,SOURCE: EXACTTARGET, 2011,the d c,17,22%,28%,AGE 12-17,AGE 18-24-1%,AGE 25-34,AGE 35-44,AGE 45-54,AGE 55-64,AGE 65+,-8% -12% -18% (% CHANGE, DECEMBER 2009 DECEMBER 2010)-59%,SOURCE: COMSCORE, DECEMBER 2010,Web-based email usage “ is on e line.,Search engines, blogging & other Internet trends ha

8、ve fundamentally transformed “ the way people & businesses purchase products, “ but most small businesses still use outdated “ & inefcient marketing methodslike print advertising, telemarketing & trade shows“,18,that people increasingly nd intrusive “ & screen out.“ BRIAN HALLIGAN CO-FOUNDER & CEO H

9、UBSPOT,19,click on are o,SOURCE: MARKETING SHERPA, FEBRUARY 6, 2007,20,of business people “ use their mobile device “ to check email.,SOURCE: AT&T, MARCH 2011,21,of US smartphone owners compare prices “ on their mobile device while in-store, “ shopping for an item.,SOURCE: COMSCORE, JANUARY 2011,22,

10、1 in 5 US adult mobile phone owners “have used their device to make a purchase “in the past month.,SOURCE: MOBILE MARKETING ASSOCIATION & LUTH RESEARCH, MAY 2010,23,of US households have,40% a DVR.,SOURCE: LEICHTMAN RESEARCH GROUP, INC., SEPTEMBER, 2010,24,Americans have registered the Federal,200 M

11、illionTrade Commissions “ “Do Not Call” list.,SOURCE: FTC, JULY 2010,25,46%. The decline in spending “on tech trade shows in 2009.,SOURCE: TRADESHOW EXHIBITORS ASSOCIATION, MARCH 2009,26,91% of email users have “ unsubscribed “ from a company email “ they previously opted-in to.,SOURCE: EXACTTARGET,

12、 , 2011,27,of 25-34 year-olds have left “ a favorite website because of “ intrusive or irrelevant advertising.,SOURCE: HOWTO.TV, APRIL 2008,28,CRAIG DAVIS CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER, WORLDWIDE J. WALTER THOMPSON (WORLDS 4TH LARGEST AD AGENCY),Audiences everywhere are tough. They dont have time to be bor

13、ed or brow beaten by orthodox, “ old-fashioned advertising.We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in &“ be what people “ are interested in.”,“ adjective“,newMarkedly different from what was before; changed, especially for the better.“,29,SOURCE: WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY,30,This is y

14、our new business card.,OUTBOUND,INBOUND,31,This “ is “ your “ new “ marketing “ mix.,32,Helpful Relevant Remarkable Frequent,ask yourself how you can be of service to your current and potential customers. What problems can you solve? What questions can you answer? What knowledge can you share?Read m

15、ore: http:/ tabid/6307/bid/10291/Helpful-is-the-New- Viral.aspx#ixzz1GsSghdGN,Be helpful. Helpful is the new viral.,33,Generous is the new cautious & controlled.,34,Remarkable is the new business as usual.,35,Link love is the new ad buy.,36,Targeted landing pages & clear calls to action “ are the ne

16、w visit my homepage.,37,Keywords are the new neon signs.,38,39,If you dont like change, “ youre going to like “ irrelevancy even less.” GENERAL ERIC SHINSEKII, 2003,inbound marketing“ -noun“Any marketing tactic that relies “ on earning peoples interest “ instead of buying it; “ a.k.a. the key to marketing “ transformation.“,40,SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA,41,Inbound marketing “ in a nutshell. 1: GET FOUND ONLINE3: ANALYZE & IMPROVE2: CONVERT VISITORS & LEADS,


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