冀教版七下unit4 lesson31an e-mail from li mingppt培训课件

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1、Lesson 31 An E-mail from Li Ming,New words,news n. 新闻;消息 PM 下午 way n. 道路 bedroom n. 卧室 yours pron. 你的 truly adv. 真正地 AM 上午 next adj. 下次的;下一个,bedroom,Think about it,Would you like to live with your best friend? Why or why not? Where would you live: at his / her home or yours? Why? Why is Danny excite

2、d?,E-mail from Li Ming,Dear Jenny and Danny, Thank you for your invitation! I have some good news. My parents said yes! I can come as soon as you are ready. By the way, here are some pictures of our trip to Beijing. I had a great time with you in Beijing. I like Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museu

3、m. I liked our hotel. I liked the Great Wall. I liked going to Wagnfujing to buy gifts. The picture of the panda is for Danny. The panda is in my bedroom. Danny. It is fine! How is your tail, Danny? Please send me an e-mail soon. Yours truly, Li Ming,Lets do it,Imagine you are Li Ming. Write a reply

4、 to Jennys e-mail. Tell her when you will arrive in Canada. Tell her how you feel about your trip to Canada. Tell her what you want to do there.,An E-mail from Li Ming 一封来自李明的电子邮件 a /an 是不定冠词, a 用于以辅音开头的单词前;an 用于以元音开头的单词前。例如: Give me a book please. 请给我一本书。 He drives a car at 90 miles an hour. 他开车的速度

5、达每小时90英里。 拓展:a 常出现的固定词组: in a hurry 急促地 in a word 一句话 have a good time 玩得开心 a bit 一点 have a cold 感冒 a piece of 一片/块,I can come as soon as you are ready. 你们一准备好,我就可以来了。 这是一个带有时间状语从句的复合句,其中 as soon as 引导时间状语从句。 as soon as 一就 I will write to you as soon as I get there. 我一到那就给你写信。 Ann began doing her ho

6、mework as soon as she got home. 安一回到家就开始写作业。,I had a great time with you in Beijing. 在北京,我和你们过得很愉快。 had 是 have 或 has 的过去式。例如: They had a lot of friends. (had 是 have 的过去式) 他们有许多朋友。 She had some eggs. (had 是 has 的过去式)她又一些鸡蛋。 have/has v. 有;拥有,即某物归某人所有。例如: I have a new piano. 我有一架新钢琴。 have a great time

7、玩得开心,过得愉快。还可以说:have a good/nice/wonderful time 特别提醒:在上述词组中,a 不能去掉。 with prep. 和;跟;与一起;以; 用;对,关于。例如: Did you go to the cinema with Tom?(with和;跟)你和汤姆去电影院了吗? He left with these words. (with 与一起;随着) 说着这些话他离开了。 I bought a bike with that money. (with用) 我用那笔钱买了一辆自行车。 Whats wrong with her?(with对,关于)她怎么啦?,I

8、liked going to Wangfujing to buy gifts. 我喜欢去王府井买礼物。 like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,表示习惯性的动作。like to do sth. 表示一次性的,未发生的动作。例如: I like reading very much. 我非常喜欢读书。 I like to visit a friend of mine tonight. 今晚我想拜访我的一个朋友。 like v. 喜欢;愿意(反义词:dislike 不喜欢)。例如: My sister likes apples. 我妹妹爱吃苹果。 Please do as you like. 你

9、喜欢怎么做就怎么做。 2)adj. 相像的;相同的(反义词:unlike 不像)。例如: They are as like as two peas. 他们一模一样。 Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。(谚语) 3)prep. 像;想要;常用词组有: look like 看起来像 feel like 想要 be like 像,The picture of the panda is for Danny. 这张熊猫照片是给丹尼的。 the 是定冠词,用法如下: 指特定的人或物 “这(那)个;这(那)些”。例如: the river 这条河 指已提到的或正谈到的人或物。例

10、如: Who was the visitor? 来访者是谁? 指独一无二的事物。例如: the sun/the moon/the sky/the east 太阳/月亮/天空/东方 用于乐器名称前。例如: play the violin 拉小提琴 用在序数词、形容词或副词最高级前。例如: the first 第一 the most interesting 最有趣的 用于专有名词前。例如: the Great Wall 长城 用于与形容词前,指一类人。例如: the old and the young 老年人和青年人,Please send me an e-mail soon. 请尽快给我回电子邮

11、件。 send v. 送,寄;派人去请。例如: I send him several letters. 我寄给他几封信。 Who sent you to me? 谁把你派到我这里来的? 拓展:send 组成的常用词组: send for 派人去请 send away 开除 send up 发射 send sb. to 送某人去 soon 不久以后,很快 I will come back soon. 我很快就回来。 Please hand in your homework soon. 请尽快交上你的作业。,Yours truly. 您忠实的 yours truly 经常用于与写信结束后的敬语,也可以直接说 yours。 有时在书信的结尾落款处写谦词、敬语或祝福语。例如: Yours ever (你永远的),Love(爱你的),Best wishes(向你祝以最美好的祝愿)等。 truly 是 true 的副词形式,意为 “真正地;正确地:。例如: He never speaks truly. 他从不讲真话。,Goodbye!,



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