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1、工 业 设 计,攀枝花学院工业设计专业,曾富洪,结构素描,结构素描,结构素描,结构素描,三大构成,构成是一个近代造型概念,其含义是指将不同或相同形态的几个以上的单元重新组合成为一个新的单元,构成对象的主要形态,包括自然形态、几何形态和抽象形态。并赋予其视觉化的、力学化的观念。平面构成探讨的是二度空间的视觉文法。其构成形式主要有重复、近似、渐变、变异、对比、集结、发射、特异、空间与矛盾空间、分割、肌理及错视等等。,平面构成,平面构成是视觉元素在二次元的平面上,按照美的视觉效果,力学的原理,进行编排和组合,它是以理性和逻辑推理来创造形象、研究形象与形象之间的排列的方法。是理性与感性相结合的产物.,

2、平面构成,平面构成,色彩构成,色彩构成(Interaction of Color),即色彩的相互作用,是从人对色彩的知觉和心理效果出发,用科学分析的方法,把复杂的色彩现象还原为基本要素,利用色彩在空间、量与质上的可变幻性,按照一定的规律去组合各构成之间的相互关系,再创造出新的色彩效果的过程。色彩构成是艺术设计的基础理论之一,它与平面构成及立体构成有着不可分割的关系,色彩不能脱离形体、空间、位置、面积、肌理等而独立存在。,色彩构成,立体构成,立体构成也称为空间构成。立体构成是用一定的材料、以视觉为基础,力学为依据,将造型要素,按照一定的构成原则,组合成美好的形体的构成方法。它是以点、线、面、对称

3、、肌理由来,研究空间立体形态的学科,也是研究立体造型各元素的构成法则。其任务是,揭开立体造型的基本规律阐明立体设计的基本原理。,立体构成,立体构成,立体构成,设计速写,快速概况地描绘对象,速写的英文是shetch,有草图的意思,设计速写,设计速写,设计速写,设计速写,设计表现技法,设计表现技法,设计表现技法,设计表现技法,设计表现技法,设计表现技法,Water & Wisdom,This is a charity donation project for Third World children that would run in collaboration with an internati

4、onal charity association. Water is needed to preserve life, but wisdom is required to change ones future. Water & Wisdom uses the cardboard packaging for bottles of mineral water as the basis for a board game to achieve that target. The inside of the box is printed with a chessboard. The bottle caps

5、 serve as the chess pieces. They are coloured either black or white and printed with icons. When the box is empty, it can be unfolded to create the chessboard. The boxes of water can be purchased from a website and the charity will deliver them.,产品设计,Although luggage deposit services are provided in

6、 many airports, very few passengers are keen to go through the long deposit procedure when they simply want to go the bathroom or take a nap. What to do with ones luggage in such instances is a particular problem for those who are travelling alone. Luggage Sitter resolves the issue. This redesign of

7、 the retractable suitcase handle allows it to be used as a lock. When needed, the handle can be pulled out from the retracting framework, folded over, and locked onto the framework. Flexible cords, which connect the handle and framework, can secure the suitcase to an armrest or similar structure.,Lu

8、ggage Sitter,Luggage Sitter,It is simple to use Rainy Pot. Just pour some water into the opening on the top of the cloud form, and raindrops will fall through small holes in its base and onto the plant below. The gentle effect of raindrops is less stressful for the plant than having a torrent of wat

9、er poured on it from a cup, for example. Indoor plants tend to have weak and shallow roots. When too much water is provided, the plants can become stressed and the roots can decompose. Furthermore, the plant does not need to be taken outside for watering as is the case with large watering cans (whic

10、h can make a mess via spillage). There is also an emotional benefit. Rainy Pot mimics the natural weather system, which can be soothing to grownups and educational for children. Rainy Pot can also contribute to ones interior decoration schem,Rainy Pot,L-Burner,The most commonly used portable gas bur

11、ners are equipped with a 68mm-sized butane gas container. Typically, their design does not stray from the standardised box shape, and their volume and weight tend to be considerable. In consideration of the fact that the 68mm gas container is cylindrical, it is possible for the gas burner to take a

12、very different form. The body of the space-saving L-Burner has a slim cylindrical (or pipe) shape and can be carried easily. It features a central L-joint. To one side of the joint, the gas container is stored within the pipe. On the other side is the burner. The L-shape offers structural stability

13、during use. The ignition ball and gas container are sufficiently separated such that the risk of explosion due to overheating is overcome. The sliding ignition lever enables easy operation and ensures safety. L-Burner can be conveniently carried by grabbing the pot stands or attaching a strap and sl

14、inging it over your shoulder.,L-Burner,Rainy Pot,Hanger,Hanger with Size allows the seller to quickly and clearly indicate the size of the garment on the hanger by rotating the dial. The customer can readily find the size they are looking for thanks to the clear S, M, L, or XL markings. The store ne

15、ednt buy hangers marked with each different size; Hanger with Size can be adjusted for re-use with any garment size,Second Skin Emergency Protection Blanket,Second Skin is an emergency protection blanket designed for use immediately after an earthquake. Consisting of a temporary shelter, a stretcher

16、, and an emergency blanket, it was designed to assist untrained volunteers with their efforts to rescue victims,Water Spider,Water Spider provides a means of supplying drinking water to people who are trapped beneath the rubble after an earthquake. It helps to keep victims alive while they await res

17、cue.,Placed Socket,Having nowhere to place your mobile phone when youre charging it is a common problem. Placed Socket is an electrical socket with a fold-down lid on which phones (and other devices) can be placed while they are being charged. While smaller devices can be laid flat, larger ones can be leaned against the wall. The fold-down lid is perforated in alignment with the socket, so devices can also be plugged in when the lid is closed.,



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